Recent temperature extremes, rainfall, sunshine and snow depths over the British Isles

Maximum temperature and daytime rainfall charts are updated at 2010 UTC, the remaining charts are updated at 0810 UTC.

Maps of current weather and temperatures

Location of UK/Ireland 03iii synoptic stations:

  • Plotted locations; click on the map to enlarge it
  • Key to plot
  • Stations are plotted according to their 3-digit WMO iii code - thus in the first link Baltasound is shown by station 002 (the most northerly station). The fact that 002 is Baltasound can be seen in the second link.

Other useful links

My homepage/surface charts
Local weather:
Maidenhead's recent weather and climate
Reading's climate, 1991-2020
Current UK/Ireland weather information:
Current temperature
Current weather
Plotted daily extremes
Monthly summaries:
The month so far - text
Last month - text
The month so far - charts

August 2016: Details and order form for this new book about weather observing.

Details and order form for this limited edition publication.

Met Dept Home

My publications
Maidenhead weather
Current, recent and historical weather in Reading, Berkshire
East Berkshire temperatures
Maidenhead (Berkshire) rainfall
UK weather diary
Reading weather 'on this day in ...'
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Met-Jobs mailing list

Read about and order this NEW book about the weather of Reading.

See also

Royal Meteorological Society

Make your own weather observations? Then see the Climatological Observers Link

The Tornado and Storm Research Organisation

UK/Ireland synoptic station locations: