London Micrometeorological Data Archive (LUMA)

LUMA brings together meteorological observations of urban areas, as well as modelling data. The framework was developed by the Urban Micrometeorology group at the University of Reading, UK, with the aim of holding data from various cities across the globe, focussed primarily on London.

Access is restricted to authorised users only, and can be requested by contacting the Urban Micrometeorology group

This website provides an overview of the available data, instructions and guidance of use of LUMA data, and provides a data extraction tool to authorised users.


All of the cities and sites stored in LUMA are listed here, along with links to pages that show the meteorological variables being recorded there. The interactive map below also shows site locations (click a site for more information), colour-coded by site type

Measured variables

  • Meteorological variable timelines: Visualisation of key meteorological variables, and the site(s) and time periods for which they are available
  • Full variable list: A complete table of all variables, along with physically reasonable maximum and minimum values. This exhaustive list also contains diagnostic variables

Auxiliary information about the instruments and data in the LUMA system:

Get data
Information about accessing LUMA data.

  • Request access: The information needed when requesting access to data, and the related terms and conditions
  • Download data: Download data via the LUMA data extractor (access token required)