
cfplot.con(f=None, x=None, y=None, fill=True, lines=True, line_labels=True, title=None, colorbar_title=None, colorbar=True, colorbar_label_skip=None, ptype=0, negative_linestyle='solid', blockfill=False, zero_thick=False, colorbar_shrink=None, colorbar_orientation=None, colorbar_position=None, xlog=False, ylog=False, axes=True, xaxis=True, yaxis=True, xticks=None, xticklabels=None, yticks=None, yticklabels=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, colors='k', swap_axes=False, verbose=None, linewidths=None, alpha=1.0, colorbar_text_up_down=False, colorbar_text_down_up=False, colorbar_drawedges=True, linestyles=None)[source]
con is the interface to contouring in cf-plot. The minimum use is con(f)
where f is a 2 dimensional array. If a cf field is passed then an
appropriate plot will be produced i.e. a longitude-latitude or
latitude-height plot for example. If a 2d numeric array is passed then
the optional arrays x and y can be used to describe the x and y data
point locations.

f - array to contour
x - x locations of data in f (optional)
y - y locations of data in f (optional)
fill=True - colour fill contours
lines=True - draw contour lines and labels
line_labels=True - label contour lines
title=title - title for the plot
ptype=0 - plot type - not needed for cf fields.
0 = no specific plot type,
1 = longitude-latitude,
2 = latitude - height,
3 = longitude - height,
4 = latitude - time,
5 = longitude - time
6 = rotated pole
negative_linestyle=’solid’ - set to one of ‘solid’, ‘dashed’
zero_thick=False - add a thick zero contour line. Set to 3 for example.
blockfill=False - set to True for a blockfill plot
colorbar_title=colbar_title - title for the colour bar
colorbar=1 - add a colour bar if a filled contour plot
colorbar_label_skip=None - skip colour bar labels. Set to 2 to skip
every other label.
colorbar_orientation=None - options are ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’
The default for most plots is horizontal but
for polar stereographic plots this is vertical.
colorbar_shrink=None - value to shrink the colorbar by. If the colorbar
exceeds the plot area then values of 1.0, 0.55
or 0.5m ay help it better fit the plot area.
colorbar_position=None - position of colorbar
[xmin, ymin, x_extent,y_extent] in normalised
coordinates. Use when a common colorbar
is required for a set of plots. A typical set
of values would be [0.1, 0.05, 0.8, 0.02]
colorbar_text_up_down=False - if True horizontal colour bar labels alternate
above (start) and below the colour bar
colorbar_text_down_up=False - if True horizontal colour bar labels alternate
below (start) and above the colour bar
colorbar_drawedges=True - Draw internal divisions in the colorbar
colors=’k’ - contour line colors - takes one or many values.
xlog=False - logarithmic x axis
ylog=False - logarithmic y axis
axes=True - plot x and y axes
xaxis=True - plot xaxis
yaxis=True - plot y axis
xticks=None - xtick positions
xticklabels=None - xtick labels
yticks=None - y tick positions
yticklabels=None - ytick labels
xlabel=None - label for x axis
ylabel=None - label for y axis
swap_axes=False - swap plotted axes - only valid for X, Y, Z vs T plots
verbose=None - change to 1 to get a verbose listing of what con
is doing
linewidths=None - contour linewidths. Either a single number for all
lines or array of widths
linestyles=None - takes ‘solid’, ‘dashed’, ‘dashdot’ or ‘dotted’
alpha=1.0 - transparency setting. The default is no transparency.
colorbar_text_up_down=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels top and bottom starting in the up position
colorbar_text_down_up=False - on a horizontal colorbar alternate the
labels bottom and top starting in the bottom position
colorbar_drawedges=True - draw internal delimeter lines in the colorbar