Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Scoping Meeting on Multi-scale Modelling of the Atmosphere and Ocean

Held at the University of Reading, 25-26 March 2009 Organised by Hilary Weller , Matthew Piggott , Nigel Wood and Todd Ringler


Meeting Summary submitted to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Links to Presentations

Christiane Jablonowski, The Pros and Cons of Adaptive Meshes in Atmospheric Finite Volume Models
Bill Skamarock, Way-points on the path to a fully-adaptive atmospheric model
John Thuburn, Wave propagation on adapting, inhomogeneous, and unstructured grids
Terry Davies, Limitations on ever-higher resolution and adaptive mesh refinement
Jörn Behrens, Prerequisites and effects of multiscale and adaptive numerical methods in the geosciences - a perspective from tsunami simulation
Francis Giraldo, Implicit high-order time-integration methods for adaptive multi-scale modeling of the atmosphere and ocean
Vincent Legat, High-order Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Ocean Modelling
Matthew Piggott, Three-dimensional anisotropic mesh adaptivity for multi-scale ocean modelling
Omar Ghattas, Parallel AMR for Petascale Geophysical Problems

Links to Posters

Hilary Weller, Predicting Mesh Density for Adaptive Modelling of the Atmosphere
Peter Hjort Lauritzen, A Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-Tracer Transport Scheme (CSLAM) on the Cubed-Sphere
Catherine Mavriplis, High Order Methods and Adaptivity for Advection Models
Thomas von Larcher and Rupert Klein, Multiple Scales in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology - The DFG Priority Programme 1276 MetStröm
Lucy Bricheno and David Marshall, Three dimensional simulations of rotating dense overflow currents in a dynamically adaptive mesh model
Stefan Jebens, Rudiger Weiner, Oswald Knoth, Explicit Two-Step Peer Methods for the Compressible Euler Equations
Stephane Popinet, Graham Rickard, Joanne O'Callaghan, Quad/octree adaptive modelling of multiscale geophysical flows
Sarah Jane Lock, A. Coals, A. Gadian and S. Mobbs, Exploring a cut-cell representation of terrain in a microscale model
Michael Herzog AMR in the atmosphere: structured versus unstructured grids