This readme file describes the tables of estimated CME properties available at The data processing is detailed in "The Solar Stormwatch CME catalogue: Results from the first space weather citizen science project", DOI: 10.1002/2014SW001119, available at If you use these data, please cite the above reference. Any questions, please email - Take part in Solar Stormwatch. - Use the data. ########################################################################### Format of the tables: Column 1: Event number. Column 2: Time of CME onset in HI1 FOV. Column 3: Estimated Speed. Column 4: Estimated beta angle. Column 5: Latitudinal width (in HEEQ) coords. Column 6: Source region latitude (in HEEQ coords). Column 7: Source region longitude (in HEEQ coords). Column 8: Number of Solar Stormwatch tracks defining this event. Column 9: Number of Solar Stormwatch users who tracked this event. ########################################################################### Time of CME onset in HI1 FOV: The stated time corresponds to the time of the maximum in the count of Solar Stormwatch profiles used to define the occurrence of an event in this catalogue. See section 4.2.2 in the catalogue paper for more details ########################################################################### Estimated Speed and beta angle. The speeds and beta angles of the CMEs have been estimated by fitting the central position angle of each event with the Fixed-Phi geometrical model. See section 6 in the catalogue paper for more details. ########################################################################### Latitudinal width (in HEEQ) coords. The latitudinal width of the CMEs in Heliospheric-Earth-Eequatorial coordinates was calculated according to the method discussed in section 6 of the catalogue paper. ########################################################################### Source region latitude and longitdue (in HEEQ coords). An approximate source region of the CMEs was calculated and is given here in Heliospheric-Earth-Eequatorial coordinates. This was calculated according to the method discussed in section 6 of the catalogue paper. ########################################################################### Number of Solar Stormwatch tracks defining this event. The number of time-elongation profiles, over all position angles, that were used to characterise this CME. These time-elongation profiles were all generated as part of the Trace-it activity. ########################################################################### Number of Solar Stormwatch users who tracked this event. The number of unique Solar Stormwatch users who characterised this CME. ###########################################################################