Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

I'm an Associate Professor in Clouds in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading. In my research I primarily develop innovative methods to analyse microphysical and dynamical processes in clouds and convection for the verification of weather and climate models. This work ranges from deriving statistical relationships between cloud occurrences and large-scale dynamics --- and the underlying physical mechanisms --- to designing new observational strategies to track convective clouds during their life cycle with multiple radars and to study rain formation processes.

I obtained my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Warwick in 2009 under the supervision of professor Sergey Nazarenko (Thesis: Modelling a large system of particles under different rules of merging). There, I developed my interest in statistical physics and fluid dynamics, with a focus on particle coagulation and rain formation.

Check the tabs on the left for any updates on recent papers, student projects, and successful grant proposals. You will also find tabs dedicated to a few of the larger projects I'm involved in (either finished or ongoing).

For an up-to-date list of projects, responsibilities, and staff and students, please visit my record on our staff pages.

(Last update: 26 June 2023)