Data Assimilation Meetings at Reading

If you would like to be informed about future meetings please email and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Previous meetings


6 December 2017 Invited Speaker Jason Otkin (University of Wisconsin Madison)
Nonlinear Bias Correction for Satellite Data Assimilation using Taylor Series Polynomials
29 November 2017 (10:30-12:00) Invited Speakers from SPAT group Luke Phillipson (Imperial College)
Impact of data assimilation on ocean current forecasts in the Angola Basin
Yi Li (Imperial College)
Improvement of TC forecast by assimilating ocean surface currents
Cesar Quilodran-Casas (Imperial College)
Fast ocean data assimilation using a reduced-space regional ocean model of the North Brazil Current
15 November 2017 Visiting PhD student Charlotte Breitkreuz (Universitat Bremen)
A particle method for parameter estimation in paleo-ocean modelling
8 November 2017 Invited Speaker Steve Penny (University of Maryland / NOAA)
Hybrid-gain data assimilation and the synchronization of chaotic systems
25 October 2017 No seminar MPE-CDT sandpit meeting
24 October 2017 (Tuesday)
Palmer 106
Invited Speaker Derek Posselt (JPL)
Model Parameter Estimation Using Nonlinear Ensemble Algorithms
18 October 2017 Invited Speaker Alison Ramage (U of Strathclyde)
A Multilevel Approximation of the inverse Hessian in 4D-Var
11 October 2017 Visiting PhD Student Jacob Skauvold (NTNU)
Data assimilation for a geological process model - Is the EnKF the right tool for the job?
11 October 2017 Visiting Scientist Mineto Satoh (NEC Japan)
Introduction of collaborative research, toward efficient DA algorithms for fluctuating and controllable systems
4 October 2017 Invited Speaker Steven Fletcher (Colorado State University)
Recent Developments in Mixed Gaussian-Lognormal based variational data assimilation
27 September 2017 Internal Speaker James Shaw (UoR)
Subsampling for uncertainty quantification
27 September 2017 Visiting PhD Student Charlotte Breitkreuz (Universitat Bremen)
Introduction to the group
13 September 2017 No Seminar WMO DA meeting in Brazil
9 August 2017
Internal Speaker Diego DePablos (UoR)
Can cars provide high quality temperature observations for use in weather forecast?
3 August 2017
1L43, 10:30
Invited Speaker Sergiy Zhuk (IBM)
Detectability for data assimilation: how to place sensors to have your filter converged?
3 August 2017
1L43, 11:30
Invited Speaker Tristan van Leeuwen (University of Ultrech)
Relaxation for non-linear seismic inversion
1 August 2017
Invited Speaker Sergey Frolov (US NRL)
Coupled data assimilation efforts at the US Naval Research Laboratory
19 July 2017 Internal Speaker Jeremy Holzke (UoR)
Improving aircraft observatinos using data assimilation
28 June 2017 No Seminar NCEO annual conference
21 June 2017 Invited Speaker Luke Smallman (University of Edinburgh)
Understanding terrestrial ecosystem processes using model-data fusion approaches: Challenges and opportunities
14 June 2017 Internal Speaker Lea Oljaca (UoR)
Data assimilation in the 2D incompressible Navier Stokes and Lorenz '63 model
7 June 2017 Internal Speaker Jemima Tabeart (UoR)
Accounting for correlated observation errors in variational data assimilation
17 May 2017 Invited Speaker Jurrian Gillisen (Singapore-MIT)
A space-time integral minimization method for reconstructing velocity fields from scalar fields
10 May 2017 Internal Speaker Jochen Broecker (UoR)
What is the correct cost-function in 4DVar?
3 May 2017 Invited Speaker Walter Acevedo (Potsdam Universitat)
Hybrid particle-Kalman filtering via likelihood splitting, optimal coupling and moment matching
26 April 2017 No seminar EGU, Vienna
25 April 2017 Invited Speaker Elisabeth Bauernschubert (DWD)
Assimilation of radial winds in an ensemble Kalman filter on the convective scale
29 March 2017 No seminar NCEO Researchers Forum
22 March 2017 Internal Speaker Javier Amezcua (University of Reading)
Properties of families of WC4DVars
9 March 2017
Chancellors G13
Invited Speaker Patrick Raanes (NERSC)
Gaussian scale mixtures and adaptive inflation in the EnKF
8 March 2017
11-13, Miller G19
Invited Speaker Murray Pollock (University of Warwick)
Exact Bayesian Inference for Big Data
1 March 2017
11-13, Miller G19
Internal Speaker

Invited Speaker
Philip Maybank (University of Reading)
Fast approximate Bayesian inference for stable differential equation models
Will Penny (UCL)
Bayesian Inference for Brain Connectivity Modelling
22 February 2017
Invited Speaker Antje Weisheimer (Oxford University)
Seasonal forecasts and skills of predicting NAO from a 110-year hindcast data set
15 February 2017 No seminar SCENARIO DA course, UoR
8 February 2016 Internal Speaker Felipe Medina Aguayo (University of Reading)
Approximate MCMC, sacrificing exactness for speed
1 February 2016
Invited Speaker Nick Kantas (Imperial College)
Particle filtering: a brief tutorial on the methodology and some extensions that are useful for high dimensional systems
25 January 2017 Internal Speaker Gernot Geppert (University of Reading)
Analysis and application of the EnKF for the estimation of bounded quantities
18 February 2017 Invited Speaker
Dan Crisan (Imperial College)
Principled data assimilation: dream or reality.


7 December 2016
Internal Speaker Alison Fowler (University of Reading
On the interaction of a-priori and observation error correlations
30 November 2016
Internal Speaker Amsalework Ejigu (University of Reading)
LETKF experiments with Darcy model in EMPIRE
23 November 2016
Invited Speaker Nick Schutgens (Oxford University)
16 November 2016
No seminar ECMWF seminar
Representing model uncertainty in the ECMWF ensemble system
14 November 2016
URS 2s12 (2 PM)
Invited Speaker Femke Vossepoel (Delft University of Technology)
Data assimilation methodologies for monitoring surface effects of producing hydrocarbon reservoirs
9 November 2016
Invited Speaker Nick Gould, Tyrone Rees and Jennifer Scott (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab)
Least squares: are we fit for the future?
2 November 2016
Invited Speaker Tom Kent (University of Leeds)
An idealised fluid model for convective-scale NWP: dynamics and data assimilation
26 October 2016
Internal Speaker Chris Thomas (University of Reading)
Using lagged covariances in data assimilation
19 October 2016
No seminar MPE meeting at Imperial College
13 July 2016
Agric 1L08
Invited Speaker Bill Campbell (NRL)
Accounting for Correlated Satellite Observation Error in Variational Data Assimilation
11 July 2016 (Monday)
Met GU01
Invited Speaker Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN)
Big Data, Supercomputing, and Data Assimilation
28 June 2016 (Tuesday)
Agriculture 1L14, 12 PM
Invited Speaker Matthias Morzfeld (University of Arizona)
Data assimilation by the Ensemble Kalman filter and other particle filters-- why are 50 ensemble members enough?
08 June 2016
Miller G19
Internal Speaker Polly Smith (UoR)
Estimating atmosphere-ocean forecast error cross-covariances for strongly coupled 4D-Var data assimilation
01 June 2016
10:15 AM, Allen Lab G10
Internal Speaker Philip Browne (UoR)
Tutorial: Introduction to EMPIRE
25 May 2016
Met GU01
Internal Speaker Elske van der Vaart (UoR)
Fitting Mechanistic Computer Simulation Models to Repeated Measures Data using Approximate Bayesian Computation
19 May 2016
URS 2n13
Invited Speaker Naratip Santitissadeekorn (University of Surrey)
Coherent structure approach for parameter estimation in Lagrangian Data Assimilation
18 May 2016
Miller G19
Invited Speaker Steve Penny (University of Maryland)
Ocean and Coupled Data Assimilation: theory, practice, and what lies on the horizon
12 May 2016
URS 2n13
Inivited Speaker Ibrahim Hoteit (KAUST)
Towards an Ensemble Forecasting System for the Red Sea: Algorithmic Developments and Recent Results
11 May 2016
Miller G19
Invited Speaker Nick Whiteley (University of Bristol)
Variance estimation in the particle filter
5 May 2016
Met GU01
Invited Speaker Daryl Kleist (University of Maryland)
Using advanced data assimilation to improve operational predictions from the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) model
4 May 2016
Miller G19
Invited Speaker Ulrich Parliz (GAU Gottingen)
Challenging Applications for State and Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Cardiac Dynamics
27 April 2016
Miller G19
Invited Speaker Daniel Sanz-Alonso (University of Warwick)
Importance Sampling for Data Assimilation
9 March 2016
Agric 1U02
Invited Speaker Lei Ren (NUI Galway)
Assimilation of High-Frequency radar data into a hydrodynamic model for a wind dominated water body
9 March 2016 Internal Speaker David Livings (University of Reading)
Probability in Variational Data Assimilation
12 February 2016
Agric 1L14, 11 AM
Invited Speaker Tijana Janjic-Pfander (LMU)
Approaches to convective scale data assimilation
10 February 2016
Maths 113, 11 AM
Invited Speaker Joaquin Miguez (QUML)
Parallelisation schemes for fast particle filtering
12 January 2016
Tuesday 1:15 PM,
Agric 1L22
Invited Speaker Jonathan Flowerdew (UK Met Office)
Initial trials of a convective-scale ensemble filter


11 December 2015
Friday 2 PM, Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Marek Wlasak (Met Office)
Static global background covariances used in hybrid 4D-Var: Current status and potential developments
18 November 2015 Special Meeting DARC research display for special guest
12 November 2015
Invited Speaker Colin Grudzien (University of North Carolina)
Rank Reduction of Kalman Filter Covariances and the Unstable Subspace
4 November 2015 Invited Speaker Sean Elvidge (University of Birmingham)
Current techniques and future challenges for modelling the ionosphere with data assimilation
28 October 2015 Invited Speaker Pierre Gauthier (UQAM)
Estimation of observation errors and their correlations in AIRS radiance data
7 October 2015 Invited Speaker David Fairbairn (Meteo France)
Comparing the ensemble and extended Kalman filters for in situ soil moisture assimilation with contrasting conditions
30 September 2015
Agric GU04
Internal Speaker Michael Goodliff (UoR)
A weak-constraint 4D-Ensemble-Var
5 August 2015
G74 Philip Lyle building
Invited Speaker Lars Nerger (AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany)
The HBM-PDAF assimilation system for forecasts of physics and biogeochemistry in the North and Baltic Seas
21 July 2015
11 AM, 1L61
Invited Speaker Fuqing Zhang (Penn State University)
Advances and challenges in regional ensemble and hybrid data assimilation
15 July 2015 Internal Speaker Mengbin Zhu (University of Reading)
1 July 2015 Invited Speaker Christopher Wilson (University of Leeds)
24 June 2015 Invited Speaker Lyudmila Mihaylova (University of Sheffield)
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Tracking and Inference
10 June 2015 Invited Speaker Luke Smallman (University of Edinburgh)
Improving our understanding of ecosystem processes using data assimilation
5 June 2015
Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Jeff Anderson (NCAR)
Automated Design of Localization for Ensemble Kalman Filter
27 May 2015 Internal Speaker Katherine Howes (University of Reading)
Allowing for model error in strong constraint 4DVAR
20 May 2015 Internal Speakers Sarah Dance and Joanne Waller (University of Reading)
SD: Theoretical insight into diagnosing observation error spatial correlations using background and analysis innovation statistics.
JW: Diagnosing spatial and inter channel observation error statistics for Doppler radar radial wind and SEVIRI observations.
29 April 2015 Invited Speaker Ben Timmermans (University of Southampton)
Uncertainty in a numerical wind-wave model
22 April 2015 Invited Speaker Alan Cooper and Catherine Villaret (HR Wallingford)
Data Assimilation for tidal surge forecasting and uncertainty analysis for morphodynamics modelling
25 March 2015 Internal Speaker Adam El-Said (University of Reading)
Conditioning of the weak-constraint 4DVAR problem
18 March 2015 Invited Speaker Craig Bishop (Naval Research Laboratory)
The gig filter and its potential use in Earth-system analysis and prediction
16 March 2015
(GU01, 12PM)
Invited Speaker
(Met departmental seminar)
Craig Bishop (Naval Research Laboratory)
Climate model dependence and the Ensemble Dependence Transformation of CMIP projections
11 March 2015 Internal Speaker Melanie Ades (University of Reading)
Estimating the full posterior pdf with particle filters
4 March 2015 Invited Speaker Enza di Tomaso (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre)
Aerosol Data Assimilation at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
25 February 2015 Internal Speakers
(short talks)
Nikos Katzourakis (University of Reading)
Jochen Broecker (University of Reading)
How can Calculus of Variations in the supremum norm optimise the results of Data Assimilation?
11 February 2015 Internal Speaker
(short talk)
Alison Fowler (University of Reading)
Model error in coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation
21 January 2015 Internal Speaker Peter Jan van Leeuwen (University of Reading)
Representation errors in linear and nonlinear data assimilation


3 December 2014 Invited Speaker Boris Afanasiev
Kernel methods in Machine Learning
26 November 2014 Invited Speaker Paul Childs (Schlumberger)
Weak Constraints in Seismic Imaging and the Relation to Data Assimilation
19 November 2014 Invited Speaker Naratip Santitissadeekorn (University of Surrey)
Joint state-parameter data assimilation by a two-stage filtering technique.
5 November 2014 Internal Speaker Polly Smith (University of Reading)
Exploring coupled 4D-Var data assimilation using an idealised atmosphere-ocean model.
29 October 2014 Invited Speaker Maelle Nodet (University of Grenoble)
Accounting for correlated observation errors in image data assimilation
28 October 2014
1L61, 10AM
Invited Speaker Heikki Haario (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)
Model parameters of chaotic dynamics: metrics for comparing trajectories
22 October 2014 Invited Speaker Simon Lang (ECMWF)
The effect of perturbation re-centring on ensemble forecasts
8 October 2014 Invited Speaker Rossella Arcucci (Imperial College)
A Scalable Approach for Variational Data Assimilation
13 August 2014
Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Yovany Cordero (University of Bremen)
Covariance update in the data assimilation for state and parameter estimation
16 July 2014
Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Tim Jupp and Nina Raoult (University of Exeter)
Calibration of the land-surface model JULES using an adjoint
3 July 2014
Special date and time
Agric GU04, 11:30 AM
Invited Speaker Lars Nerger (AWI)
Aspects of localization in ensemble Kalman filters
25 June 2014 Internal Speaker Yuanfu Xie (NOAA ESRL)
Impact of Control Variables in Variational Data Assimilation Systems
23 June 2014
Special date
Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Matthias Morzfeld (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
18 June 2014 Invited Speaker Marco Iglesias (University of Nottingham)
Regularising Ensemble Kalman Methods for Inverse Problems
17 June 2014
Special date
Agric 1L06
Invited Speaker Jonathan Weare (University of Chicago)
Data assimilation in the low noise regime
11 June 2014 Invited Speaker Mohamed Jardak (Met Office)
The Ensemble Variational Assimilation and Bayesian Estimation
4 June 2014 Invited Speaker Brett Candy (Met Office)
Land Surface Data Assimilation at the Met Office
Richard Renshaw (Met Office)
Regional Reanalysis at the Met Office, Looking Back going Forward
2 June 2014
Met 1L61
Invited Speaker Mike Cullen (Met Office)
Data assimilation in the presence of model error
28 May 2014
Lunchtime seminar Peter Jan van Leeuwen (University of Reading)
Data Assimilation: What NWP Centres Do and What They Should Be Doing
28 May 2014 Internal Speaker Noeleene Mallia (University of Reading)
Assessing the Performance of Data Assimilation Algorithms with Linear Error Feedback
21 May 2014 Internal Speaker Jon Robson (University of Reading)
A novel transport assimilation method for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26N
14 May 2014 No seminar Warwick DA meeting
7 May 2014 Invited Speaker Eric Boisseson (ECMWF)
The Coupled ECMWF Reanalysis
6 May 2014
Special date
Invited Speaker Norikazu Ikoma (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Real-time applications of particle filters in engineering field
30 April 2014 No seminar EGU annual meeting
23 April 2014 No seminar ESA correlated obs workshop
16 April 2014 No seminar RMS meeting: The maths of planet Earth
9 April 2014 Internal Speaker Emma Villeneuve (University of Reading)
Estimation of limb angular kinematics using particle filter
19 March 2014 Invited Speaker Chiara Piccolo (Met Office)
Evaluation of model error using data assimilation
12 March 2014
12:10-12:55 Met 1L61
PhD Quo Vadis 12:10. Seonaid Dey.
High resolution ensemble analysis: linking correlations and spread to physical processes.
12:25. Mike Goodliff.
The Comparison of Different Hybrid Data Assimilation Methods.
12:40. Matt Lang.
Parameterisation Estimation Using Data Assimilation.
5 March 2014 Internal Speaker Katherine Howes (University of Reading)
Developing coupled data assimilation methods in the presence of model error.
26 February 2014 No seminar Munich DA meeting
19 February 2014 Internal Speaker Ingo Bojak (University of Reading)
The cake is a lie - Limits to biological realism in (neural population) models.
12 February 2014 Invited Speaker Nikolaos Kantas (Imperial College)
Monte Carlo Methods for High-Dimensional Inverse Problems: A case study for the Navier-Stokes equations
5 February 2014 Internal Speaker Dennis Prangle (University of Reading)
Approximate Bayesian Computation and Particle Filters
22 January 2014 Invited Speaker Wonjung Leew (Warwick University)
The adaptive patched particle filter and its implementation.
15 January 2014 Invited Speaker Steven Greybush (Penn State University)
Ensemble data assimilation in Mars


4 December 2013 Selime Guriol (ECMWF)
Preconditioning saddle-point systems arising from 4D-Var approach
21 November 2013 Michael Weniger (University of Bonn)
Stochastic Parametrization: A Rigorous Approach to the 3D Primitive Equations
20 November 2013 Sarah Kemp (University of Bristol)
Data assimilation in terrestrial carbon cycle modelling
19 November 2013 Svetlana Dubinkina (Louvain La Neuve)
A data assimilation approach to reconstruct the past climate states
13 November 2013 Oscar Martinez-Alvarado (University of Reading)
Implications of model error for numerical weather and climate prediction
6 November 2013 Elske van der Vaart (University of Reading)
ABC for IBMs: Parametrising Earthworms
30 October 2013 Bertrand Bonan (University of Reading)
An ETKF approach for initial state and parameter estimation in ice sheet modelling
23 October 2013 Shin'ya Nakano (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
A filter algorithm combining ensemble transform Kalman filter and importance sampling
16 October 2013 Anna Hogg (University of Leeds)
Mapping Ice Sheet Grounding Lines Using Earth Observation Data
2 October 2013 Show and tell: what the DARCies are doing
27 September 2013 Alexey Chenov (Universitat Bonn)
Convergence analysis for multilevel variance estimators in Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods and application for random obstacle problems
4 September 2013 Shinya Yamamoto (Shimizu Corporation)
Sequential data assimilation for subsurface flow modeling in civil engineering
17 July 2013 Nancy Nichols (UoR)
New results on model error (weak constraint DA)
2 July 2013 Lars Nerger (AWI)
Ensemble smoothers and the effects of model nonlinearity
26 June 2013 David Fairbairn (Met Office)
Comparisons between 4DVar and 4DEnVar on the Met Office global model
19 June 2013 John Eyre (Met Office)
The impact of the temporal spacing of observations on analysis accuracy.
12 June 2013 Stephen Cornford (University of Bristol)
Adaptive mesh modelling of grounding line retreat in West Antarctica.
5 June 2013 Dan Crisan (Imperial College)
Generalized particle filters.
29 May 2013 Andrew Stuart (University of Warwick)
Ensemble Methods for Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems.
23 May 2013 Aretha Teckentrup (University of Bath)
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty quantification in subsurface flow
22 May 2013 Javier Amezcua (UoR)
Ensemble transform Kalman-Bucy filters.
15 May 2013 Glenn Shutts (Met Office)
Latest thoughts on stochastic kinetic energy backscatter - good and bad.
8 May 2013 Jochen Brocker (UoR)
Variational data assimilation in continuous time.
1 May 2013 Andrew Lorenc (Met Office)
4D-Ensemble-Var a development path for data assimilation at the Met Office.
24 April 2013 Presentation of PhD students for visitor Chris Snyder
22 April 2013 Chris Snyder (UCAR)
Performance bounds for particle filters using the optimal proposal.
27 March 2013 Ross Bannister (UoR)
Parameter estimation in large models
20 March 2013 Matthew Smith (Microsoft)
The climate dependence of the terrestrial carbon cycle, including parameter and structural uncertainties.
13 March 2013 Sian Jenkins (University of Bath)
Numerical Error in 4D-Variational Data Assimilation.
6 March 2013 Jose Gomez-Dans (UCL)
The edge preservation society: Monitoring land surface disturbance using data assimilation.
27 February 2013 Richard Everitt (UoR)
Recent developments in Monte Carlo methods (applied to Markov random fields).
20 February 2013 Coralia Cartis (Edinburgh)
Efficient optimization algorithms for nonlinear least-squares and inverse problems
6 February 2013 Nicola Pounder (UoR)
A variational retrieval scheme for observing stratucumulus with lidar.
30 January 2013 Laure Zanna (University of Oxford)
Modelling & predicting climate with dice.
23 January 2013 Orial Kryeziu (UoR)
Sea surface diurnal warming.
16 January 2013 Alexander Moodey (UoR)
Nonlinear error dynamics for cycled data assimilation methods.
9 January 2013 Joanne Pocock (UoR)
Estimation of observation error covariances using an ensemble transform Kalman filter.


5 December 2012 Matt Szyndel (Schlumberger)
Automated history matching with ECLIPSE and EnKF at Schlumberger
28 November 2012 Sylvain Delahaies (University of Surrey)
Assimilating Eddy covariance measurements with the Data Linked ECosystem (DALEC) model: An ill-posed problem.
21 November 2012 Africa Perianez (UoR and DWD)
Adaptive Localization for Ensemble Methods in Data Assimilation
7 November 2012 Polly Smith (UoR)
Exploring dual formulation weak constraint 4D-Var data assimilation for the California Current System
31 October 2012 Phil Browne (UoR)
Generating 3D adapted grids for data assimilation
17 October 2012 Amos Lawless (UoR)
How to code an adjoint model: A tutorial
3 October 2012 Jochen Broecker (UoR)
Statistical Assessment of Data Assimilation Algorithms
26 September 2012 Sarah Dance (UoR)
On the stability of the ensemble square root filter with finite ensemble size
15 August 2012 Peter Lean (UoR)
Quantifying errors in Atmospheric Motion Vector wind retrievals in a perfect model framework >
8 August 2012 Javier Garcia-Pintado (UoR)
Assimilation of Satellite-based SAR for flood modelling with an ETKF
18 July 2012 John Hemmings (NOC, Southampton)
Constraining Plankton Dynamics for Earth System Models using Ocean Data
11 July 2012 Tristan Quaife (UoR)
Data assimilation and models of the terrestrial biosphere
4 July 2012 Javier Amezcua (UoR, previously at University of Maryland)
Ensemble clustering in deterministic ensemble Kalman filters
2-3 July 2012 Two-day meeting in honour of Prof Nancy Nichols' 70th birthday.
20 June 2012 Roland Potthast (UoR and DWD)
Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction - Between Research and Operational Needs
20 June 2012 RMets meeting: Challenges for data assimiation: from convective-scale to climate. Madjeski Lecture Theatre, University of Reading, 14:00-17:45.
13 June 2012 David Fairbairn (Uni. of Surrey)
Coupling 4D-Var with 4D-En-Var
6th June 2012 Prof. Arnaud Doucet (Oxford University)
Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
31 May 2012
Departmental seminar: Nedjeljka Zagar (University of Ljubljana)
Balance properties of the short-range forecast errors
30 May 2012 Alberto Carrassi (IC3 Barcelona)
Accounting for model error in data assimilation
Vanja Blazica (Uni. of Ljubljana)
Analysis of divergent energy spectra in a limited area model
16 May 2012 David Livings (UoR)
How to Turn an Ensemble Kalman Filter into a Particle Filter
9 May 2012 Robin Hogan (Radar and clouds group, UoR)
Fast reverse-mode automatic differentiation using expression templates in C++
3 May 2012 Jean-Francois Caron (Met Office at Reading)
Mismatching perturbations at the lateral boundaries in limited-area ensemble forecasting
19 April 2012 Neil Bowler (Met Office)
Developing 4D-En-Var as a potential replacement to 4D-Var and the ETKF
28 Mar 2012
Alison Fowler (University of Reading)
Measures of observation impact in non-Gaussian data assimilation
21 Mar 2012 Alex Moodey (University of Reading)
On Error Dynamics and Instability in Data Assimilation
7 Mar 2012 Cristina Prates (University of Reading)
IASI retrievals in the presence of clouds
22 Feb 2012 Ali Rudd, Stefano Migliorini, Laura Baker and Ross Bannister (University of Reading)
The DIAMET project and allowing for model error in high-resolution forecast ensembles
15 Feb 2012 Prof. Carl Wunsch (MIT/Oxford )
An Oceanographer's View of Data Assimilation and Reanalysis
8 Feb 2012 Roel Stappers (University of Reading)
Variational data assimilation without nonlinear models.
1 Feb 2012 Jennie Waters (Met Office, Exeter)
A 3D-VAR data assimilation system in the Met Office's ocean forecasting model.
26 Jan 2012 Sue Ballard (Met Office at Reading)
Data Assimilation for Nowcasting
18 Jan 2012 Ed Pavelin (Met Office, Exeter)
Assimilation of hyperspectral sounder radiances in NWP
11 Jan 2012 Ruth Petrie (University of Reading)
Convective scale background error covariance modelling using normal modes


14 Dec 2011 Dale Partridge (University of Reading)
Assimilation in a moving mesh framework
7 Dec 2011 Prof Juan M. Restrepo (University of Arizona)
Ensemble Bred Vectors, Sensitivity and Reduced Dimension Dynamics.
30 Nov 2011 Prof. Richard Sibly (School of Biological Sciences, Reading)
Evaluation of Agent Based Models, ABMs.
23 Nov 2011 Prof. Nancy Nichols (University of Reading)
The effects of using reduced dimensional models in 4DVar
16 Nov 2011 Wonjung Lee (University of Oxford)
Application of the cubature on Wiener space to turbulence filtering
18 July 2011 Prof. Robert Miller (Oregon State University)
6 July 2011 Dr. Ibrahim Hoteit (KAUST)
Ocean Predictions and Nonlinear Bayesian Filtering
15 June 2011 Dr. Carla Cardinali (ECMWF)
Forecast sensitivity to observations and observation error variance assimilation diagnostics
27 April 2011 Dr. Marko Scholze (University of Bristol)
A combined ensemble-adjoint optimization approach and network design in carbon cycle research.
23 March 2011 Dr. Dan Cornford (Aston University)
Variational Bayesian Methods
16 March 2011 Dr. Igor Gajadze (University of Strathclyde)
Error analysis in nonlinear variational data assimilation problems
9 March 2011 RMetS Special Interst working group on Data Assimilation
16 Feb 2011 Dr. Stefano Migliorini (NCEO, University of Reading)
On the equivalence between radiance and retrieval assimilation: a mathematical perspective
26 Jan 2011 Prof Alexei Likhtman (Mathematics, University of Reading)
Polymer Dynamics and the potential use of particle filters


15 Dec 2010 Dr Sylvain Dalahaies (Surrey)
Using data Assimilation to improve Carbon fluxes measurements
24 Nov 2010 Nathan Smith (Bath)
Image-model cupling for an ionospheric storm:"double data asimilation"
17 Nov 2010 Chris Farmer (Oxford)
Inverse problems: Formulation, Computation, and Interpretation
06 Oct 2010 Hailiang Du (London School of Economics)
Indistinguishable states

Current meetings

Background error covariance matrix for a tropospheric temperature profile

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