3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop

31 August - 3 September 2021, online

The 25 metre antenna at Chilbolton in the snow; A close up of a large aggregate of planar dendrite ice crystals

Following the success of the International Summer Snowfall Workshops held in Cologne in 2017 and Hyytiälä in 2019, we are organizing a third meeting this year. Originally planned to be held in the UK, we now plan to host it online. While it is disappointing not to be able to bring everyone together in person, we want to keep our community alive, and are therefore keen to get together and bring each other up to date on our latest activities.

Topics of interest include: We welcome studies using theory, modelling, field observations or laboratory studies to address these topics.


To view the workshop programme, please click here

Key dates:

Proposed format:

We plan to hold the meeting over 3 to 4 afternoons (European time) during the period 31 August - 3 September. Each afternoon will consist of talks (first half) and posters/discussion (second half). Talks will be recorded to allow participants in other time zones to catch up at their convenience. For the poster sessions (and to foster personal interactions in general), we will provide an online tool such as gather.town to simulate the experience of a real poster session.

Questions? Contact Chris Westbrook

Organisers: Chris Westbrook, Karina McCusker, Stefan Kneifel, Dmitri Moisseev, Maximilian Maahn

Photographs: Chilbolton 25m antenna in the snow by Allistair Mallett; close up of aggregate snowflake structure by Chris Westbrook