Buckle Up: Pilot, Cabin Crew & Passenger Seat Belts Ken Hoke | AeroSavvy.com | 22 July 2017 -- For full article see http://aerosavvy.com/airline-seatbelts -- Turbulence scares me. Should I still fly? Of course! Flying is amazingly safe. In a chat I had with Dr. Paul Williams, he mentioned: "Even if severe turbulence becomes twice or even three times as common in the future, as my research suggests, it will still be relatively rare. Double or treble a small probability and the result is still a small probability! Flying is the safest form of transport and nobody should not fly because of turbulence." Talking about airline safety is no different that learning about automobile safety or earthquake preparedness. Knowledge makes us safer. Chances are, your next flight will be enjoyable with only a minor bump along the way. Enjoy your peanuts and coffee!