version 1.7 changes

Rolling update of features.

1. Irregular grid plotting


2. Zonal vector plots


3. Bug in cf_data_assign for user defined plots


4. Bug in vect for multiple plots


5. Code change for cf-python major release

Change .transform for .ref to work with new naming scheme in cf-python 1.0.0


6. Minor bug fix in manual contour level specification

In the bfill routine levs=clevs.astype(float) was changed to levs=np.array(clevs).astype(float)


7. No change

An error was made in changing to version 1.7.7 and was reverted in 1.7.8.


8. Check cf-python is able to be imported and is greater or equal to version 1.0.1

Change import section at start of cf-plot code so that version 1.0.1 or greater of cf is present.


9. Add reverse keyword to cscale routine

Added the reverse keyword to the cscale routine to rever the colour scale


10. Add new perceptually uniform sequential colour scales

Added viridis, magma, inferno, plasma, parula and gray uniform sequential colour scales. These scales are colour blind friendly and also perceptually uniform.


11. Make viridis the default sequential colour scale

Make viridis the default sequential colour scale.


12. Bug in mapset - coastline resolution cannot be changed


13. con update - allow default expansion of colour scales to fit the contour levels

When setting a different colour scale cf-plot now automatically matches colour table to the contour levels.


14. con update - numpy warning when having a zero contour

Having a zero contour in the levels caused a numpy warning when doing a contour map. The numpy warning level was reduced in the con routine so this warning isn’t shown. This may be removed in a future version of cf-plot as it looks like the numpy warning isn’t there in later versions of numpy.


15. Update cf-plot documentation to reflect new colour maps

The cf-plot documentation was chaged to reflect the adoption of viridis as the new sequential data colour map. Other examples were also changed to show the new magma, inferno, plasma, parula and gray colour scales.


16. Missing field name on PP data

With PP data that has no standard_name, long_name or short_name the field name is blank. The field naming scheme was changed to use the cf-python method‘No Name’) setting the field name to ‘No Name’ as a catch all.


17. Vector key location

vect now takes key_location=[xloc, yloc] to change the position of the vector key. The xloc, yloc are in normalized coordinates with the default being [0.9, -0.06]


18. Single colorbar for multiple plots

con now takes colorbar_position= [xmin, ymin, x_extent, y_extent] option. These values are in normalised coordinates. For use when a common colorbar is required for a set of plots. A typical set of values would be [0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.02]


19. Plot size and offsets introduced

gopen now takes additional parameters to alter the figure size and margins:

figsize=[11.7, 8.3] - figure size in inches left=0.12 - left margin in normalised coordinates right=0.92 - right margin in normalised coordinates top=0.92 - top margin in normalised coordinates bottom=0.08 - bottom margin in normalised coordinates


20. - 26. Mods to and

Mods to setup files to point to correct documentation website and to properly reference colourmaps directory.

27. EP flux vectors

vect to be modified to take addition values so that EP flux vector etc plots are possible.

Done - see example 15