Stratosphere and Climate pages : Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project (S2S) : UoR, Dept Of Meteorology

Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project (S2S)

The current focus of SNAP is analysing the stratospheric predictability and stratosphere-troposphere coupling present in the S2S hindcast dataset. More details of the dataset and how to use it can be found in the SPARC newsletter article about this phase of the proejct.

Data can be accessed through the ECMWF data portal either interactively or via the ECMWF python api. For questions about the data or help accessing it, please contact Andrew Charlton-Perez using the contact link below

Large amounts of hindcast data are available from the following models

Model Time-range Resolution Ens. Freq. Re-forecast Rfc Lngth Rfc Freq Rfc Size
BoM d 0-60 T47L17 33 2/week fix 1981-2013 6/month 33
CMA d 0-60 T106L40 4 daily fix 1994-2014 daily 4
EC d 0-35 0.6x0.6 L40 21 weekly on the fly past 15y weekly 4
ECMWF d 0-46 T639-319 L62 51 2/week on the fly past 20y 2/week 11
HMCR d 0-63 1.1x1.4 L28 20 weekly fix 1985-2010 weekly 10
ISAC d 0-32 0.75x0.56 L54 40 weekly fix 1981-2010 6/month 1
JMA d 0-34 T319L60 25 2/week fix 1981-2013 3/month 5
KMA d 0-60 N216L85 4 daily on the fly 1996-2009 4/month 3
MF d 0-61 T255L91 51 monthly fix 1993-2014 2/month 15
NCEP d 0-44 T126L64 16 daily fix 1999-2010 daily 4
UKMO d 0-60 N216L85 4 daily on the fly 1996-2009 4/month 3