Friday 27/07/2018

Update of surface fluxes (following Liu et al. 2017, Mayer et al. 2017)

1. TOA radiation flux


Fig. 1: (a) Multiannual (2001-2015) mean net downward radiation flux at TOA (FT), (b) FT trend over 2001-2015, (c) FT anomaly time series from old and updated TOA fluxes, the reference period is from 2001-2015, and (d) area mean FT in southern and northern hemispheres. All lines are 12 month running mean.


Fig. S1: (a) Net TOA radiation anomaly (relative to 2001-2005) time series from ERAINT, AMIP5 ensemble mean, CERES Ed4.0 and Ed2.8, and ERA5. (b) Together with the reconstructed time series prior to CERES T anomaly time series from old and updated TOA fluxes, the reference period is from 2001-2015, and (d) area mean FT in southern and northern hemispheres. All lines are 12 month running mean.

2. Surafce flux


Fig. 2: (a) Multiannual (2001-2015) mean net downward surface flux (FS), and (b) FS zonal mean.

Fig. 3: to be here soon

3. Infered transport


Fig. 4: Figure 4. Multiannual mean (2006-2013) northward total meridional ocean heat transports (unit is PW) for (a) the global ocean and (b) the Atlantic derived from the reconstruction (lines) and estimated from observations (symbols, error bars show one standard deviation). Reconstructions are inferred from ocean heating estimated from Roemmich et al. [2015] combined with the ocean surface fluxes using updated and tradition methods, respectively.


Fig. 5: Northward meridional ocean heat transports (unit is PW) at 26oN of North Atlantic from RAPID observations (red) and updated surface fluxes (black), together with the transports inferred from ERA-Interim model surface fluxes and the one with mass corrected atmospheric energy divergences. The multiannual mean (2004-2013) transports are also displayed in the plot.


Fig. 6: Updated observations of energy flows in the climate system in petawatts (PW) over 2006-2013 and the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). TOA radiation flux is from CERES EBAF 4.0 anchored to 0.59 Wm-2 over 2006-2013. Ocean heat storage is based on observations [Roemmich et al., 2015].


Fig. 7: Updated observations of energy flows between ocean and land regions in the climate system in petawatts (PW) over 2006-2013. TOA radiation flux is from CERES EBAF 4.0 anchored to 0.59 Wm-2 over 2006-2013.