The Home of Steve George

“Modelling land ice ... of the large variety.”


[Pic of Steve George] Recent CV
Tropical Cyclone musings
Simple models with which to investigate aspects of the climate.
Animations of various climate data.
Old page

PhD opportunities

SCENARIO: Investigating the climate feedbacks that will determine the fate of the Greenland ice sheet (student starting Sept 23)


Modelling Northern Hemisphere Glacial Inception (PALSEA 2;2015)
21st Century Contribution of Greenland to Global Mean Sea Level Rise (IGS;2017)
Thresholds for the future of the Greenland Ice-sheet (NERC 1.5°C meeting;2018)

Canute Sealevel Calculator. Online Decision Suport Tool I built to provide estimates of the likelihood of future (sea) flooding around the Australian coast (this is version 2.0, CSIRO have now carried on the work with version 3.0).
Details of a downloadable demo here

Kruetzmann (2013) Analysis of Internal Boundaries and Transition Regions in Geophysical Systems with Advanced Processing Techniques (PhD I supervised).


PhD Thesis (United Kingdom Windspeed, Measurement, Climatology, Predictability and Link to Tropical Atlantic Variability)

Gregory JM, George SE, and Smith RS (2020) Large and irreversible future decline of the Greenland ice sheet, The Cryosphere,14, 4299-4322,
Khider D, ... George S,... (2020) PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
McLean LJ, George S, Ierodiaconou D, Kirkwood RJ, Arnould JPY. (2018) Impact of rising sea levels on Australian fur seals. PeerJ 6:e5786

Latest publications linked to my ORCID account.


ESM2025 project.
Sea-ice project.PAMIP runs.
Meeting/notes related to Greenland project.
RACC migration UM changes
PhD material

Sometimes I like to get out of the office (McMurdo, Antarctica)

On top of Greenland (2022)

Steve George | |
Networks | LinkedIn | ResearchGate | ORCID
Mon 25 Sep 18:28:27 BST 2023