Turbulence Ahead! Jonathan Fahey, Contributor 0/24/2008 @ 6:40PM The headache of getting to the airport, through security, onto the plane and into your cramped little seat is fading. You are settled in, cruising at 30,000 feet. The seatbelt sign is off and the skies are crystal clear. Flight attendants are bustling about. Your neighbor is sipping a vodka cranberry. Suddenly, your stomach is in your throat, the flight attendants go flying and the vodka cranberry is in your lap. What was that? Most likely, it was a phenomenon called "clear-air turbulence" - turbulence that comes out of nowhere and is not associated with any weather or clouds that a pilot or weather forecaster can see. Clear-air turbulence jolts an estimated 5,000 flights a year and causes hundreds of injuries, mostly to flight attendants, as well as a fair number of anxiety attacks and stained khakis. Aviation meteorologists try to give pilots some clues about such turbulence, but the method they use doesn't meet the Federal Aviation Administration's accuracy targets. But University of Georgia professor John Knox has come up with a way of predicting clear-air turbulence that he hopes can improve that situation within the next three years. Working with Donald McCann of McCann Aviation Weather Research, Inc., in Overland Park, Kan., and Paul Williams of the department of meteorology at the University of Reading, U.K., Knox has mathematically translated an obscure formula developed by a British theoretician in the 1990s into a tool that can help predict where and when clear-air turbulence will show up. The culprit behind clear-air turbulence turns out to be gravity waves - not Einstein's wrinkles in space-time, but instead motion in the atmosphere itself. Gravity waves show up all the time: The ripples in a pond that occur after you toss in a stone are gravity waves. But it turns out that fluid systems, like atmospheres, don't need outside disturbances to generate waves and winds. One far-out example: Big, distant planets such as Uranus have winds that reach up to 300 miles per hour without much of the disturbance that usually causes winds: energy from the sun. Such disturbances are instead caused by so-called spontaneous imbalances. "The system itself gets out of balance and generates waves," says Knox. In our atmosphere, Knox believes that clear-air turbulence is the result of vortices, little whirlpools that develop spontaneously in the atmosphere. "An amazing thing about fluids is that they can make their own eddies," says Knox. As a vortex travels, it leaves gravity waves in its wake. And just like ocean waves at the beach, these gravity waves gain strength and eventually break. Airplanes bob through these gravity waves like awkward surfboards. Small waves gently rock the plane. But wind up in the wrong place - say just as a gravity wave is breaking - and the plane can get pounded. Knox's team simplified the British theory that described gravity waves by prioritizing the many parameters in the formula, called a scale analysis. They focused on factors that meteorologists now use to make weather forecasts. Describing gravity waves is one thing. Predicting them, is, predictably enough, tougher. The researchers needed to tune their algorithm to model how the wave's energy is dispersed through a fluid. "Essentially what we have is a mathematical model that translates the theory into numbers that describe the gravity waves," says Knox. "These numbers can then drive an algorithm that gives you a forecast of the kinetic energy associated with turbulence." They ran their formula, predicting clear-air turbulence using five months worth of weather forecast data, and compared their model's predictions with actual pilot observations. The formula outperformed the prediction tool in place, something called graphical turbulence guidance, or GTG. GTG takes 10 to 20 weather forecast parameters and runs them through a statistical analysis to guess where turbulence shows up. Part of the problem, says Robert Sharman, a project scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research who developed GTG, is that the resolution in weather forecasts is too grainy to detect clear-air turbulence. Weather forecasts use information in 20-mile grids, but turbulence is much more localized, happening well within a 10-mile square. "Because the scales are small we can't predict it, we have to infer it," Sharman says. "John's work provides that linkage between the small scale and the large scale." Sharman is now going to run Knox's algorithm through several years worth of historical data to see how it works. If it works as well as Knox's research suggests it will, it will be included in the GTG within the next three years and possibly improve the model enough to either meet or exceed Federal Aviation Administration standards. Then maybe pilots will be able to steer clear of invisible bumps and it really will be safe move about the cabin.