Proj1.5 Notebook

Tue Dec 20 11:47:07 GMT 2016

Spinup jobs (non-interactive ice/defined GrIs topog). Ice tile fractions are initialised as 10km of ice (i.e., snow at ice-density).

Note, these are 100 year runs (starting in Dec 1957). So, final year does not have December.

Script: Annual 1.5m temp timeseries

import pylab as py
import sys
# Add to PYTHONPATH to make global:

import umfile
import umfield





nyr=99 # As final year is missing Dec



for yy in range(nyr):
 print year
 if yy == 0:

 for mm in range(nmn):


py.title('t1.5 '+expid)

#Tue Dec 20 17:06:37 GMT 2016
Script: Plot of above
import pylab as py
import time
import sys



tsr=(time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"))
ax.plot(dtime,ctl-toc,'r',linewidth=2,label='CTL (xmvlf)')
ax.plot(dtime,prt-toc,'b',linewidth=2,label='PRT (xmvlg)')
fig.text(0.8, 0.45, tsr,
         fontsize=40, color='gray',
                  ha='right', va='bottom', alpha=0.5)
fig.text(0.8, 0.55, fname,
         fontsize=40, color='gray',
                  ha='right', va='bottom', alpha=0.5)
py.title('Global Average 1.5m Temperature')
py.ylabel('Temp (C)')

#Tue Dec 20 17:54:23 GMT 2016
Figure: Plot of above

Thu Dec 22 09:47:56 GMT 2016

The diff(T_1.5m) between xmvlf and xmvlg is ~ 3.3K (the SSTs have a T_diff of ~ 2.2K).

Found a problem with the SST infilling (for coastal tiling). Land mask was set to zero, and this was seeping through as a valid (fractional) surface temperature ... leading to cold spots in the Indian ocean. Tropical location had large weighting on global mean.

Script: SST infill
import pylab as py
import umfile
from copy import copy

# This does "MORE" infilling, wrt coastal tiling
# Originally from .../Projects/FAMOUS/Boundary

def box_av(inb,sw=0):
  if nn != 9:
    print 'error'
  ick=py.where(inb > -1000)[0]
  if len(ick) > 0:
    if sw == 0:
  return res

def fill_in(inarr,sw=0):
  print 'fill',sw
  #print temparr[27,:]
  for yy in range (1,ny-1):
   for xx in range(1,nx2-1):
     if temparr[yy,xx] < -1000:
  # Bodge
  return res

# Suck in SST climatologies and pop them out again to cope with coastal tiling



print nsh


for i in range(np):

### Write file
print f.tell()
print f.tell(), (fixhdr_new[149]-1)*8
for i in range(np):
print f.tell(), (fixhdr_new[159]-1)*8, 'here and f159'[0,28])*8,0)
print f.tell(), (ihead[0,28])*8, 'here again and ihead0,28'
for i in range(np):

#Thu Dec 22 09:57:50 GMT 2016
Figure: 1.5m temperature error


New Runs:

Note: f,g,h have a CO2 mixing rato of 6.1e-04 kg/kg. This is roughly 2013 value (400 ppm).
mix_ratio=(44/28.8) * (ppm_val/1000000)
For 2100, and 4.5 W m-2 forcing ... CO2 is about 2.3 * preindustrial (2.3 * 280 = 644). So, 9.84e-4 kg/kg (xmvli)

Sat Dec 24 17:39:37 GMT 2016

xmvlf submitted for another 300 years.

Tue Jan 3 15:28:22 GMT 2017


Early failures on runs. Assume disk space issues.

Attempted fix

Moved runs DATA_DIR to point to acacia-12 (from plane-01).

Wed Jan 4 10:10:34 GMT 2017

See above for run completion stats.
Present output is ~0.7GB a model year (may need to trim the monthly output).

Output from the second century of the runs:

Figure: 1.5m temperature from simulations
Figure: SMB from simulations

Note: The xmvlh/xmvli simulations were actually cooler than xmvlg. The increased atmospheric CO2 in xmvli does actually make a difference.

GrIS Surface Mass Balance (SMB) from model, compared with Fettweis value

These are 30-year averages, with t=0 150-years into run. Data are purely from FAMOUS (i.e., not downscaled in any way).

dTAS (K)dSMB (GT/yr)dSMB_f (GT/yr)

Figure: T1.5m vs SMB anomalies

Comparison of SST winter/summer forcing

Zero contour line in black.

TODO: Check with ECMWF derived SST climatology.

Figure: Comparison of SST winter/summer forcing

Thu Jan 5 12:19:06 GMT 2017

Additional meta-data:


SST Data/acacia-11/FAMOUS/ancil/qrclim.sst-FILL3
SIC Data/acacia-11/FAMOUS/ancil/


SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_rcp45_2280-2299.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_rcp45_2280-2299.anc


SST jonathan/sst_FAMOUS_IPSL-CM5A-LR_rcp45_2180-2200.anc
SIC jonathan/sic_FAMOUS_IPSL-CM5A-LR_rcp45_2180-2200.anc

Fri Jan 6 15:34:01 GMT 2017

Additional control runs, model CTL SST/SIC forcing.


CTL version of xmvlg.

SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_piControl_2280-2299.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_piControl_2280-2299.anc


CTL version of xmvlh/i. Info on IPSL-CM5A.

SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_IPSL-CM5A-LR_piControl_2181-2200.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_IPSL-CM5A-LR_piControl_2181-2200.anc

Mon Jan 9 15:15:46 GMT 2017

Disk space issues again (over weekend). This time $HOME. Part resubmission required.

Figure: 1.5m temperature from simulations
Figure: SMB from simulations

Tue Jan 10 12:17:31 GMT 2017

Global seasonal mean SST (C)
CTL1 (xlmvlf) 17.94 18.09
RCP45_v1 (xmvlg) 20.11 20.24
RCP45_v2 (xmvlh/i) 18.94 19.03
CTL2 (xlmvj) 17.68 17.85
CTL3 (xlmvl) 16.27 16.41

Wed Jan 11 15:53:13 GMT 2017

MARV interranual SMB variability

Thu Jan 12 10:48:12 GMT 2017

Looking at the accumulation/ablation characteristics of the model.

Figure: Accumulation/ablation
Figure: Correlation of SMB with Snowfall (in time)

Red (above) indicates a postive SMB, blue negative. CTL: f,j,l. PERT: ghi.

Figure: SMB balance

SMB balance plot shows the difference between solid precip and SMB. For example C f: 468 - 193 = 275:

Matching appropriate CTL/PERT simulations.

xmvlg (PERT) vs. xmvlj (CTL)

xmvi (PERT) vs. xlmvl (CTL)

mon Jan 16 12:00:00 GMT 2017

There are no direct tile albedo diagnostics.

Working on a calculation of albedo (α) using grain size.
From Kuipers(2011), and using a simplified form of equation (4) (defined in equation (5)).

α = 1.48-(1.27048 *  r**0.07)

Tue Jan 17 15:08:43 GMT 2017

Calculating albedo from SW components. Short runs needed, as:
1|    1 |    3 |  335 |NET DOWN SURFACE SW FLUX ON TILES
not including in original STASH setup.

Short runs, for all configurations; started at 2157, 30-years in length (acacia-12).

New Simulations

xmvlm 4xCO2 boundary conditions. xlmvj is the CTL.
CO2 mixing rato of 24.4e-04 kg/kg. (4*6.1e-04).

SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_abrupt4xCO2_1989-2008.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_HadGEM2-ES_abrupt4xCO2_1989-2008.anc

xmvln MIROC5 boundary conditions: CTL simulation.

SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_MIROC5_historical_1980-1999.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_MIROC5_historical_1980-1999.anc

xmvlo MIROC5 boundary conditions: PERT RCP45 simulation.
CO2 mixing rato of 9.84e-4 kg/kg (2.3 * preindustrial)

SST jonathan/ancil/sst_FAMOUS_MIROC5_rcp45_2081-2100.anc
SIC jonathan/ancil/sic_FAMOUS_MIROC5_rcp45_2081-2100.anc

Wed Jan 18 17:27:37 GMT 2017

Figure: Albedo PERT vs CTL

Thu Jan 19 11:55:14 GMT 2017

Note: Delicate balance between temperature and accumulation. CTL xmvlf has a bigger GrIS SMB (275 Gt/yr) than CTL xmvlj (263 Gt/yr). But, the latter is globally cooler. So dSMB (xmvlg vs. xmvlf) is greater than dSMB (xmvlg vs. xmvlj), though the dTAS is smaller.

This is also seen in IPSL boundary simulations. The CTL xlmvl has a cold world starting point.

Figure: 1.5m temperature from simulations
Figure: SMB from simulations
Figure: T1.5m vs SMB anomalies

Note: MIROC dSST is relatively small compared to other models.

Wed Jan 25 11:17:51 GMT 2017

FAMOUS snow to bare ice transition: once snow density > 800 kg/m^3, surface is assumed to be bare ice with an albedo which has a linear dependence on temperature. Code lifted from tilealb.f:

             IF (gbm_rho_snow(l) .GT. 600.0)
    &             fsnow(l) = 1.0 - ((gbm_rho_snow(l)
    &                                       - 600.0) / 200.0) 
             fsnow(l) = MIN(fsnow(l), 1.0)
             fsnow(l) = MAX(fsnow(l), 0.0)

               ALB_TYPE(L,N,BAND) = FSNOW(L)*ALB_SNOW(L,N,BAND) +
     &                          (1. - FSNOW(L))*ALB_TYPE(L,N,BAND)               

!!! Thus, at gbm_rho_snow=800, ALB_TYPE ignores any ALB_SNOW contribution
!!! Reverts to bare ice, with a starting albedo of 0.78, which is adjusted
!!! wrt to the tile temperature
        aicemax(1) = 0.78         
        daice(1) = -0.075  

        alb_type(l,n,1) = aicemax(1) 

        IF (tstar_tile(l,ntiles-nelev+k) .GT. (tm - 1.0)) THEN
          dt = tstar_tile(l,ntiles-nelev+k) - (tm - 1.0) 
          alb_type(l,n,1) = aicemax(1) + (dt * daice(1))

Now, calculating the bare-ice temperature/albedo relationship offline.

Note: Using 1.5m temp, rather that Tstar.

Figure: FAMOUS bare ice temp vs albedo
Figure: Temperature over ice (JJA xmvlm)

Lowest ice-elevation area > 4C  1.76376007122 %
Lowest ice-elevation area 3-4C  11.5015728019 %
Lowest ice-elevation area 2-3C  32.1883520289 %
Lowest ice-elevation area 1-2C  54.546315098 %
Percentage check... 100.0

MAR Ice Albedo

From Tedesco(2017), the MAR bare-ice albedo is defined as:
albedo = albedo_min + (albedo_max - albedo_min) * exp(-M *  K)
albedo_min,albedo_max - variable. In this paper set to 0.4,0.55 (elsewhere 0.3,0.55)
K - scaling factor (200 kg/m^2)
M - time-dependent  accumulated  excess  surface  meltwater  before runoff (kg/m^2).
Figure: MAR bare-ice albedo scheme

FAMOUS Refreeze

Initial calculation of refreeze (4xCO2 run).

Ratio of (on-tile,STASH8391) refreeze wrt. melt (on-tile,STASH8393). Updated, see below.30-year mean of JJA sums.

Figure: FAMOUS percentage refreeze

Fri Jan 27 14:38:02 GMT 2017

Note: FAMOUS percentage refreeze plot (above) has been replaced. Now the ratio of STASH8391/(STASH8391+STASH8237).

Tue Jan 31 09:44:07 GMT 2017

Note: The near-IR SW is more important than than the visible spectrum wrt ice-radiation absorption.

Figure: FAMOUS SW spectral split

Mon Feb 6 16:00:30 GMT 2017

Following up on Equ (1) and (2) in Fettweis, FAMOUS has a linear relationship betweem the local JJA 600hPa temperature and global annual average at surface.

Figure: FAMOUS Global vs regional/seasonal temps

Thu Feb 16 10:27:47 GMT 2017

Comparing FAMOUS CTL (xmvlj) to MAR CTL simulation (30-years of FAMOUS).


albedo = 1.0 - (stash3335/stash1235)

From the regridded FAMOUS data

Maximum albedo: FAMOUS(0.82), MAR(0.83)
Minmum albedo: FAMOUS(0.57), MAR(0.48)

Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo

Follow up with adjustment to bare ice scheme in FAMOUS. Five year run.


aicemax(1) = 0.55   # Previously  0.78
aicemax(2) = 0.55   # Previously 0.36 
daice(1) = -0.35    # Previously -0.075
daice(2) = -0.35    # Previously -0.075

# Minimum albedo allowed 0.2

Albedo schemes plot. Note, surface temp of ice will not exceed 0C, so 'Old B1/B2' will have a min of ~ 0.7/0.28.

Minmum albedo: FAMOUS(0.27), MAR(0.48)

Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo

Note:Direct comparison (xmvlf 5-years).

Minmum albedo: FAMOUS(0.52), MAR(0.48)

Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo

Meeting 16-Feb-2017: notes

New Runs

FAMOUS/MIROC CTL had defective 3335 diagnostic output. Rerun for 30 years from 2057.

Fri Feb 17 17:27:59 GMT 2017

To be consistent, run 30-years from 2157.

All RunningRuns Completed

Mon Feb 20 17:07:54 GMT 2017

FAMOUS with MIROC5 SST/SIC forcing (as per MAR).


Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo RCP45 NEW ICE

Wed Feb 22 18:05:11 GMT 2017

FAMOUS with MIROC5 SST/SIC forcing (as per MAR). Plot updates.

Anomalous high albedo in previous plots. Tiles with small ice fraction (<0.001) seem to be ignored by the radiations scheme. This led to albedo values of 1.0 where net SW was zero (on a tile).


Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo RCP45 NEW ICE

MAR has higher albedo over fresh snow regions. FAMOUS has max albedo of 0.98 and 0.7 for the VIS and IR bands respectively. Set off a new run with albedo_max_IR=0.98.

Running Complete

Thu Feb 23 10:35:28 GMT 2017

A bit to far on the albedo max!


Comparison of snow albedo calculation in MAR, with the code in FAMOUS. Not sure how the frequency weighting is defined in the latter.

Figure: Albedo components for snow

Collecting the differences fields (third map in each plot) from plots above, and standardising colourbar:

Figure: FAMOUS/MAR albedo diffs

Fri Feb 24 17:00:55 GMT 2017

Albedo on each FAMOUS elevation class interpolated onto MAR topography. Following include tundra (non-ice points, mask=1) plus ice (mask=2).

Figure: Albedo interp (xmvln)
Figure: Albedo interp (xmvlq)

Some of the low level melt is lost if you consider ice-points only (mask = 2).

Figure: Albedo interp (xmvln) m2
Figure: Albedo interp (xmvlq) m2

Fri Mar 3 19:35:49 GMT 2017

Regridding the high-res 2D MAR albedo field onto the FAMOUS 3D grid (with elevation classes).

My algorithm seems to be missing some SE coast regions?! Errors fixed.

Figure: MAR F-albedo CTL
Figure: MAR F-albedo RCP45

Mon Mar 6 17:30:03 GMT 2017

A couple of bug fixes in the MAR to FAMOUS algorithm. Plots above updated to new versions.

Tue Mar 7 21:17:46 GMT 2017

FAMOUS albedo on same grid as above (big fixes from earlier plots).

Figure: FAMOUS new phys albedo CTL
Figure: FAMOUS new phys albedo RCP45

Figure: FAMOUS old phys albedo CTL
Figure: FAMOUS old phys albedo RCP45

Wed Mar 8 16:24:32 GMT 2017

FAMOUS shows low-level ice fraction (i.e. 200-400m) on the SW coast ... and MAR not.

Looking at cross sections from MAR and observations (5km resolution).

Figure: MAR height cross section
Figure: Obs height cross section

Thu Mar 9 15:21:25 GMT 2017

MAR SMB on FAMOUS levels.

Figure: MAR F-SMB RCP45

Mon Mar 20 17:28:42 GMT 2017

SMB with elevation.

Figure: FAM vs. MAR

MAR SMB components with elevation.

Figure: MAR CTL SMB components

Tue Mar 21 14:02:48 GMT 2017

FAMOUS SMB components (CTL old/new physics)

Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvln) SMB components
Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlq) SMB components

Mon Mar 27 18:00:57 BST 2017

For the surface energy calculations I need latent and sensible (on tiles). Run each simulation for another 10-years to get these.

All Running Complete

Tue Mar 28 15:09:57 BST 2017

Above run again with the addition of the following diagnostics.
3314  Surface net radiation on tiles
3316  Surface temperture on tiles

Thu Mar 30 15:06:43 BST 2017

Comparison of ice-area in each elevation class.

Note: Correction of area calculation in

Figure: GrIS area with height

Energy balance from CTL runs.

Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvln)
Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlq) phys_new
Figure: MAR CTL

Fri Mar 31 10:31:45 BST 2017

As above, but for perturbed (RCP45 MIROC5) runs.

Figure: FAMOUS RCP45 (xmvlo)
Figure: FAMOUS RCP (xmvlr) phys_new
Figure: MAR RCP45

Thu Apr 6 10:08:44 BST 2017

MAR related changes

Introduced a threshold minimum wrt how many MAR boxes are required to create a FAMOUS box average (set to 4).

Figure: MAR contribution to FAMOUS lev1 box average
Figure: MAR contribution to FAMOUS lev2 box average

FAMOUS analysis

New height/mass balance calculations using fixed area calc.

Figure: Mass/elevations averages
Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlq) SMB components (ar-fix)
Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlr) SMB components (ar-fix)

Changes to code, to investigate the effect on surface radiation balance of the choice of lapse rates used when calculation values on sub-grid elevation tiles. Initially, change the temperature lapse rate to a fixed value.

In bl_ic7a.f:

!+ seg 4/2017
! Calculated version:
!        tgrad=(t(i,BL_LEVELS)-t(i,1))/bldepth
! Use fixed temperature lapse rate
! What to use?
!     DALR ~ 0.0098 deg/m  (9.8 deg/km)
! Model:
! Set to latter
!- seg        

New runs with lapse rate change. From 2157 (30-years).

All Running Complete

Energy balance from new runs (turbulenty fluxes have reverser sign wrt previous plots).

Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlt)
Figure: FAMOUS RCP45 (xmvlu)

SMB analysis for the new runs.

Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlt) SMB components (ar-fix)
Figure: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlu) SMB components (ar-fix)

Tue Apr 18 16:56:36 BST 2017

There is also the question of the LW "lapse-rate". The energy balance plot for xmvlt above is repeated, but with the box (non-tiled) surface downward LW added. This is already a function wrt height, in the context of the normal UM radiation wrt (box average) elevation physics. The additional lapse-rate of the tiling scheme amplifies the existing LW decrease with height.

Note: LWIN2 will be wrong, as I'm using the elevated-tile temperature to calculate LW out (just look at first plot).

The differential lapse rate (i.e. of LWD - LWD2) is roughly -7.4 W m^2 per km.

Figure 44(a): FAMOUS CTL (xmvlt) EB + LW2)
Figure 44(b): FAMOUS CTL (xmvlt) dLW slope

Wed Apr 19 18:03:43 BST 2017

Mapping the LW-down (LWD and LWD2) for each level:

Figure 45: FAMOUS CTL (xmvlt) LW maps

Thu Apr 20 14:34:23 BST 2017

Turbulent heat flux analysis (using literature formula). Positive flux is down.

Figure 46: FAMOUS Turbulent Heat flux look-see (xmvlq)

Mon Apr 24 13:08:22 BST 2017

Calculate the effective atmosphere lapse rate over ice in the the MAR runs. The 1.5m temperatures are averaged over 100m altitude bands.

Lower altitudes exhibit an inversion layer, with RCP45 exhibiting an obvious positive temperature (melt) region.

Above ~500m bove models exhibit a lapse rate of ~-6.3 K km-1. The lapse rate is similar in winter (Fig. 47e), but with a more pronounced low-level inversion.

Figure 47a: MAR(CTL) temp lapse rate (jja)
Figure 47b: MAR(RCP45) lapse rate
Figure 47c: MAR(CTL) LWD lapse rate
Figure 47d: MAR(CTL) LWD regressed from temperature
Figure 47e: MAR(CTL) temp lapse rate (djf)

Figure 48a: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlq) temp lapse rate (jja)
Figure 48b: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlq) temp lapse rate (djf)

Additional 10-years of the fixed lapse-rate run with 1.5m temp diagnostics.


Tue Apr 25 10:24:40 BST 2017

Looking at the effective (over ice, area integral) lapse rate for the run (xmvlt) with a fixed tile adjustment temperature lapse rate.

Figure 49a: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlt) temp lapse rate (jja)

New CTL run with tile temperature lapse rate of 6K km-1.

Running Complete

Wed Apr 26 10:51:22 BST 2017

Note: Figure 47d corrected. Left hand plot has axes flipped (wrt labelling). Slope is 3.545 W m-2 K-1.

Version of Figure 47d, but for FAMOUS (xmvlq). Slope is 5.333 W m-2 K-1.

Figure 50a: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlq) LWD regressed from temperature(jja)

New run (xmvlv) with 6K km-1 lapse on tiles

Figure 51a: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlv) Integrated (area) Energy Balance (jja)
Figure 51b: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlv) temp lapse rate (jja)
Figure 51c: FAMOUS(CTL:xmvlv) LWD regressed from temperature(jja)

Fri May 19 12:01:18 BST 2017

NOTE: previous results from some runs are dubious due to sign of lapse rate being reversed.

Runs compromised:

New run:

Wed May 24 12:14:25 BST 2017

In bl_ic7a.f:

! Specific humidity gradient still locally calculated

        dLWdT  = 3.6
        lwgrad = dLWdT * tgrad

Figure 61a: FAMOUS(CTL:xnkub) SMB components
Figure 61b: As per 61a, but with MAR data added

Figure 61c: FAMOUS(RCP45:xnkuc) SMB components
Figure 61d: As per 61c, but with MAR data added

Note: The MAR plots above use the AB4 criterion; there needs to be above four MAR grid boxes to provide a FAMOUS box average.

Change of SMB between CTL and RCP45

FAMOUS: 363-155 = 208 Gt/yr

MAR: 478-234 = 244 Gt/yr

Thu Jun 29 10:05:23 BST 2017

New horizonal/vertical scheme implemented GCM→GLIMMER.

Figure 62a: Ice sheet ACAB
Figure 62b: Ice sheet thickness

Fri Jun 30 11:57:53 BST 2017

Reference (coupled FAMOUSA/GLIMMER) experiments

  • xlmpn: base coupled model with my fudge fixes.
  • xlmpr: xlmpn with Robin's updates to nsnow etc.
  • xnfua: xlmpn with my changes to the horizonal/vertical scheme implemented GCM→GLIMMER.

    Thu Jul 6 16:10:32 BST 2017

    Topography issues; what is real?

    Looking at Figure 63a, with particular attention to the third row down. FAMOUS BG is the initial model orography (year 1), before coupling to the ice sheet. FAMOUS AG represents the orography after coupling. Third column is the difference field. The interactive region (i.e. vals > 0) is (on average) ~ 200m lower in the GLIMMER topography.

    I did some offline calculations betwen the FAMOUS/GLIMMER data and this is confirmed in Figure 63b (a rough downscaling of the GLIMMER orography to that of FAMOUS gives similar results; so it's not a model issue).

    The final row in Fig 63a shows the difference on height between our FAMOUS and the portable version. Generally, the portable version has lower elevation, though the Himalayas are higher.

    I'm looking for some advice on this. One issue is what happens at the boundaries between the GLIMMER sub-domain and the surrounding model space (mountain ranges introduced).

    One option, is to make the sub-domain Greenland only and try and match the orography (and the elevation fractions etc).

    Figure 63a: Topography comparision
    Figure 63b: Topography comparision offline

    Fri Jul 7 00:28:50 BST 2017

    Similar results comparing FAMOUS surface elevation with TBASE downscaled 2-minute data. Above zeros average difference ~200m.

    Figure 64a: Topography comparision (FAM vs TBASE)

    Tue Jul 11 20:00:28 BST 2017

    New coupled setup (xnfuc). GLIMMER domain is now over Greenland only; as might be expected, the initial topographic adjustment is only over said region.

    Figure 65a: Topography comparision (GLIMMER domain now Greenland only)

    Thu Aug 10 10:08:09 BST 2017

    Offline spinup (5000 years, with xnkub SMB. Figure 66b is from a run that tries to do something clever with the non-ice snow field (and fails).

    Figure 66a: Ice sheet thickness: yr1, yr5000 and diff. Plus ice volume (km3)
    Figure 66b: Ice sheet thickness: yr1, yr5000 and diff. Plus ice volume (km3)

    Mon Aug 14 14:28:07 BST 2017

    Modelled and observed surface ice velocities; modelled values are from offline pinup (i.e., ice-model with non-evolving SMB). Figure 67a: Ice surface velocity (magnitude) m/yr (model)
    Figure 67b: Ice s urface velocity (magnitude) m/yr (MEaSUREs InSAR winter data)

    Tue Aug 15 11:12:31 BST 2017

    Interestingly, if you define the ice-shit run as using a 'hotstart' it expects to find a 3D temperature field in the input file ... but doesn't complain if it's not there (just creates a random, non-physical temp field).

    Figure 68a: Ice temperature (model)

    Fri Sep 8 10:30:58 BST 2017

    • xnfuh: 3D Interpolation masks, with average SMB per elevation.
    • sg2uh: 3D Interpolation masks, with halo SMB
    • sg3uh: No 3D interpolation mask
    • sg4uh: As xnfuh but with average elevation SMB set to zero.

    Figure 69a: GLIMMER SMB

    Fri Oct 6 14:21:31 BST 2017

    Job monitor

    Tue Nov 7 14:56:15 GMT 2017

    Updated: Thu Nov 9 11:11:12 GMT 2017

    Figure 70: Volume difference with nasty snow

    Non-ice snow in out of GLIMMER (on FAMOUS side)

    • sgfac: Snow in as per normal (x10 accel).
    • sgnac: Zero (non-ice) now in (x10 accel).
    Figure 71a: sgfac snow in
    Figure 71b: sgfac snow out
    Figure 71c: sgnac snow in
    Figure 71d: sgnac snow out

    The SMB is different, but not dramatically so:

    Figure 72: SMB differences

    Wed Nov 8 17:13:44 GMT 2017

    Contemplating. Ice erodes but snow accumlates. Switches to ice when ice is zero. And so the process repeats. Anomalous accumulation point (in FAMOUS) ... biasing the GLIMMER input as smoothed over a large area.

    Figure 73: Ice to no ice to ice

    Thu Nov 9 10:28:26 GMT 2017

    Figure 74: Non-ice snow smearing

    Figure 75: Ice breakout from mask

    Mon Nov 20 13:07:23 GMT 2017

    Mass accumulation issues.

    Thu Nov 23 17:57:04 GMT 2017

    A closeup of plot 73.


    • Blue line is "potential" non-ice snow; interp from FAMOUS to GLIMMER space.
    • Green line is ice-thickness in FAMOUS timesteps; dotted lines are internal accel steps.
    • Red line is actual non-ice snow developed in GLIMMER space (accel time steps)


    • Ice is being ablated, and near the end of tstep49 ice is turned to snow.
    • This amount of snow should be sent back to FAMOUS, and be part of the blue line at tstep50
    • At tstep50 the box is free of ice, potential snow is turned into actual snow; red jump to blue.
    • This is turned into ice and the snow converted into a negative anomaly to send back to FAMOUS.
    • At tstep51 one would expect potential snow to be reduced, but it has increased.
    • This is why I thought there was a sign error somewhere (but could find nothing).

    Figure 76: Closeup of 73

    Mon Dec 4 18:02:22 GMT 2017

    New CTL run with outmask turned off. Also, outside the mask, the bathymetry is now set to -3000m.

    RCP85 run started from a seemingly settled GrIS volume.

    Figure 77: Ice sheet evolution

    Snow Albedo

    Considering the snow albedo, I've started another control run with a more realistic (visible) snow albedo (Roesch[2002]). Offline calculation of albedo ranges below.

    After ∼500 years, GrIS is only experiencing a modest increase in volume (see above).

    Figure 78: Snow albedo with grain size

    Tue Dec 5 15:40:17 GMT 2017

    Seasonal evolution of grain size on ice and non-ice tile fractions (one year). It's a bit messy, but the takehome is that we're only getting chunky grains on the ice fractions (which sounds correct). On the lowest elevation, non-ice snow grain size gets up to ∼1600 microns ( ∼0.65 albedo).

    Figure 79: Snow albedo height/month

    Thu Dec 14 10:43:29 GMT 2017

    Looking at OLR TOA. The coupled FAMOUS/ice model with the original high albedo in the visible spectrum has a reduced OLR TOA. I assume this reflects the increased SW reflected by the big, shiny high ice blob.

    SourceAnnual average W/m^2
    Standard FAMOUS ref xfhcu237.322
    Back of envelope239.00
    NOAA 1degree237.541
    FAM_ice original albedo sgfj4 231.831
    FAM_ice albedo3 sgfj9 237.685
    FAM_ice albedo4 sgfja 237.714
    FAM_ice albedo5 sgfjv 237.835

    Figure 80: Planetary OLR TOA

    As per Figure 61

    Figure 81: SMB components (cyan CTL)

    Fri Dec 15 11:56:40 GMT 2017

    As per Figure 61

    Figure 82a: SMB components (magenta CTL: sgfj9)
    Figure 82b: SMB components (browdn CTL: sgfjb)
    Figure 82c: SMB components (original blue CTL: sgfj4)

    Figure 83: SMB vs. Albedo parameter)

    Mon Dec 18 13:02:58 GMT 2017

    Figure 84: Anim 1
    Figure 84b: Anim 2

    Wed Dec 20 10:14:42 GMT 2017

    Started a new CTL run (brown variant), with non-constrained ice.

    So far, there is some spread (as to be expected without a significant percent of required calving), but it's not looking too bad. The new run is in orange in the general development plot, and here is a map of the ice-thickness evolution (so far).

    Figure 85: ice thickness, no constraint

    Tue Feb 13 11:27:33 GMT 2018

    Looking at the endstates for some of the longer rcp85/4xCO2 runs.

    Figure 86: Ice sheet endstates

    Animations for acceleration/bounce.

    Ice collapse in NE (jaaak)

    Figure 87a: SLE jaaak
    Figure 87b: Thickness jaaak
