version 2.0 changes

Code base changes.

1. Pep8 compliance

The cf-plot code has been made pep8 compliant using the pep8 online checker and the Python autopep8 program. After running the code through autopep8 –in-place –aggressive the code was then run through the online checker and manually changed where needed. The code is now much easier to read and the logic easier to follow.


2. Regression testing

Regression code has been added so that new releases are more robust. The gallery plots are compared to a series of previous plots using python md5 checksums. If tany plots are different the plots are passed through the Imagemagick compare routine and the differences displayed on the screen.


3. Merge all X,Y,T vs Z contour code

The three X,Y,T vs Z contour code sections were merged together to reduce code sprawl.
