WS Test program results for streamfunction

Ross Bannister, September 2004
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4.1 The results (MetO and WS)

Experiment Bp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the MetO scheme'

Fig Bp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Bp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (MetO)

Experiment Cp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 4 bands (optimal) top-hat T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Cp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Cp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Dp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 4 bands (optimal) top-hat T-transform, top-hat U-transform'

Fig Dp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Dp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Ep: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 4 bands (optimal) triangular T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Ep.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Ep.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Fp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 1 band top-hat T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Fp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Fp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Gp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 2 bands top-hat T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Gp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Gp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Hp: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 3 bands top-hat T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Hp.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Hp.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)

Experiment Ip: Covariance diagnostics for streamfunction found from the WS scheme, 10 bands top-hat T-transform, triangular U-transform'

Fig Ip.1: Latitude/height variances (MetO) Fig Ip.2: Wavenumber/height correlations with level 21 (about 500 hPa) (WS)