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Remote Control File

The remote control file is not a dossier on your favourite remote control car or airplane (sadly). It gives all the detail, such as partition and that we want a UK keyboard, required to set up a new machine.

Creating the remote control file

Remote control file can be created from `yast2 autoyast' and selecting the following options
  1. -> System
    1. -> Boot loader configuration -> Configure
      1. Boot loader location -> Edit -> Master Boot Record
      2. Disk Order
        1. -> Add -> /dev/sda -> OK
        2. -> Add -> /dev/sdb -> OK
        -> OK
      3. Default Section -> Edit -> SUSE LINUX 9.3
      4. -> Finish
    2. -> General Options
      1. Select your language: English (UK), -> Next
      2. Keyboard layout: English (UK), -> Next
      3. Region: Europe, Time Zone: United Kingdom, -> Next
      4. Mouse configuration: Probe, -> Next
      5. uncheck `Confirm installation?' (might be worth check this the first time this is done, because it'll allow you to check what will be installed before it is) and check `Start System without Reboot'. -> Finish.
  2. -> Hardware -> Partitioning
    1. -> Add Drive -> /dev/sda -> Next
    2. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. Size: 2GB
      4. Mount Point: /
      5. -> Create as a Primary Partition
      6. -> OK
    3. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. -> Swap (instead of Reiser)
      4. Size: 6GB
      5. -> Create as a Primary Partition
      6. -> OK
    4. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. Size: 4GB
      4. Mount Point: /var
      5. -> Create as a Primary Partition
      6. -> OK
    5. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. -> Ext2 (instead of Reiser)
      4. Size: 8GB
      5. Mount Point: /usr
      6. -> OK
    6. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. -> Ext2
      4. Size: 6GB
      5. Mount Point: /tmp
      6. -> OK
    7. -> /dev/sda
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. -> Ext2
      4. -> Fill to maximum allowable space (instead of `Fixed Size')
      5. Mount Point: /export/local/disk1
      6. -> OK
    8. -> Add Drive -> /dev/sdb -> Next
    9. -> /dev/sdb
      1. -> Add Partition
      2. -> Format
      3. -> Ext2
      4. -> Fill to maximum allowable space
      5. Mount Point: /export/local/disk2
      6. -> OK
    10. -> Finish
  3. -> Software -> Package Selection -> Configure
    1. -> Standard system with GNOME
    2. -> Detailed selection..., add
      1. Multimedea
      2. Network/Server
      3. C/C++ Compiler and Tools
      4. -> Selections -> Search, and use search to add
        1. rsh-server
        2. telnet-server
        3. xpp
        4. netdate
        5. pdksh
    3. -> Accept, -> Continue
  4. -> Network Devices -> Network Card -> Configure -> Next
    1. -> Host Name and Name Server
      1. Host Name: tmphost
      2. Domain Name:
      3. -> Change Host Name via DHCP
      4. Name Server 1:
      5. Name Server 2:
      6. -> OK
    2. -> Routing, Default Gateway:
  5. -> Network Services
    1. -> NFS Server -> Configure -> Start NFS Server -> Add directory
      1. Directory to export: /export/local/disk1
      2. ->OK
      3. Hosts wildcard: @met_all
      4. Options: rw
      5. ->OK
      -> Next, -> Finish
    2. -> NIS Client -> Configure
      1. -> Use NIS
      2. -> Static Setup
      3. NIS Domain: ypmet
      4. Addresses of NIS servers: (
      5. -> Start Automounter
      6. -> Finish
    3. -> Network Services (xinetd) -> Configure -> Enable
      1. ->exec -> Edit -> Service is active
      2. ->login -> Edit -> Service is active
      3. ->shell -> Service is active
      4. ->telnet (in.telnetd version) -> Service is active
  6. -> Security and Users -> Edit and Create Users -> Configure -> Set Filter: System Users, -> root -> Edit, Password: PXEboot, Confirm Password: PXEboot, -> Accept, -> Finish (change password after you've logged in).
  7. -> File -> Save as -> Filename: node.xml -> Save -> OK

What remote control file looks like

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