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Setting up TFTP Server for a PXE Boot

They're are several things that are required to set up a machine so that it can provide all the necessay information to PXE boot a remote machine, which are list below

  1. Get the TFTP server to work. Call up `yast2 tftp-server' and enable TFTP server.
  2. Set up the DHCP Server
  3. Copy the SuSe installation to somewhere accessible. Simple copy the contents of the SuSe dvd to disk - I've put it in /export/ellesmere/suse/SU930_001.
  4. Create the TFTP boot directory which will contain kernel, initial RAM disk (initrd) and configuration file
  5. Create a remote control file
  6. Make sure that the directories containing the SuSe installation and the remote control file are shared through the NFS server, i.e. `yast2 nfs-server' and add something like `/export/ellesmere' and `/var/lib/autoinstall/repository' with
    1. Hosts wildcard: @met_all
    2. Options: rw

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