Initial tests 6 for the GCR (balanced variable)

This page is repeated in both frames to allow comparison between figures.
This test uses a revised system with some bugs corrected. Characteristics of this test:

The bugs found in the code are:

Notes about the plots on this page:

1. The raw pressure perturbation (ref: Gp)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

2. The raw vorticity perturbation (ref: Vort)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

3. The raw streamfunction perturbation (ref: Guess1_psi)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

4.1. The pressure in balance with 3. (ref: PV_unfiltered_Gp)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

4.2. The PV calculated from 3. and 4.1. (ref: PV_unfiltered_PV)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

PV modes

5. The filtered streamfunction perturbation (ref: Guess1_psi_filt)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

6.1. The pressure in balance with 5. (ref: PV_filtered_Gp)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

6.2. The PV calculated from 5. and 6.1. (ref: PV_filtered_PV)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

PV modes

7. The PV calculated from raw data (ref: PV_RHS)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

PV modes

8. The 'solution' streamfunction perturbation (ref: Solution)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

9.1. The pressure in balance with 8. (ref: PV_final_Gp)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

9.2. The PV calculated from 8. and 9.1. (ref: PV_solution)

Horizontal plots at L30

Vertical plots at Greenwich meridian

PV modes

The convergence (Error norm vs total iteration)

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