
Is cf-plot already installed?

Jasmin@CEDA - cf-plot is available inside the Jasmin Analysis Platform - type python2.7 to start python.

Archer Jasmin RDF - - This has the Jasmin Analysis Platform installed - type python2.7 to start python.

Archer - type
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-intel
module load anaconda cf
and then python to use cf-plot.

Department of Meteorology, University of Reading - The latest version of cf-plot is installed on the Reading University Meteorology department servers. Type setup canopy to set-up the Python environment.

To install cf-plot


To install cf-plot on your own Linux box download and install Anaconda Python 2.7 for Linux. On the command line type:

conda install -c ncas -c conda-forge cf-python cf-plot udunits2=2.2.20
conda install -c nesii -c conda-forge mpich esmpy

The first line installs cf-python, cf-plot. The second installs esmpy, together with the netcdf-fortran and mpich requirements, which cf-python uses for regriding data.

Other OSs

It is recommended that you use a virtual machine with Linux running in it as some things don’t, and probably won’t ever work on other OSs - Met Office PP file reading for instance. Windows is not supported or expected to be supported. If you are a Windows guru and manage to get cf-python and cf-plot working please contact with the details and I will post the installation details here.

Basemap and Cartopy conflict

The map projection that cf-plot uses at present conflicts with the Cartopy software. cf-plot will move to using Cartopy when it is a little more mature but in the meantime if you need both then install them with the following before installing cf-plot.

conda install -c conda-forge basemap cartopy

Other install methods

Using pip:

pip install cf-python
pip install cf-plot

Using GitHub:

git clone git://
cd cf-plot
python install

You will need to download and install cf-python to use cf-plot. Other cf-plot dependencies are: Numpy, Matplotlib, Netcdf4 and Basemap.

Download the sample netCDF datasets

If you have system priviledges and can store the directory with the sample files in /opt/graphics the all the examples will work out of the box. If not then store the files elsewhere and modify the file path appropriately.