Equations in the rotated grid

The equations need some modifications for use in our rotated reference frame, The changes are detailed below.

Curvature term

The curvature term compensates for the equations being derived on the flat but the World being round. The term is the same form as before,

(A + u) cos(θ') sin(φ')

but the direction in the rotated frame, θ' and the latitude in the rotated frame φ' are used in place of θ and φ.


The real length covered by a change in longitude is RE cos φ dλ, where RE is the radius of the Earth, φ is latitude and λ is longitude. And the real length covered by a change in latitude is RE dφ. Hence the real voriticity is given by

ωR = (1/(REcos φ))(∂v/∂λ) - (1/RE) (∂u/∂φ)

= (1/(REcos φ))(∂v/∂x) - (1/RE) (dy/dφ)(∂u/∂y)

= (1/(REcos φ))(∂v/∂x - ∂u/∂y)

= ωM / (REcos φ)

where ωM is the voriticity in Mercator space (or simply ω as written in previous equations). The derivation of the equation above is indepedent of the choice of latitude and longitude, φ and λ, and so we can use our rotated coordinates, φ' and λ' - provided that we use the rotated Mercator coordinates to match.

This means that (RE ωR) can be calculated once u and v are read into the code and ω' can be calculated by simply multiplying this by cosφ'. If a grid point is given by φj and λi, then the voriticty at this grid point is given by

(RE ωR)i,j = (vi+1,j - vi-1,j) / (cosλii+1 - λi-1)) - (ui,j+1 - ui,j-1) / (φj+1 - φj-1)).

At boundaries, particularly the Poles, this equation becomes more complicated but this is discussed in the Adding extra points to pole equation. Having got (RE ωR) at grid points, it can be averaged onto any point in our domain in the same way that u and v are, and multiplied by cosφ' to find the vorticity in Mercator space.

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