SNAP documentation


The CAWCR files can be found in /group_workspaces/jasmin/snap/cawcr/phase1/ where we have

  • Northern hemisphere files in NH_SSW. 7,200 files in this directory
  • Southern hemisphere files in SH_SSW

The filename are of the form cawcr<date>en<ensemble>fch<, where: the <date> is that starting date and is the form YYYYMMDDhh; <ensemble> is a two digit number which runs from 00 to 23; and <hour> runs from 006 to 360 (0.25 days to 15 days).

Putting each section into one file

Each section of the ensemble is put into one file with the script /home/users/stringer/snap/bin/conformCawcr.scr which requires one argument, which is the string common to all the filenames of the members of the section ensemble, e.g.

where the entry above should all be on one line. This script does the following

  • Copy all the section ensemble files into the work directory, /home/users/stringer/snap/data
  • Convert the doubles to floats
  • Flip the lev_3 (pres_upp), so it points up like the other pressure levels. And also flip the lev_2 (theta) so it points up.
  • Converts the time in hours to time in days for each file in section ensemble
  • Create a list of the files which contain the hr24_prcp variable, and convert hr24_prcp from mm to m.
  • Concatinate all the files together with nrcat (this will exclude hr24_prcp because it's only in a quarter of the files).
  • Put the hr24_prcp data together
  • In the hr24_prcp combined file rename the time dimension and variable to day, and make it a fixed dimension (so we can combine it with a file that has time as the record dimension).
  • Append the hr24_prcp to our main combined file
  • Remove the one element dimensions, height and height_2.
  • Rename variables according to the table below
Variable nameLong name Typedimension Units New variable namenew long name
Tvar130 floattime, lev, lat, lon K T Temperature
u10mvar165 floattime, height, lat, lon m/s U1010 metre U wind component
v10mvar166 floattime, height, lat, lon m/s V1010 metre V wind component
T2mvar167 floattime, height_2, lat, lon K T22 metre temperature
EPVvar40 floattime, lev_2, lat, lon ? (becomes K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1) PVPotential vorticity
Uvar131 floattime, lev, lat, lon m/s UU velocity
Vvar132 floattime, lev, lat, lon m/s VV velocity
geop_htvar129 floattime, lev, lat, lon m ZH* (Geopotential in ERA is Z)Geopotential height
gwUaccSSvar30 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWUSS?*u-acceleration from gw saturated stress
gwVaccSSvar31 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWVSS?*v-acceleration from gw saturated stress
gwUaccBFvar36 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWUBF?*u-acceleration from gw blocked flow
gwVaccBFvar37 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWVBF?*v-acceleration from gw blocked flow
gwEforSPvar41 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWESP?*eastward force from spectral gw scheme
gwNforSPvar42 floattime, lev_3, lat, lon m/s2 GWNSP?*northward force from spectral gw scheme
hr24_prcpvar61 floattime, lat, lon mm (units in ERA are m) TPR (divided hr24_precip by 86400 to get rainfall rate) Rainfall rate
lonlongitude doublelon degrees_east longitudelongitude
latlatitude doublelat degrees_north latitudelatitude
levpressure doublelev Pa ppressure
heightheight doubleheight m REMOVED - it was just one element equal to 10m
height_2height doubleheight_2 m REMOVED - it was just one element equal to 2m
lev_2isentropic doublelev_2 K thetapotential temperature
lev_3pressure doublelev_3 Pa p_2upper pressure levels
time doubletime hours since 2013-01-02 12:00:00 ttime
* variable not available in ERA-Interim, so unclear what name to use

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