
Case study

Plot 1 shows your chosen plot, while plot 2 compares this with the equivalent composite plot, plot 3 shows the location and plot 4 shows the satellite image.

Storm 9 had its peak vorticity on 850hPa at 6:00 on 28/1/1990.

The storms are rotated so that they all move to the right, and so the North arrow, , shows which direction is North.

1) Storm 9: -12hrs: rel' vort': 400hPa

2) Composite: -12hrs: rel' vort': 400hPa

3) Storm 9: -12hrs: chart

Sorry, chart is unavailable for this storm at this time. Charts are unavailable for the eastern and very northern Atlantic and before 1995.

4) Storm 9: -12hrs: satellite

Sorry, satellite image is unavailable for this storm at this time. Images are unavailable for the western and very northern Atlantic.

5) Storm 9: -12hrs: track map


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Plot 1
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Plot 2
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Plot 3
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Plot 4
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Plot 5
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Plot 6
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