Downloading argo data

Source of data

Most of the data is coming from and the command I'm using to download the data is:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent -nd ⟨directory with data⟩
Seems to work OK (they're might be better way of doing it).

Data is being downloaded to /glusterfs/marine/users/resc/Argo_QC_work

Argo data

I think the data comes from in ⟨ocean⟩_ocean/⟨year⟩/⟨month⟩/


  • For some the PRES values (not adjusted for real time), the values are -91229998193783603200.0, e.g. pac/ It causes my depth calculation to be inf, until I only calculate depths where the pressure > 0.

BMRC data

Found in bmrc directory from the above site. Has one file per day. Fairly straight forward. Only have data from about June 2010.


There are a number of files in the crls directory below the directory above. However, only three appear to have Argo platform numbers in

  • CO_YYYYMMDD_TS_AR_[AIP].nc: only has one level. I believe TS stands for temperature and salinity. Readings don't match the times for argo data - I don't know what this is, but doesn't seem to be relevant.
  • CO_YYYYMMDD_PR_PF_[AIP].nc: has multiple levels. The PF seems to stand for langrangian floats - which apparently aren't argos but sound a bit like them.
  • CO_YYYYMMDD_PR_TE_[AIP].nc: has multiple levels and seems to have a lot more argo platforms than the files above. TE seems to stand for a tesac profile, which is low resolution profile received from the GTS network.

It seems that the *_PR_PF_* files are a higher resolution version of the *_PR_TE_* files. And, so generally, when data for the *_PR_PF_* files exists, data for the *_PR_TE_* files is dropped. Where possible we should use the *_PR_PF_* files. (For one argo ID of 35 readings, I found 12 readings in the *_PR_PF_* files, 25 readings in the *_PR_TE_* files with at least two replicas in the two types of file.)

The difference between the *_PR_PF_* and the *_PR_TE_* files - which are suppose to be a low resolution profile - seems to be that the *_PR_TE_* files have the depth under sea variables, the *_DEPH_* variables, (PROFILE_DEPH_QC, DEPH, DEPH_QC, DEPH_ADJUSTED, DEPH_ADJUSTED_QC and DEPH_ADJUSTED_ERROR).

The filenames suggest that data for a given day will be found in that file, but this is not reliable - several days will be found in each file.


The only place I can seem to find this data is from the link on for `Browse FNMOC Argo Data Via HTTP', which takes you eventually to

I've download with the command

wget -r -l2 --no-parent -nd


Found in the meds directory below the URL above. This is ascii data.

Useful links sent by

The filenames suggest that data for a given day will be found in that file, but this is not reliable - several days will be found in each file.


The QC codes:

  • 0: no quality control (QC) was performed.
  • 1: QC was performed; good data.
  • 2: QC was performed; probably good data.
  • 3: QC was performed; probablt bad data.
  • 4: QC was performed; bad data.
  • 5: the value was changed as a result of QC.
  • 9: the value is missing


Found in ukmo directory from above site. We seem to just need the files. One file per day. The depth is in metres and we potential temperature rather than temperature.

Jim's Cummings data

Data can be downloaded from and he has a readme.


  • Found NaNs in TMP data, e.g. (I think).

Further data source

Justin Buck has pointed me in the direction of a compressed version of the ftp directories, which seem to contain data from

  • AO: Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab
  • BO: Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  • IF: IFREMER, France (I think this is Coriolis)
  • JA: Japanese Meteorologocal Agency
  • ME: MEDS
The codes can be found at

Size of data

DACOne uncompressed yearOne compressed year
Argo - Atlantic Ocean4G100M
Argo - Indian Ocean3.5G100M
Argo - Pacific Ocean10G250M
Combined data30G

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