How to take output from ensemble runs and generate covariance statistics

This document is very long as it is meant to be comprehensive. Many of the steps will not necessarily be needed as required files may already be available or a particular set of diagnostics may not be needed. Some of the steps are run on Monsoon, some on the Met Office supercomputer and others on a Met Office linux box.

The outline of the prodedure is as follows:

This document is taylored to the kinds of data structures used by the DIAMET people, although it can be adapted for more general use. The document is structured as follows:

1. Create a directory to store your processed ensemble (MetO supercomputer or Monsoon)

The raw UM output files will need to be processed before computing the covariance statistics. Make a directory on hpc2f (MetO ) or ibm02 (Monsoon):


2. Find the validity time of interest (MetO supercomputer or Monsoon)

Have a look in a sample ensemble member and find the date and time of interest:

<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>

3. Make an orography file with this date/time (MetO supercomputer or Monsoon)

The code that reads-in the ensembles is expecting an orography field at the correct time (even though orography obviously doesn't change in time, the code demands this time is correct!)

A sample orography file for the Southern UK domain (1.5 km resolution) is contained here on monsoon

or on the Met Office supercomputer
Orography files at a selection of other times are also available in these directories (for the NDP model domain). If one has already been prepared for the time that you require, you can skip the rest of section 3.

Stage 3.1 - copy the following into a script, change the date and time and run (on Monsoon and MetO supercomputer).

On Monsoon

cat > namelist << EOF
FixHdIndices(1:5) = 21,22,23,24,25
FixHdValues(1:5) = <year>,<month>,<day>,<hour>,<minute>
/home/rnbann/Var_UMFileUtils/Vn28.1/VarScr_UMFileUtils -u AlterHeader -v -n namelist <OrogInputFile> <OrogOut1>

where values inside <> are user set. The <OrogInputFile> is, e.g. the one specified above. The procedure is the same on the MetO supercomputer, except that the last line should be replaced by

home/nwp/da/frva/var0/build/Var_Stable28/v1.0/pwr7-xlf-serial/build/bin/Var_UMFileUtils/Vn28.1/VarScr_UMFileUtils -u AlterHeader -v -n namelist <OrogInputFile> <OrogOut1>

Stage 3.2 - copy the following into a script, change the date and time and run (on Monsoon and MetO supercomputer).

On Monsoon

cat > namelist << EOF
LookupIndices(1:2,1) = 1,-1,
LookupIndices(1:2,2) = 2,-1,
LookupIndices(1:2,3) = 3,-1,
LookupIndices(1:2,4) = 4,-1,
LookupIndices(1:2,5) = 5,-1,
LookupValues(1) = <year>,
LookupValues(2) = <month>,
LookupValues(3) = <day>,
LookupValues(4) = <hour>,
LookupValues(5) = <minute>
/home/rnbann/Var_UMFileUtils/Vn28.1/VarScr_UMFileUtils -u AlterHeader -v -n namelist <OrogOut1> <OrogOut2>

The <OrogOut1> is the one specified above in 3.1. The procedure is the same on the MetO supercomputer, except that the last line should be replaced by

/home/nwp/da/frva/var0/build/Var_Stable28/v1.0/pwr7-xlf-serial/build/bin/Var_UMFileUtils/Vn28.1/VarScr_UMFileUtils -u AlterHeader -v -n namelist <OrogOut1> <OrogOut2>

4a. For experiments with 24 members stored on Monsoon: Edit and run the script that extracts the fields from the appropriate directories and merge-in the orography file prepared before (Monsoon)

This procedure assumes that fields are stored according to the description on this page. Files from the 23+1 ensemble members have been calculated in three batches of eight. For each ensemble member some relevant fields are in one file and other relevant fields are in another. All the appropriate fields will be extracted and combined into a single file (for each ensemble member).

Copy the two scripts /home/rnbann/Scripts/CreateNL.script and /home/rnbann/Scripts/ExtractAndCombine.script to your own user space (on ibm00). Make sure that they are executable ( chmod +x <each_script_name>). Only the latter script will need to be edited. The following items will need to be set:

Run the script ./ExtractAndCombine.script and wait for the job to finish. The script outputs a file called Status which details the input and output files that the script has dealt with.

4b. For members with 92 members stored on mass: Extract the fields from mass and merges in the orography file from above and merge-in the orography file prepared before (Met Office supercomputer)

Run the following commands (from the diectory /scratch/username)

moo get moose:/devfc/sitdf/adhoc.file/2011092018.pp1.full.tar .
tar xvf 2011092018.pp1.full.tar
rm 2011092018.pp1.full.tar

Next run the following script which will add orography to each member

export UM_UTILS_DIR=/home/nwp/da/frva/var0/build/Var_Stable28/v1.0/pwr7-xlf-serial/build/bin
MEMBERS="00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92"
  echo "Dealing with " $MEMBER
  $UM_UTILS_DIR/VarScr_UMFileUtils -u MergeData -v oper${MEMBER}/qwq118.oper${MEMBER}.pp1.full $DATADIR/Ensembles/orog201109201900Z qwq118.oper${MEMBER}.pp1
Finally delete the directory structure output from the tar command.

5. Copy the ensemble files to the Met Office (Monsoon only)

This comprises a number of stages:

  1. Get the data to the exeter linux box - either els037 or els042. Instructions are available here.
  2. sftp the data to an appropriate place on the Met Office hpc.

6. Process the ensembles on the supercomputer to produce required statistics (Met Office supercomputer)

The procedure now depends upon what you want. Options are as follows:

  1. Plot basic fields from ensemble data (e.g. derived fields like vorticity and divergence) (option 0).
  2. Compute 3-D variance fields (cross sections), structure and correlation functions with a chosen reference point (option 1).
  3. Compute vertical correlation functions (as a function of horizontal position) with a chosen reference level (option 2).
  4. Compute balance diagnostics (with and without localization) (option 3).
  5. Compute variances and vertical correlations in spectral space (option 4).
  6. As option 2, but averaged over longitude (option 5).
  7. Total pressure, balanced pressure, residual pressure diagnostics (option 6).

The job is launched via a VAR job (i.e. run using varui), even though no data assmilation is done. The code is hacked into the Test PF Model program. The reason for this is to allow Ross's covariance code to make use of the read/write/Fourier transform/etc routines that are present in the VAR system. A complilation job for the code is vexi.f. In all jobs, the variable $VAR_LSDUMP_DIR specifies the directory where the ensemble files have been placed. The code does not care what the files are called, but this directory must not contain any other files.

6.1 Compute 3-D variance fields (cross sections), structure and correlation functions with a chosen reference point (option 1)
Set-up and run the 'VAR' code to compute the diagnostics

Run Ross's VAR code. An example job is vexi.b (as it stands this VAR job may have been set up for another option, but the only difference is in the namelist settings described below). The compilation has already been done (at least on the IBM power 7), but if needed, the compilation job is vexi.b. Note that this stage does not plot the data - it just generates data. Instructions for plotting follows. Also note that this is a job that can run on only 1PE.

Namelist variable Type Default Used with Master Routine
General variables
HRAA_MasterRoutine Integer 1 n/a

0 = Compute basic or derived fields from a specified ensemble member.

1 = Compute 3-D variance, structure and correlation functions.

2 = Compute vertical correlation functions (as a function of horizontal position) with a chosen reference level.

3 = Compute balance diagnostics (with and without localization).

4 = Compute variances and vertical correlations in spectral space.

5 = As option 2, but averaged over longitude.

6 = Pressure (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics

7 = Compute maps of balance diagnostics

8 = Theta (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Set the number of ensemble members in the covariance calculations. Set to 0 to use all ensemble members in the VAR_LSDUMP_DIR directory.
UseMember Integer 10 To specify which ensemble member is converted for later plotted. Note that the control member is 1.
PertFromMean Logical.FALSE.
3 at moment
Set to calculate perturbations from the mean. Unset to calculate perturbations from the control.
6 and 8 at moment
Set to use NMC forecast differences instead of ensembles.
6 and 8 at moment
Array of directories containing NMC data
Localization-related variables
Localization_type Integer 0 1, 2, 3

  • 0 = No localization (raw covariances).
  • 1 = Static localization.
  • 2 = Super-static localization.
  • 3 = Simplified SENCORP localization.
  • 4 = ECO-RAP localization.
  • 5 = Super-ECO-RAP localization.
Real100.0 1, 3 Horizontal smoothing distance (grid length multiples) used to generate smoothed members in (super)ECO-RAP and SENCORP localizations. For (super)ECO-RAP localization this is relevant only when Nk>0 and HorizSpectype > 1.
VertLenScale Real10.0 1, 3 Vertical smoothing distance (grid length multiples) used to generate smoothed members in (super)ECORAP and SENCORP localizations. For (super)ECO-RAP localization this is relevant only when Nkz>0 and VertSpectype > 1.
01, 3
Number of horizontal wavenumbers. Set to -1 for no horizontal localization.
NkzInteger 0
1, 3
Number of vertical wavenumbers. Set to -1 for no vertical localization.
HorizSpecTypeInteger 11, 3
Horizontal spectrum shape. 1 = square, 2 = function described by length1_horiz and length2_horiz
VertSpecTypeInteger 1
1, 3
Vertical spectrum shape. 1 = square, 2 = function described by length1_vert and length2_vert
length1_horiz Real15.0 1, 3
Quasi flat distance in horizontal for moderation fn
length2_horiz Real50.0 1, 3
Drop-off distance in horizontal for moderation fn
length1_vert Real5.0 1, 3
Quasi flat distance in vertical for moderation fn
length2_vert Real15.0 1, 3
Drop-off distance in vertical form moderation fn
Integer1 1, 3 Order of simplified SENCORP method (m in Bishop paper, 0, 1 or 2).
ECORAPorderInteger11, 3Order of (super)ECO-RAP adaptive 'sub' matrix (q in Bishop paper, 1 or 2).
OnlyLocalization Logical.FALSE. 1
Set to .TRUE. to output only the localization function in the output fields (static and ECO-RAP localization methods only).
CQ_typeInteger11, 3

1 = Calculate each element of CQ explicitly (uses CQ_radius_horiz and CQ_radius_vert)
2 = Make ensemble of square-root members (uses CQ_radius_horiz) with large number of members (used for faster balance diagnostics)
3 = As 2, but uses smaller number of members (recommended for structure function calculations).

CQ_radius_horizInteger1001, 3
Number of horizontal points (in x or y directions) to include in action of CQ matrix (ECORAP).
1, 3
Number of vertical points to include in action of CQ matrix (ECORAP).
1, 3
No. of rotations in localization schemes
1, 3
Random No. seed for Jacobi rotations
Parameter conversion switches
Theta2T Logical .TRUE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
Convert theta to temperature (still store in LS % theta in code)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Replace exner with hydrostatic exner
Exner2p Logical .TRUE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
Convert exner pressure to pressure (still store in LS % exner in code)
uv2psichi Logical .FALSE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
Convert u and v fields to psi and chi (store in new variables LS % psi and LS % chi in code)
uv2vortdiv Logical .FALSE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
Convert u and v fields to vorticity and divergence (store in new variables LS % psi and LS % chi in code)
Flags to switch on/off covariance calculations
Calc_u_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions associated with u (or psi, vorticity).
Calc_v_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions associated with v (or chi, divergence).
Calc_theta_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with theta.
Calc_exner_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with exner.
Calc_q_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with q.
Calc_w_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with w.
Calc_ws_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with wind speed.
Details about the (fixed) source point (to compute covariances with)
Source_x Integer 180 1, 2, 3 Source point index in the x-direction.
Source_y Integer 144 1 Source point index in the y-direction
Source_z Integer 36 1, 2, 4, 5 Source point index in the z-direction.
CalcInPlanesOnly Logical .TRUE. 1, 2,3

Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions in the Source_x, Source_y, Source_z planes only. Set to .FALSE. to calculate structure/correlation functions at all positions (latter very expensive).

CalcInLinesOnly Logical .FALSE. 1, 2,3

Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions in the Source_x, Source_y, Source_z lines only.

Balance calculation variables
Bal_flag_alpha Logical .FALSE. 3 Set to include 'second order' terms in horizontal balance equation.
Bal_glag_beta Logical .FALSE. 3 Similar to above (can't remember difference)
3First latitude
3 Last latitude
SmoothingScale_from Real0.0
Starting scale for sweep of lengthscales to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
SmoothingScale_to Real50.0
Ending scale for sweep of lengthscales to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
SmoothingScale_inter Real0.0
Interval of sweep of lengths to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
Bal_CalcMatrix Logical.FALSE.
3Set to calculate vertical covariance matrices for theta, thetaH, exner, exnerH
Bal_CalcTerms Logical.FALSE.
3Set to calculate terms in balance equations
Pressure (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics variables
Pressure_realsp Logical.TRUE.
6Calculate pressure diagnostics in real-space


Logical .TRUE. 6
Calculate pressure diagnostics in spectral-space
Calculate pressure diagnostics averaged over domain and ensemble
Remove means from covariance calculations
Degrade lengthscale by this amount (km) - convolutes with a Lorentzian
Theta_realsp Logical.TRUE.
8Calculate theta diagnostics in real-space


Logical .TRUE. 8
Calculate theta diagnostics in spectral-space
Vertical_regressionInteger06Options to perform vertical regression on the balanced pressure
0 = No VR
1 = Read VR matrix from file
2 = Calculate VR matrix from data
Vertical_regression_fileCharacterStandardRegression_706Filename of VR matrix (in vertical modes directory)
Vertical_regression_writeLogical.FALSE.6Set to write VR matrix to file (in vertical modes directory)
Vertical_regression_ipInteger06Inner product to use
0 = Identity
1 = As psi
2 = As chi
3 = As Ap
4 = As mu
Consider global mean pressure as balanced
FFTbpLogical.FALSE.6If set the Fourier method is used to calculate balanced pressure, otherwise GCR is used.
106Maximum number of iterations for the Laplace equation solver
86For GCR(k) method
06GCR preconditioning option (only 0 implemented successfully - no preconditioning)
1.06For ADI preconditioner (not implemented)
.FALSE.6Set to read-in the balanced pressures instead of using solver
Set to output only the balanced pressure (zero bcs)

The files that are output from this program are the following.

Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 0 (derived fields from a specified ensemble member)
Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 1 (3-D variance, structure and correlation functions)
Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 2 (vertical correlation functions (as a function of horizontal position) with a chosen reference level)

Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 3 (balance diagnostics)

Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 4 (variances and vertical correlations in spectral space)
Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 5 (as option 2, but averaged over longitude)

Output files as MasterRoutine = 2.

Note that the specification of the output fields (choice of levels, etc) can be made inside the Field Output namelist.

Output files for HRAA_MasterRoutine = 6 (pressure (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics)

Note that the specification of the output fields (choice of levels, etc) for the real-space fields can be made inside the Field Output namelist.

6.2 Convert the files into a format readable by TIDL (on supercomputer and then on linux)

For each .ff output file on the supercomputer (if any for the particular run that you have done) run the following (which I think tranforms the files from 64 to 32-bit):

ieee -32 x.ff x32.ff

Transfer each x32.ff file to a linux box and on linux run the following (which transforms the fields files to post processing files):

~frum/vn6.0/linux/utils/convpp -32 x32.ff x32.pp

To save typing, these are the commands that you will use for various options (copy and paste into terminal).

# ===== OPTION 0 =================================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for option 0
ieee -32 DerivedFields.ff DerivedFields32.ff
# cd to ensemble directory
ieee -32 Memberx.pp Memberx32.ff
# gzip converted files
gzip *32.*
# Transfer to linux box
rsync *32.*.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/...
# Delete Memberx32.ff on ibm
rm *32.*.gz 
# Commands to be performed in the linux box for option 0
gzip -d *.gz
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 DerivedFields32.ff DerivedFields32.pp
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 Memberx32.ff Memberx32.pp

# ===== OPTION 1 =================================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for option 1
# For variances and correlation functions (usually 1a)
# export EXP=Localization/InputData/NoRP_20Sep2011_1500Z/10Ap

ieee -32 Vars_x.ff Vars_x32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_q.ff CorFns_x_with_q32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_theta.ff CorFns_x_with_theta32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_exner.ff CorFns_x_with_exner32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_u.ff CorFns_x_with_u32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_v.ff CorFns_x_with_v32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_w.ff CorFns_x_with_w32.ff
ieee -32 CorFns_x_with_windspeed.ff CorFns_x_with_windspeed32.ff
gzip *32.ff
# Transfer to linux box
echo $EXP
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/$EXP
rm *.gz
# For structure functions (usually 1b)
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_q.ff StrFns_x_with_q32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_theta.ff StrFns_x_with_theta32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_exner.ff StrFns_x_with_exner32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_u.ff StrFns_x_with_u32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_v.ff StrFns_x_with_v32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_w.ff StrFns_x_with_w32.ff
ieee -32 StrFns_x_with_windspeed.ff StrFns_x_with_windspeed32.ff
gzip *.ff 
# Transfer to linux box
echo $EXP
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/$EXP
# Delete stuff on ibm
rm *32.gz

# Commands to be performed on the linux box for option 1
# Unzip the files first 
gzip -d *.gz 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 Vars_x32.ff Vars_x32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_q32.ff CorFns_x_with_q32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_theta32.ff CorFns_x_with_theta32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_exner32.ff CorFns_x_with_exner32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_u32.ff CorFns_x_with_u32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_v32.ff CorFns_x_with_v32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_w32.ff CorFns_x_with_w32.pp
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 CorFns_x_with_windspeed32.ff CorFns_x_with_windspeed32.pp
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_q32.ff StrFns_x_with_q32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_theta32.ff StrFns_x_with_theta32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_exner32.ff StrFns_x_with_exner32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_u32.ff StrFns_x_with_u32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_v32.ff StrFns_x_with_v32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_w32.ff StrFns_x_with_w32.pp 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 StrFns_x_with_windspeed32.ff StrFns_x_with_windspeed32.pp
# Delete the ff 
rm *32.ff 

# ===== OPTIONS 2 & 5 ============================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for options 2 & 5
gzip CorFns_Vertx*.dat
# Transfer files to linux
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/...

# Commands to be performed on the linux box for options 2 & 5
# Unzip the files
gzip -d *.gz

# ===== OPTION 3 =================================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for option 3
# export EXP=Localization/InputData/NoRP_20Sep2011_1500Z/10Ap

gzip *.dat
# Transfer files to linux
echo $EXP
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/$EXP
rm *.gz

# Commands to be performed on the linux box for option 3
# Unzip the files
gzip -d *.gz

# ===== OPTION 4 =================================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for option 4
gzip VertSpecData*.dat
# Transfer files to linux
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/...

# Open up ftp link to start transfer of files sftp rld036
# Commands to be performed on the linux box for option 4
# Unzip the files
gzip -d *.gz

# ===== OPTION 6 =================================
# Commands to be performed on the ibm for option 6
ieee -32 RealVars_p.ff RealVars_p32.ff
ieee -32 RealVars_pb.ff RealVars_pb32.ff
ieee -32 RealVars_pr.ff RealVars_pr32.ff
gzip *32.ff
gzip *.dat
# Transfer to linux box
rsync *.gz rld036:/data/local/frxb/...
# Delete stuff on ibm
rm *32.*.gz 

# Commands to be performed on the linux box for option 6
# Unzip the files first 
gzip -d *.gz 
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 RealVars_p32.ff RealVars_p32.pp
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 RealVars_pb32.ff RealVars_pb32.pp
~frum/vn7.6/linux/utils/convpp -32 RealVars_pr32.ff RealVars_pr32.pp
# Delete the ff 
rm *32.ff 

6.3 Plot results using TIDL

The plotting routines are found in /home/mm0200/frxb/My_IDL_Library/Corr+Bal_Diags on the Met Office linux system. The IDL code works by taking the outputs processed in previous sections and generating the following:

  1. Encapsulated postscript files of required data (put in a separate directory).
  2. Jpeg equivalents of these postscript files.
  3. Html file linking the jpegs together so that theu can be viewed conveniently.

The eps files (actually .ps) can be kept if required for use in publications if required.

The use of the idl programs should be evident from the comments in each file. The programs rely on the existance of input and output directories which should be set-up in advance. Directories may include the directory containing the input data, the directory to contain the ps files, the directory containing the html and jpeg files, etc.

Each different option (0-5) uses a different idl master program (only master programs need to be edited - not subroutines) as follows.