Quality flags | Data QAQC levels
The quality flag denotes a reason for missing data or reasons that a particular data point should be treated with caution. The flag at each time interval is encoded numerically and is included alongside measurement data. The table below describes the flags used in LUMA.

Source Title Level FLAG Translation
Observations WXT L1 1000 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
999 WS and dir missing because of defect wind sensor
north Original orientation of sensor regarding BNG
L2 10 Tair, press, RH gap-filled by linear interpolation
20 Tair, press, RH gap-filled by data from alternative site
30 Tair, press, RH gap-filled by prediction
200 WS and dir gap-filled by linear interpolation
300 WS and dir gap-filled by data from alternative site
400 WS and dir gap-filled by prediction
Tsfc L1 1 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
L2 20 Values excluded according to manual inspection
CNR L1 1 Maintenance
10 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
20 Values excluded due to instrument problems
100 Night time Kdn & Kup set to 0
SKYE L1 20 Values excluded due to instrument problems
SPN L1 10 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
100 Night time Kdn set to 0
PSP L1 10 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
100 Night time Kdn set to 0
CSAT3_Ecpack and Li7500_Ecpack L1 and L2 2 excluded due to precipitation
10 Missing CSAT raw data
100 Missing Li7500 raw data
20 Bad diagnostics value from CSAT3
200 Bad diagnostics value from Li7500
30 Wind exceeded physically reasonable range
40 Tsonic exceeded physically reasonable range
300 CO2 concentration exceeded physically reasonable rangeCO2 concentration exceeded physically reasonable range
400 H2O concentration exceeded physically reasonable rangeH2O concentration exceeded physically reasonable range
2000 Standard deviation criterion for QHStandard deviation criterion for QH
3000 Standard deviation criterion for FCO2Standard deviation criterion for FCO2
4000 Standard deviation criterion for QEStandard deviation criterion for QE
2e+05 Standard deviation criterion for u*
Davis L1 1 No values updated for at least 10 min. >90% are in averaged period.
2 >90% Kdn within averaged period at night. Values during night set to 0
3 >90% values within averaged period are during maintenance and set to NA
4 >90% dir values not updated within averaged period, with >0 WS observed
5 No Kdn values updated for at least 5 min. >90% are in averaged period.
6 Values exceeded MT1 thresholds
7 >90% WS values 0, therefore dir set to 0 and excluded from dir averaging
Scintillometry L1 1 Placeholder
3 Observed Cn2 is zero: value discarded
5 No met data available for Q_H estimates
7 Udemod below MT1 Threshold
11 No Saturation correction applied
100 Observed Cn2 is >3e-14: value discarded
1000 Udemod is less than half the maximum seen in day: Cn2 discarded
Cn2 saturation correction >1.25: value discarded