Prof. Andrew Turner, PhD

I'm a Professor with expertise in monsoon systems and tropical climate variability and change, funded jointly by the University of Reading and National Centre for Atmospheric Science.

I always welcome enquiries from potential PhD students, visiting PhD students or for internships during degrees.

Teaching leadership

Lecture courses

  • Module convener for the MSc MTMG19 Tropical Weather Systems course (course shared as UG part 4 option MT4YD): spring 2015; spring 2016; spring 2017; spring 2018; spring 2019; spring 2020
  • Convener of the weekly Weather & Climate Discussion, spring term 2015
  • Convener of Tropical Weather Systems course at Met Office Training College, Exeter, April 2016

Forecaster Training in Southeast Asia (FORTIS)

Co-design of training course for Forecaster Training in Southeast Asia 2018-2020 (FORTIS), funded under the Weather & Climate Research Programme - Southeast Asia

FORTIS is a collaboration led by University of Leeds with University of Reading and UEA.

FORTIS included the following workshops at the Met Office (UK) and at three government forecasting agencies in Southeast Asia. I attended and presented lectures at those marked in bold:
  • Met Office testing workshop, July 2018
  • Indonesia (BMKG, Jakarta) March 2019
  • Philippines (PAGASA, Manila) May 2019
  • Malaysia (MetMalaysia, Kuala Lumpur), September 2019
  • Met Office concluding workshop, February 2020
  • Vietnam (NCHMF, Ha Noi), July 2022

Summer schools and training workshops

  • Lectures on Climate Variability at the regular NCAS Introduction to Atmospheric Science training workshops:
    • Online, 18-29 January 2021
    • Leeds, 20-24 January 2020
    • Leeds, 21-25 January 2019
    • Leeds, 22-26 January 2018
    • Warwick, 24-28 November 2014
  • Lectures on Climate change and the Asian monsoon: the role of greenhouse gases and aerosol and Mid-latitude interactions, the subtropical jet and western disturbances and their role in extreme events in northern India at the TERI-Uni Research Climate Research School on Extremes, 18-22 September 2017, TERI University, New Delhi, India
  • Lectures on Systematic model biases in the South Asian monsoon, including the impact of coupled SST and Climate change projections of the South Asian monsoon in CMIP5 models: the role of greenhouse gases and aerosols at the ICTP/COLA/IITM Targeted Training Activity 2017: Monsoons in a Changing Climate, 31 July-4 August 2017, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
  • Lectures on Monsoon predictability at the WCRP-JNU Training School on Monsoon Variability in Changing Climate, 16-21 January 2017, Jeju National University, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
  • Lecture on The South Asian monsoon in a changing climate: greenhouse gas & aerosol forcing and the effect of model biases at the ICTP-IITM Targeted Training Activity Modelling and Prediction of Asian Monsoons: Improving Physical Processes, Pune, 9-20 February 2015
  • Coordination of the SEPNet Graduate Network Summer School workshop on Weather and Climate Modelling at NPL, Teddington, June 2014
  • Climate modelling lab support at the First European Earth System and Climate Modelling School (E2SCMS), Kos, Greece, 1-11 June 2012; responsible for experiment design, technical support and student mentoring
  • Climate modelling lab support at NCAS Climate Modelling Summer Schools, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), Cambridge, UK:
    • At DAMTP, in association with Selwyn College, 12-23 September 2011. Responsible for for introducing the climate modelling lab, experiment design, technical support and student mentoring
    • As part of the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration at DAMTP, in association with Selwyn College, 14-25 September 2009. Responsible for experiment design, technical support and student mentoring
    • As part of the UK-Japan Climate Collaboration at DAMTP, in association with Selwyn College, 10-21 September 2007. Responsible for experiment design, technical support and student mentoring, 10-21 September 2007

Student project supervision

Higher degree

For my PhD student projects, see the research page.


MSc students spend the Easter to August period of each academic year on their dissertations. Monsoon and tropical-related MSc dissertations supervised include:
  • Sanjeev Shanmugam: Flood and heat stress prediction for Tamil Nadu using deep learning led by Dr Kieran Hunt (2023)
  • Wenbin Deng: The seasonal prediction of Mei-Yu front led by Dr Xiangbo Feng, with Dr Ambrogio Volonté and Dr Reinhard Schiemann (2022)
  • Hafiz Ali: The relationship between the Tropical Easterly Jet and rainfall in the Maldives (2022)
  • Bethany McDonagh: The future of the global monsoon in the CMIP6 model experiments with Dr Amulya Chevuturi (2020)
  • Dongmei Chen: The relationship between large-scale weather patterns and heatwaves/cold air outbreaks over the Indian subcontinent with Dr Amulya Chevuturi (2019)
  • Rohit Santhosh: Evolution of the Atmospheric Structure during the Progression of the Indian monsoon in North-East India with Dr Arathy Menon and Dr Ambrogio Volonté (2018)
  • Jiewei Zhao: The impact of an additional 0.5°C warming on the global monsoon with Dr Amulya Chevuturi and Dr Jon Shonk (2018)
  • Hangyue Li: How certain are estimates of the limit of ENSO predictability? with Dr Jonny Day (2015)
  • Caroline Dunning: The impact of seasonal & daily cycles and intraseasonal variability on renewable power generation in the Asian monsoon region with Dr David Brayshaw (2014) | Summary of this work produced for Willis Re | Journal paper on this work published in Environmental Research Letters
  • Emily McKie: Palaeoclimate behaviour of monsoons over glacial-interglacial cycles with Assoc. Prof. Joy Singarayer (2014)
  • Dayang Bima: Resolved convection in the Asian monsoon and the Indian Ocean wet bias with Dr Stephanie Bush (2013)
  • Hyunhun Guk: Land-atmosphere interactions in the Asian monsoon region with Dr Charlie Williams (2013)
  • Claire Bartholomew: The relationship between the onset of the Indian monsoon and tropical cyclones in the northern Indian Ocean with Dr Jane Strachan, Dr Stephanie Bush and Clare Oatley of Deutsche Bank (2012)
  • Sarah Hartley: Trends in Indian Monsoon Rainfall in Recent Decades with Dr Ros Cornforth and a partnership with Oxfam (2012)
  • Charles Boschetto: Internal variability in statistical forecasting of the Indian summer monsoon, awarded MSc Dissertation Prize, with Dr Steve Woolnough (2010)
  • Malcolm Mistry: Intraseasonal behaviour of the Indian Summer Monsoon in a GCM with Prof. Julia Slingo (2006)


  • Yuqian Zhang: The abatement of India's spring heatwaves by the monsoon (2022-2023)
  • Wenxuan "Layne" Zhang: Occurrence and impacts of cold waves over the northern Indian subcontinent with Dr Kieran Hunt (2021-2022)
  • Fan "Amy" Xu: What are the drivers of Arabian Sea tropical cyclone variability? led by Dr Kevin Hodges with Dr Reinhard Schiemann (2020-2021)
  • Emma Furber: Regional climate impacts of the 2019 Indian Ocean dipole with Dr James Mollard (2020-2021)
  • Hannah Croad: The Indian Easterly Jet and the Pre-monsoon Season in India with Dr Jon Shonk and Dr Amulya Chevuturi (2019-2020)
  • Thomas Hutton: Analysis of the Regional and Synoptic Scale Drivers of the Progression of the Indian Summer Monsoon with Dr Ambrogio Volonté and Dr Arathy Menon (2019-2020)
  • Dan Stocker: Renewable power in China: stress points and opportunities, with Dr David Brayshaw and Dr Paula Gonzalez (2018-2019)
  • Bryn New: Changes in atmospheric structure and dynamics during progression of the Indian monsoon onset, awarded the BSc Dissertation Prize, with Dr Arathy Menon (2017-18)
  • Andy Stockwell: The Impact of Intraseasonal Monsoon Variability on Solar Power Resources in India, with Dr David Brayshaw (2015-16)
  • Sabrina Lee: The impacts of climate change and its impacts on wind power output in India, with Dr David Brayshaw (2015-16)
  • Joanna Maybourne: The impact of climate variability on renewable power generation in the Asian monsoon region, awarded the BSc Dissertation Prize, with Dr David Brayshaw and Dr Emily Black, in association with Willis Re (2013-14)

PhD & Higher Degree Examination

  • Harry Mutton, University of Exeter, May 2023: Understanding Changes in West African Monsoon Precipitation Under Increased Levels of CO2
  • Godwin Ayesiga, University of Reading, October 2021: What is the nature and importance of convective activity interaction between Western Equatorial Africa and Eastern Equatorial Africa?
  • Dean Walker, University of Leeds, January 2021: Predictability and variability of East African rainfall seasons
  • Jean-Philippe Baudouin, University of Cambridge, November 2020: A modelling perspective on precipitation in the Indus River Basin: from synoptic to Holocene variability
  • Emma Howard, University of Oxford, January 2020: Southern African synoptic climate dynamics and future change
  • Mark Muetzelfeldt, University of Reading, December 2019: Representation of shear-induced cloud field organization in a convection parametrization scheme
  • Jonathan Beverley, University of Reading, October 2019: The relationship between the circumglobal teleconnection, the Indian monsoon and European summer weather
  • Rebecca Emerton, University of Reading, February 2019: Extending the predictability of flood hazard at the global scale
  • Kopal Arora, University of Exeter, July 2018: Hand in Hand Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change: Investigating the Response of Tropical Cyclones to the Warming World
  • Sugata Yee Weih-Mun Narsey, Monash University, February 2018: A mid-latitude influence on Australian monsoon bursts in reanalyses and coupled climate models
  • Fadzil Mohd Nor, University of Reading, September 2016: Understanding the Development of Inter-monsoon Convective Storms over the Western Malaysian Peninsula
  • Matthew Young, University of Reading, December 2015: Improved rainfall monitoring for Africa
  • Mathew Stiller-Reeve, University of Bergen Geophysical Institute, February 2015: Monsoon onset in Bangladesh: Reconciling scientific and societal perspectives

Other training, knowledge exchange or outreach

  • Contribution to panel Q&A Outreach event: Expert dialogue on Regional Climate Change in association with the IPCC Working Group 1 First Lead Author meeting, Sun Yat-Sen University, 28 June 2018.
  • Contribution to webinar on Peer Review and Publishing Ethics as part of Wiley's Learn to Publish Webinar Series. This was undertaken as part of my role as Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Recorded 9 November 2017.

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