version 2.3 changes

UKCP grid plotting

0. Added support for the UKCP grid

Support has been added for the UKCP grid which is an instance of the tranveverse mercator projection.

cfp.mapset(proj=’UKCP’) will give a transverse mercator projection with the limts of lonmin = -11, lonmax = 3, latmin = 49 and latmax = 61.

Some examples of this and other pavailable projections have been added at

New cfp.setvars options affecting the grid plotting for the UKCP grid are:

grid=True - draw grid
grid_spacing=1 - grid spacing in degrees
grid_lons=None - grid longitudes
gid_lats=None - grid latitudes
grid_colour=’grey’ - grid colour
grid_linestyle=’–’ - grid line style
grid_thickness=1.0 - grid thickness

1. Additional projections added - OSGB, EuroPP and TransverseMercator

OSGB and EuroPP projections have been added.


2. Colourmaps inadvertently removed

The cf-plot colourmaps directory was inadvertently removed.


3. Bug with cyclindrical projection map xlabel and ylabel

A bug with labelling of x and y axes in the cylindrical (PlateCarree) projection has been fixed.


4. Update land, ocean and lake colouring example

The land, ocean and lake colouring example in was updated to use cartopy code internally in cf-plot


5. Bug in blockfill on a map code

A bug in the blockfill code for maps was fixed. This bug assumed all blockfill plots were maps which is incorrect.
