Daily weather observations at the University of Reading date back to 1901. Here are a selection of weather news stories for Reading since they began - with one or two earlier, newsworthy, items. They will be updated each day. Please let us know if you have any other snippets of news/information.

Any mention of a record refers to observations at the University of Reading - elsewhere in the United Kingdom values may have been higher or lower.

In Reading on 25 April in ...

The wettest April day. Although snow depth measurements at Reading are unknown in April 1908, heavy snow fell in surrounding area and counties on the 24th-26th with 37.3 mm of precipitation at Reading on the 25th when the maximum temperature only reached 5 C. This melted from the 27th onwards and led to severe floods on the Thames and Kennet.
Hail fell at London Road and in some parts of Reading the hail inflicted great damage to fruit trees. One observer in Reading noted: the most prolonged hailstorm for many years, doing considerable damage to fruit trees.
One of the lowest April relative humidities at 0900 GMT on record - 37 %. A fine bright day followed due to the presence of high pressure, despite a N'ly airflow.
One of the sunniest April days on record as 13.6 h of bright sunshine were measured today. A large anticyclone gave a spell of settled weather to Reading although the following two days were rather dull ones.
One of the warmest April nights on record - the air temperature only fell to 12.6 C. Reading, along with E parts of England, lay in a warm sector with mild S'ly winds.