Flight plan for BA146 26 May 2004 Departure 10:15GMT climb to 575hPa for transit Intercept target 12:00 30W, 45N, 575hPa (4.5km) (distance 700km at science speed 400km/hr) Fly on reciprocal to 12:15 about 44N observed max pollution Head west and descend 12:30 end descent at 800hPa (2km) (profiles at 500ft/min or about 10km/hr) Head east and ascend 13:00 end climb at 400hPa (7km) Head west and descend 13:15 end descent at observed level of max pollution Level run to west 13:30 (could be longer if time allowed) Step down and level 13:45 ( " " ) run to east Head back 15:30 (land) if time allows circle Pico at 850-900hPa in polluted air from US heading slowly towards UK NOTES: Between 12 and 18GMT target airmass moves 7 deg.E and 1.5 deg.N. Therefore by doing flight legs to west of intercept 1, the air going on to France should be sampled.