PV of vertical normal modes (spherical modes)

We wish to show that the extra PV-like modes have a structure that is similar to the PV of the external and first internal vertical modes.

What is the PV of these normal modes? We try two approaches below. Both involve decomposing the fields into the external and first internal vertical modes.

In this document we summarise the two PV values that arise from each method and compare to the two PV-like quantities using orthogonalization to see if we get a match.

The spectral transform is not exact, probably owing to the fact that the grid is regular and not gaussian. Near the bottom of the page I show some tests of acting with the spectral transform and then with its inverse to see if the original fields are recovered.


Mode 1

Mode 2

PV - "real-space" grid method

PV - "spectral-space" grid method


Missing PV mode-1

Missing PV mode-2

With orthogonalization
zonal mean ref. state

With orthogonalization
global mean ref. state


Before transforms

After transforms

Spec-trans test with p increment

Spec-trans test with vort increment

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