Pressure Pseudo Observation tests using made-up SOAR spectra for each vertical mode

Here, balanced and unbalanced increments of p, u, v are shown from assimilation of pseudo pressure observations. The following variations of horizontal spectra for unbalanced pressure, Ap, are used (other control variables are as default).

Click on the pictures to see them full size.

1. Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/SOARonly_400km_40km_d4/
SOAR lengths with vert. mode (km) Ubalanced part of analysis increment, cross sections for p, u, v
2. Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/SOARonly_400km_40km_d2/
SOAR lengths with vert. mode (km) Ubalanced part of analysis increment, cross sections for p, u, v
3. Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/SOARonly_200km_20km_d2/
SOAR lengths with vert. mode (km) Ubalanced part of analysis increment, cross sections for p, u, v
4. Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/SOARonly_200km_20km_d1/
SOAR lengths with vert. mode (km) Ubalanced part of analysis increment, cross sections for p, u, v
5. Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/SOARonly_150km_10km_d0p7/
SOAR lengths with vert. mode (km) Ubalanced part of analysis increment, cross sections for p, u, v

Data in /export/custard/raid/ross/PVplots_Jul07/.