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Unix tips/reference

Useful command line statements

grep -H -r "text to search for" /home/user/*.txt
Search in files for a text string and return the filename (-H) and the text string

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=finished.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf
Stitch together multiple pdf files

montage -adjoin -frame 0 -tile 3x4 -mode concatenate -geometry 300x300 1.png 2.png 3.png null: 4.png null: null: 5.png null: null: 6.png null: montage.png
Stitch together multiple images files in a particular formation
convert -append spectral_width_differences_3* spw_output.png
Simpler, but less versatile, version of montage command

rename from to file_selector
e.g. rename .txt .csv *.txt
Will replace the file extension of all .txt files with .csv

tar -cvzf jpegarchive.tar.gz /path/to/images/*.jpg
Create compressed archive of files

tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz file.txt
Extract a file (file.txt) from a compressed archive. Omit last file name to extract all.
Replace -zxvf with -ztvf to list the files in an archive, rather than extract them all.

ps2pdf -dEPSCrop input_file.eps output_file.pdf
Convert an eps file to a pdf and crop tight to the figure (leaving almost no whitespace surrounding it)
can be followed by
mogrify -format png -density 200 -trim +repage output_file.pdf output_file.png
to convert that to a png file - use density 300 for extra high resolution output figure

ffmpeg -r 25 -pattern_type glob -i '*.JPG' -vb 20M movie_hires.mpg
Create a MPEG movie from a sequence of timestamped-JPEG images (usually ffmpeg requires sequentially numbered files)

Command-line keyboard shortcuts

Move cursor to beginning of line

Move cursor to end of line

Swap the order of the last two characters you typed

Cut the text to the right of the cursor and put it in the clipboard (to be pasted elsewhere, or not)
(useful with Ctrl-A, Ctrl-K to move to beginning of line and clear current line)

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