version 1.3 changes

1. Document code changes in a more detailed manner

More information is needed on the changes made between versions. This is useful for both users to see what has changed since the previous version and to track cf-plot development in a more meaningful way.

Changes made for new releases in the versions page from 1.3 forward have their own web page
referenced from the versions page.

2. Remove redundant file from source code

Work out which of the source are used for version information and delete the other copy.

The in /home/swsheaps/cfplot.src/cfplot is the one to use, the other copy has been deleted.

3. Blockfill example now fails

In cf-python the isbounded method was renamed to hasbounds.  Changed code to use the new method.

4. gvals bug

cfp.gvals(dmin=32400, dmax=43200, tight=1, mod=0)


(array([32160, 32830, 33500, 34170, 34840, 35510, 36180, 36850, 37520, 38190, 38860, 39530, 40200, 40870, 41540, 42210, 42880]), 0)

The result shouldn’t have a value below 32400 and should start at 32400.

Modified gvals routine to not change the step if mod is set to 0.

5. Example 7 x-axis is labelled as degrees_north

The various CF latitude names should be caught and the returned as ‘latitude’


6. Plot limits bug

When plots is made with no user call to gset a zonal mean plot followed by a map plot gives previous plot limits. A call of gset() is needed before the call to gclose in con and vect routines.


7. Colour scales prevent cf-plot being used as a stand-alone program

The code uses a call to cscale to set the colour scales and this requires that the colour scales are installed in the correct place by the installer. This prevents the program from being used as a stand-alone program.

scale1 and cosam colour scales integrated into the program so that cf-plot
can be used in stand-alone mode.

8. Revamp colour scales page to use consistent set of images

The colour scales page had a set of scale images from a variety of sources.

A new routine called  process_color_scales was written to produce consistent
images and the rst code needed for the colour_scales.rst file.

10. Add in code to get verbose messages

It is useful for debugging to see what cf-plot is doing as it progresses with making a plot. Calling the con routine with verbose=1 gives some basic messages about the progress. Of greater interest might be the output of the call from con to cf_data_assign. The cf_data_assign function verbose option lets the user know which parts of CF are being used to assign the axes names, units and data.

The verbose nature of cf-plot may be expanded beyond this if it is found to be useful.

Verbose code added to con and cf_data_assign

11. Tidy up contour routine

Con, the contour routine, needs tidying up, commenting and reordering to make it clearer.


12. Batch mode processing

Check cf-plot works in batch mode and modify if not.

A display check is now made in the cf-plot code and if none is present then the Agg backing
store is used.

The following configuration works on the Reading Met department Linux system.  Need to check why
submitting just the Python script doesn't work.

/home/opt-user/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/python /home/swsheaps/

import cf, cfplot as cfp'/opt/graphics/cfplot_data/')[0]

run the batch job at 16:33:
at -f /home/swsheaps/ 16:33

13. process_color_scales page doesn’t appear as an autofunction

Fixed - need to have the cf-plot reference in the line
.. autofunction:: cf-plot.process_color_scales

14. Tidy up and comment cf_data_assign data input code


15. Data input documentation section needs revising

The cf_data_assign code rewrite has made the data input documentation out of date.

Data input documentation rewritten.

16. Vect routine keyword documentation incomplete
