version 2.1 changes

Rolling set of small additions and bug fixes.

1. Log pressure axis labelling

Log pressure axis labelling was changed from the in-built Matplotlib labelling with used 10^3, 10^2 10^1 to 1000, 10, 1.


2. Rotated grid axis labelling

Missing longitude and latitude labels were added to rotated pole plots.


3. cscale - uniform keyword added

When a divergent colour scheme is used such as in example 4 in the gallery the default colour scale is stretched so that blues are below zero and reds above zero. When the number of colours above and below differ quite markedly this can give undue emphasis to data by having too strong colours in the above or below zero scale. A new keyword was introduced, uniform=True (or False), to address this issue. The default is now uniform=True for divergent data contour plots where no user colour scale has been defined:



:: cfp.setvars(cs_uniform=False)

to revert to the previous behaviour.

4. mapset - new projections added

Added Mercator, Lambert Conformal, Orthographic and Robinson projections. See the Basemap documentation at for calling parameters.


5. lineplot - axis labelling renamed

xname and yname have been depreciated in favour of xlabel and ylabel. This change was made to be consistent with xlabel and ylabel as used in the con and vect routines.


6. Cropped area on map lcc projections

Lambert conformal projections can now be cropped as in the following code:

import cf, cfplot as cfp‘/opt/graphics/cfplot_data/’)[0]
cfp.mapset(proj=’lcc’, lon_0=0, lat_0=50, lat_1=45, lat_2=55, width=12000000,
height=9000000, plimits=[-50, 50, 20, 85])

For a corresponding southern hemisphere plot use:

cfp.mapset(proj=’lcc’, lon_0=0, lat_0=-50, lat_1=-55, lat_2=-45, width=12000000,height=9000000,
plimits=[-50, 50, -85, -20])

7. Better determination of up on the Z axis

The CF metadata attribute of postitive for the Z coordinate is now used in the con and lineplot routines.


9. con - colors option for contour lines

con - added colors keyword for the contour lines. This keyword takes a single colour or a list of colours. The default is ‘k’ or black’


10. con - lines=True now the default

Within con the lines=True parameter is now the default. This change was made due to the complex and somewhat obscure logic in the blockfill section of code. The change will affect blockfill plots which were previously drawn with no lines using blockfill=True. The syntax for blockfill with no lines is now blockfill=True, lines=False.


11. con - colorbar logic correction

A correction was made to the colorbar logic so that it works properly when fill=False is selected.


12. cscale - new colour scale added

A new colour scale was added - brown to blue - BrBG.

13. stipple - added edgecolors keyword

The edcolors keyword was added to the stipple routine. This contrils the border colour of the filled polygon. Setting it to ‘face’ gives the same colour as the filled polygon.


14. con - better yaxis labelling for hybrid height coordinates

Better yaxis labelling for hybrid height coordinates.


15. lineplot - check for a ‘T’ axis before accessing it

Check if a cf-field has a ‘T’ axis before trying to access it.


16. lineplot - check xlabel is not None before accessing it

Check if xlabel is not None before trying to access it.


17. lineplot - Generate a more correct set of yticks if yrange < 1

Generate a more correct set of yticks if yrange < 1.


18. con - blockfill code correction for masked arrays

In con the blockfill code was updated to correct an error when plotting masked arrays.


19. mapaxis - change labeling in cylindrical projection

Change labels returned by mapaxis as below.

180, 120W, 60W, 0, 60E, 120E, 180


180W, 120W, 60W, 0, 60E, 120E, 180E


20. con - Hovmuller user axis labeling

Hovmuller user axis labeling wasn’t working.


21. setvars - A master title for multi-panel plots

Added a master title for multi-panel plots to the setvars routine.

master_title=None - master title text master_title_location=None - master title location master_title_fontsize=None - master title font size master_title_fontweight=None - master title font weight


22. con - Missing colorbar annotation with ptype=1

When making a contour plot with cfp.con(f=f, x=x, y=y, ptype=1) the default contour scaling was omitted from the colorbar label. This has now been added.


23. vect - missing longitude-height vectors

Longitude-height vector code was missing.


24. con - map colorbar labelling issue

In certain circumstances the colourbar labeling in a map plot was in correct. Using the string of the colorbar labels produces the correct results.

cbar.set_ticklabels([str(i) for i in colorbar_labels])


25. con - blockfill incorrect for very tight contour ranges

When the data range is very small the blockfill contour scheme miscalculated the upper bound for the data.


26. timeaxis - code change

The minimum and maximum years were not calculated due to some faulty logic.


27. mapset - documentation improved

The documentation for mapset in the routine in the user guide was improved to make it flow better and include recent map additions.


28. gset - ylog=True now feeds through to contour plots

The 2.0 code base changes removed the ylog=True feed through to contour plotting.


29. lineplot - CF field incorrectly plotted

When plotting a CF field with a Z axis the data wasn’t correctly plotted


30. con - blockfill rewritten

Blockfill plots in the con routine were rewitten to use PolyCollection from matplotlib.collections rather than pcolormesh. The new method allows better control of the various colorbar extension behaviour and data masking. It is slower for larger grids than pcolormesh but more accurate.


31. con - blockfill for map plots other than cylindrical projection

Blockfill for map plots other than the cylindrical projection was implemented. Trim the data to the required map limits to avoid them being plotted.


32. axes - user defined axes

Axes defined with the axes command should feed through to con, vect and lineplot. The priority order of axis labeling in order of preference is: 1) user passed to routine 2) user defined by axes command 3) labels generated internally


33. con - ability to swap axes for hovmuller plots

In Hovmuller plots sometimes the axes are show as time vs longitude or latitude. The swap_axes keyword was added to con to facilitate this.


34. con - blockfill produces an error for bounded data in Hovmuller plots

The data bounds passed for Hovmuller blockfill plots were incorrect.


35. jupyter notebook detection of inline images

cf-plot now detects the jupyter notebook magic command for inlining images: %matplotlib inline

The cfp.setvars(viewer=None) is no longer required in the jupyter notebook session.


36. stipple - now works in Y-Z and X-Z plots

Stippling now works in Y-Z and X-Z plots.


37. con - axis labels for lcc map plots

The axis_label_fontsize and axis_label_fontweight now apply to lcc (Lambert Conformal projection) plots.


38. lineplot - user defined time axis fails

When making a time lineplot with a predefined gset call to set the axes an error occurs.


39. con - negative_linestyle

con - negative_linestyle takes ‘solid’ and ‘dashed’ for Matplotlib < 2. With Matplotlib > 2 it also takes ‘None’, ‘dotted’ and ‘dashdot’.


40. cf-plot updated for cf 2.x

cf-plot was updated to be compatible with the 1.x to 2.x API changes to cf-python. See


41. levs - check extend input is valid

levs now checks that the input for extend is one on ‘neither’, ‘min, ‘max’ or ‘both’


42. con - blockfill an user cscale checks

The blockfill contour section now checks when the user has selected a colour scale with a set number of colours this matches the number of levels that are being contoured.


43. lineplot - wrong time axis annotation plotted

In lineplot an incorrect generic time axis annotation wass plotted. This was corrected to time, time(years), time(months) etc.


44. con - blockfill occasionally produced an error when the field had no data bounds

A coding error meant that blockfill occasionally produced an error when the field had no data bounds.


45. con - passing numpy arrays code change

When using con and numpy arrays the default was that the field x and y arrays had to be passed and to be consistent. This was relaxed so that if a user passes a numpy array with no x and y values then these are generated internally on a basis of 0 to number of axis points -1.


46. con and stipple transparency

con and stipple now have an alpha keyword indicating the tranparency for the plot. The default is set to 1 giving no transparency.


47. con - contour line thickness

Contour line thickness can now be set using the linewidths parameter to con. One value gives the same thickness for all lines. Multiple values are also accepted.


48. vect - vector colours

vect now takes the color parameter to colour the vectors. Takes one or multiple values.


49. DPI setting for PNG file output

A dpi setting for setvars and gopen now allows the dots per inch to be set for PNG files.


50. vect - vector annotation fontsize

Vector annotation now uses the internal plotvars.axis_label_fontsize variable for the text size. This is set in the setvars routine. This allows multiple vector plots on a page to be scaled correctly in terms of their text size.


51. gset docstring documentation gave incorrect date string order

The gset docstring documentation gave incorrect date string order and this has now been corrected.


52. gvals modification

The gvals code which generates sensible values for labelling contours and axes was changed to produce reasonable levels between -1.0 and 0.1.


53. levs - allow only step to generate contour levels

Code was added to the levs and con routines to allow step to generate the levels for the contour field without having to specify the min and max for the levels genration.


54. con - blockfill transparency

Added alpha transparency to the blockfill contour routine. To call this add the blockfill=True and alpha=alpha keywords to the cfp.con command.


55. Independent user positioning of plot figures on a page

Independent positioning of plot figures on a page isn’t possible.

This is now possible and an example has been added to the page.


56. con - vertical colorbars don’t pick up user set font size

Vertical colorbars did’t pick up user set font size or font weight.


57. con - addcyclic change in Basemap

The behaviour of add cyclic in Basemap changed

1.0.7 longitudes 1.875, 5.625, …, 358.125 went to 1.875, 5.625,…, 358.125, 361.875

1.0.8.dev0 and 1.1.0 longitudes 1.875, 5.625, …, 358.125 went to 1.875, 5.625,…, 358.125, 1.875

This was reported to the Basemap authors and a fix put into cf-plot so that all version above work as expected.


58. con - better data limits when making a reduced map plot

When passing reduced data for a map contour plot only the longitude range was checked. This has been corrected so that the latitude range is also checked.


60. con - merge all colorbar calls into one routine

An internal coding change to merge the five colourbar routines in con into one that is a separate routine. This makes it eaier to maintain the code base.


61. con - colorbar changes

Added new functionality to the colorbar in con:

colorbar_text_up_down=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels top and bottom starting in the up position
colorbar_text_down_up=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels bottom and top starting in the bottom position
colorbar_drawedges=True - draw internal delimeter lines in the colorbar

62. con - longitude wrapping bug in basemap

As per change 57. The tolerance limit was changed from 1E-5 to 1E-4 to cope with N215 Met Office data.


63. Introduced a ~/.cfplot_defaults file

A ~/.cfplot_defaults default overide file in the user home directory may contain three values initially. Please contact me if you would like any more defaults changed in this manner.

blockfill True
fill False
lines False

This changes the default cfplot con options from contour fill with contour lines on top to blockfill with no contour lines on top. The blockfill, fill and line options to the con routine override any of these preset values. The delimter beween the option and the value must be a space.


64. setvars - introduced land and ocean colours

Introduced some extra plotting variables to the setvars routine to colour the land, ocean and lakes in a single colour.

land_color=None - land colour
ocean_color=None - ocean colour
lake_color=None - lake colour

65. con - polar stereographic changing axis label fontsize

It wasn’t possible to change the polar stereographic longitude label fontsize or fontweight. This is now done using the setvars routine and changing the axis_label_fontsize and axis_label_fontweight values.


66. lineplot - twinx or twiny axes

It is now possible to do twinx or twiny plots in lineplot. See example 30 in


67. vect - polar vectors on original grid

It is now possible to plot polar vectors on the original grid as in example 15 in


68. con - linestyles keyword added

The linestyles keyword was added to the con routine to allow user selection of linestyle. Value should be one of ‘solid’, ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’ or ‘dotted’


69. lineplot - axes, xaxis, yaxis keywords added

The axes, xaxis, yaxis keywords were added to lineplot. The defaults are:

axes=True - plot x and y axes
xaxis=True - plot xaxis
yaxis=True - plot y axis

70. lineplot - user defined time axes

A bug in the specification of user time axes in lineplot caused the user time axis to be ignored.


71. con - user defined time vs height / pressure axes

A bug in the specification of user defined time axes in time vs height / pressure plots caused the user time axis to be ignored.


72. lineplot - user specification of xlabel and xunits not properly implemented

The user user specification of xlabel and xunits and ylabel and yunits was not properly implemented incorrect axis labels were produced.


73. setvars - rotated pole options added

Some new keywords were added to setvars that affect the plotting of rotated pole grid labelling.

rotated_grid_spacing=10 - rotated grid spacing in degrees
rotated_deg_spacing=0.75 - rotated grid spacing between graticule dots
rotated_continents=True - draw rotated continents
rotated_grid=True - draw rotated grid
rotated_labels=True - draw rotated grid labels

To turn off plotting for the rotated gid for instance use cfp.setvars(rotated_grid=False)


74. Training material added to cf-plot page

The NCAS data tools training material one day course was added to the cf-plot web pages under


75. Rotated pole grid not drawn in numpy 1.13

The rotated pole grid was not drawn in numpy 1.13.


76. con - cylindrical projection xlabel and ylabel doesn’t use user defined fontsize

The cylindrical projection contour xlabel and ylabel doesn’t use user defined fontsize defined with cfp.setvars(axis_label_fontsize=22) for example.


77. vect - vector plots now respect reduced map grids

When plotting vectors onto a map previous versions used a whole globe cylindrical projection. This has now changed and will plot the map to match the input vectr area unless any map settings have been changed by the user.
