How to run flight code

Getting code

You can use the executable I've created, /home/marc/f90/flightCode/flightCode. However, you can't be sure if I'm the middle of changing it, so probably best to have your own version of the code.

The code can be copied from /home/marc/f90/flightCode and what's required are the core *.f90 files and the Makefile. So you can create your own directory for the code, move into this directory and

cp /home/marc/f90/flightCode/*[a-z].f90 .
cp /home/marc/f90/flightCode/Makefile .
where *[a-z] is used because none of the older files with date stamps such as mainProg2_9_13.f90 are needed (they may not be left in directory).

Compiling code

To compile code, carry out the following lines

setup fortran
and this should create an executable called flightCode. If you subsequently edit the code, you should just be able to type `make' and the code should only compile the code which needs updating. However, typing `make clean' before typing `make' will allow the whole code to re-compile and is worth doing once in a while or if you're suspicious the code isn't updating properly (it's possible that I haven't written the dependencies in the Makefile perfectly).

Input file

To run the code, you just need to type

but the code will expect to read an input namelist, called nmldata. This will look something like
where the full list of arguments available for nmldata are
Namelist ORIGIN
OLATDLatitude of origin in degrees (compulsory)
OLONDLongitude of origin in degrees (compulsory)
DLATDLatitude of destination in degrees (compulsory)
DLONDLongitude of destination in degrees (compulsory)
AIRSPEEDAir speed of plane (compulsory)
WINDFILEnetCDF file containing latitude, longitude and u and v components of wind (required if UFILE and VFILE not set)
UFIFLEnetCDF file containing latitude, longitude and u component of wind (used if WINDFILE not set, and requirs VFILE to also be set
VFILEnetCDF file containing the v component of wind (requires UFILE to also be set)
PRESSHEIGHTIf there's pressure levels for u and v variables in the netCDF file, this sets the level to take (only required if there are pressure levels)
JDAYIf there's day of year dimension for the u and v variables in netCDF file, this determines which day of year to take (only required if there is a day of year dimension)
YEARIf there's year dimension for the u and v variables in netCDF file, this determines which year to take

Once the code has run, it should produce a file, which is discussed in the next section. (The job for the namelist above would need running on jasmin and requires the user to have permission to access to the ERA-Interim data.)

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