References or citations for work undertaken using Atmospheric Observatory instruments or records

Sources and papers using or describing instruments at the Reading Observatory. These materials are available for reference within the Department of Meteorology library (e.g. MSc and PhD theses or dissertations), via a digital object identifier (doi) link, within the University of Reading Centaur document deposition system, or externally via published paper(s) as indicated. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact our department librarian


Updated March 2016


Climate of Reading

Brugge, R. and Burt, S. One Hundred years of Reading Weather. Climatological Observer's Link, 2015 (copies orderable from the Department of Meteorology)



Mike Keil MSc Thesis; Noel Fitzpatrick MSc

R.G. Harrison, Lag-time effects on a naturally ventilated large thermometer screen Quart Jour Roy Meteorol Soc 137, 655, 402-408 (2011)

R.G. Harrison, Natural ventilation effects on temperatures within Stevenson screens Quart Jour Roy Meteorol Soc 136, 646, 253-259 (2010)

Signal conditioning: R.G. Harrison and G.W. Rogers, Fine wire resistance thermometer amplifier for atmospheric measurements Rev Sci Instrum 77, 116112doi:10.1063/1.2400013; R.G. Harrison, and M.A. Pedder, Fine wire thermometer for air temperature measurement Rev Sci Instrum, 72, 2, .1539-1541 (2001)



Linda Hughes MSc Thesis

R.G. Harrison and C.R. Wood, Ventilation effects on humidity measurements in thermometer screens Quart Jour Roy Meteorol Soc 138, 665, 1140-1120 DOI: 10.1002/qj.985 (2012)


Solar radiation

R. Giles Harrison, Nicola Chalmers and Robin J. Hogan, Retrospective cloud determinations from surface solar radiation measurements Atmospheric Research 90, 54-62 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.04.001 

Signal conditioning: R.G. Harrison and J.R. Knight, Thermopile radiometer signal conditioning for surface atmospheric radiation measurements Rev Sci Instrum 77, 116105 doi: 10.1063/1.2370752



C.R. Wood and R.G. Harrison, Mining the geophysical archive: scorch marks from the sky Weather 66, 2, 39-41 (2011)


Visual range

R.G. Harrison, Aerosol-induced correlation between visibility and atmospheric electricity J.Aerosol Sci 52, 121-126.


Clouds and surface atmospheric electricity

R.G. Harrison and M.H.P. Ambaum, Observed atmospheric electricity effect on clouds, Environ. Res. Lett. 4 014003 (2009)

K.A. Nicoll and R.G. Harrison, Vertical current flow through extensive layer clouds J. Atmos Solar-Terr Physics 71, 12, 1219-1221 (2009) doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2009.09.011

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, Evidence for global circuit current flow through water droplet layers, J. Atmos Solar-Terr Physics 71, 12, 1219-1221 (2009)doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2009.04.011

R.G. Harrison and M.H.P. Ambaum, Enhancement of cloud formation by droplet charging Proc Roy Soc Lond A 464, 2561-2573 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2008.0009



R.G. Harrison, A temperature-compensated meteorological barometer Rev Sci Instrum 71, 4, 1909-1910 (2000)


Buncefield plume

T.A. Mather, R.G. Harrison, V.I. Tsanev, D.M. Pyle, M.L. Karumudi, A.J. Bennett, G.M. Sawyer and E.J. Highwood. Observations of the plume generated by the December 2005 oil depot explosions and prolonged fire at Buncefield (Hertfordshire, UK) and associated atmospheric changes Proc Roy Soc A, 463, 1153-1177, (2007) doi:10.1098/rspa.2006.1810


1999 Solar eclipse

S.L. Gray and R.G. Harrison, Diagnosing eclipse-induced wind changes Proc Roy Soc Lond A  468, 2143 1839-1850 (2012) doi: 10.1098/rspa.2012.0007

K.L. Aplin, and R.G. Harrison, Meteorological effects of the eclipse of 11th August 1999 in cloudy and clear conditions Proc Roy Soc Lond A, 459, 2030, 353-372 (10.1098/rspa.2002.1042) (2003)


2015 Solar eclipse

Burt, S.D., Meteorological responses in the atmospheric boundary layer over southern England to the deep partial eclipse of 20 March 2015. Accepted for Phil Trans Roy Soc Lond A, August 2016


Thunderstorm detection

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, Lightning-induced extensive charge sheets provide long range electrostatic thunderstorm detection, Phys Rev Lett 111, 045003 (2013)


Atmospheric electricity

  • Field Mill

Alec Bennett PhD thesis;

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, Atmospheric electricity in different weather conditions Weather 62, 10, 277-283, (2007)

R.G. Harrison, Fair Weather Atmospheric Electricity J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 301 012001 (2011) doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/301/1/012001  

On calibrating the field mill with a long wire. A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, In situ calibration of atmospheric air conductivity measurements Rev Sci Instrum 77, 016103 (2006)

  • Passive wire apparatus

Janet Barlow PhD Thesis;

R.G. Harrison, An antenna electrometer system for atmospheric electrical measurements Rev Sci Instrum 68, 3, 1599-1603 (1997)

R.G. Harrison, An atmospheric electrical voltmeter follower Rev Sci Instrum 67, 7 2636-2638 (1996)

R.G. Harrison, A null method for electric field measurement In: Cunningham S.A.(ed.), Institute of Physics Conference series 143, p319-322 (1995)

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison Surface measurement system for the atmospheric electrical vertical conduction current density, with displacement current correction J. Atmos Solar-Terr Physics 70, 1373-1381, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2008.04.014

  • Ion apparatus

Karen Aplin PhD Thesis;

R.G. Harrison and K.L. Aplin, Water vapour changes and atmospheric cluster ions, Atmospheric Research 85, 199-208, (2007) doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2006.12.006

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, In situ calibration of atmospheric air conductivity measurements Rev Sci Instrum 77, 016103 (2006)

K.L. Aplin, and R.G. Harrison, A self-calibrating programmable mobility spectrometer for atmospheric ion measurements Rev Sci Instrum, 72, 8 3467-3469 (2001)

K.L. Aplin, and R.G. Harrison, A computer-controlled Gerdien atmospheric ion counter Rev Sci Instrum 71, 8, 3037-3041 (2000)

  • Current density (GDACCS) apparatus

Alec Bennett PhD thesis;

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, Surface measurement system for the atmospheric electrical vertical conduction current density, with displacement current correction J. Atmos Solar-Terr Physics 70, 1373-1381,doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2008.04.014

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, A simple atmospheric electrical instrument for educational use Advances in Geosciences 13, 11-15 (2007)

A.J. Bennett and R.G. Harrison, Surface determination of the air-earth electrical current density using co-located sensors of different geometry Rev Sci Instrum 77, 066104 (2006)


R.G. Harrison, A noise-rejecting current amplifier for surface atmospheric ion flux measurements Rev Sci Instru. 68, 9, 3563-3565 (1997)

R.G. Harrison, A portable picoammeter for atmospheric electrical use In: Cunningham S.A.(ed.), Institute of Physics Conference series 143, p223-226 (1995)

  • Point Discharge apparatus

G.J. Marlton, R.G. Harrison, and K.A. Nicoll, Atmospheric point discharge current measurements using a temperature-compensated logarithmic current amplifier Rev Sci Instrum 84, 066103 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4810849