Ensemble run code options

Ross Bannister


Namelist variable Type Default Used with Master Routine Description
General variables
HRAA_MasterRoutine Integer 1 n/a 0. Compute basic or derived fields from a specified ensemble member.
  1. Compute 3-D variance, structure and correlation functions.
  2. Compute vertical correlation functions (as a function of horizontal position) with a chosen reference level.
  3. Compute balance diagnostics (with and without localization).
  4. Compute variances and vertical correlations in spectral space.
  5. As option 2, but averaged over longitude.
  6. Pressure (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics.
  7. Compute maps of balance diagnostics.
  8. Theta (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics.
nlongs Integer 360 All Number of longitudes
nlats Integer 288 All Number of latitudes
nlevs Integer 70 All Number of levels
UseHowManyMembers Integer 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Set the number of ensemble members in the covariance calculations.
  • Set to 0 to use all ensemble members in the input directory.
UseMember Integer 1 0 To specify which ensemble member is converted for later plotted. Note that the control member is 1.
PertFromMean Logical .FALSE. 3 at moment Set to calculate perturbations from the mean. Unset to calculate perturbations from the control.
NMC Logical .FALSE. 6 and 8 at moment Set to use NMC forecast differences instead of ensembles.
NMC_DIRS Character 6 and 8 at moment Array of directories containing NMC data.
Localization-related variables
Localization_type Integer 0 1, 2, 3 0. No localization (raw covariances).
  1. Static localization.
  2. Super-static localization.
  3. Simplified SENCORP localization.
  4. ECO-RAP localization.
  5. Super-ECO-RAP localization.
HorizLenScale Real 100 1, 3
  • Horizontal smoothing distance (grid length multiples) used to generate smoothed members in (super)ECO-RAP and SENCORP localizations.
  • For (super)ECO-RAP localization this is relevant only when Nk > 0 and HorizSpectype > 1.
VertLenScale Real 10 1, 3
  • Vertical smoothing distance (grid length multiples) used to generate smoothed members in (super)ECORAP and SENCORP localizations.
  • For (super)ECO-RAP localization this is relevant only when Nkz > 0 and VertSpectype > 1.
Nk Integer 0 1, 3 Number of horizontal wavenumbers. Set to -1 for no horizontal localization.
Nkz Integer 0 1, 3 Number of vertical wavenumbers. Set to -1 for no vertical localization.
HorizSpecType Integer 1 1, 3 Horizontal spectrum shape.
  1. Square.
  2. Function described by length1_horiz and length2_horiz.
VertSpecType Integer 1 1, 3 Vertical spectrum shape.
  1. Square.
  2. Function described by length1_vert and length2_vert.
length1_horiz Real 15 1, 3 Quasi flat distance in horizontal for moderation fn
length2_horiz Real 50 1, 3 Drop-off distance in horizontal for moderation fn.
length1_vert Real 5 1, 3 Quasi flat distance in vertical for moderation fn.
length2_vert Real 15 1, 3 Drop-off distance in vertical form moderation fn.
SENCORPorder Integer 1 1, 3 Order of simplified SENCORP method (m in Bishop paper, 0, 1 or 2).
ECORAPorder Integer 1 1, 3 Order of (super)ECO-RAP adaptive ’sub’ matrix (q in Bishop paper, 1 or 2).
OnlyLocalization Logical .FALSE. 1 Set to .TRUE. to output only the localization function in the output fields (static and ECO-RAP localization methods only).
CQ_type Integer 1 1, 3
  1. Calculate each element of CQ explicitly (uses CQ_radius_horiz and CQ_radius_vert).
  2. Make ensemble of square-root members (uses CQ_radius_horiz) with large number of members (used for faster balance diagnostics).
  3. As 2, but uses smaller number of members (recommended for structure function calculations).
CQ_radius_horiz Integer 100 1, 3 Number of horizontal points (in x or y directions) to include in action of CQ matrix (ECORAP).
CQ_radius_vert Integer 50 1, 3 Number of vertical points to include in action of CQ matrix (ECORAP).
JacobiPairs Integer 0 1, 3 No. of rotations in localization schemes.
JacobiSeed Integer 211541 1, 3 Random No. seed for Jacobi rotations.
Parameter conversion switches
Theta2T Logical .TRUE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 Convert θ to T (still store in LS % theta in code).
hydro_p Logical .FALSE. 6 Set to use ph (hydrostatic pressure) in calculations.
Exner2p Logical .TRUE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 Convert Π to p (still store in LS % exner in code).
uv2psichi Logical .FALSE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 Convert u and v fields to psi and chi (store in new variables LS % psi and LS % chi in code).
uv2vortdiv Logical .FALSE. 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 Convert u and v fields to vorticity and divergence (store in new variables LS % psi and LS % chi in code)
Flags to switch on/off covariance calculations
Calc_u_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions associated with u (or ψ, ζ).
Calc_v_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions associated with v (or χ, δ).
Calc_theta_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with θ.
Calc_exner_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with Π.
Calc_q_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with q.
Calc_w_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with w.
Calc_ws_stats Logical .FALSE. 1, 2, 4, 5 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation function associated with wind speed.
Details about the (fixed) source point (to compute covariances with)
Source_x Integer 180 1, 2, 3 Source point index in the x-direction.
Source_y Integer 144 1 Source point index in the y-direction
Source_z Integer 36 1, 2, 4, 5 Source point index in the z-direction.
CalcInPlanesOnly Logical .TRUE. 1, 2,3
  • Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions in the Source_x, Source_y, Source_z planes only.
  • Set to .FALSE. to calculate structure/correlation functions at all positions (latter very expensive).
CalcInLinesOnly Logical .FALSE. 1, 2,3 Set to .TRUE. to calculate structure/correlation functions in the Source_x, Source_y, Source_z lines only.
Balance calculation variables
Bal_flag_alpha Logical .FALSE. 3 Set to include ’second order’ terms in horizontal balance equation.
Bal_glag_beta Logical .FALSE. 3 Similar to above (can’t remember difference).
y_from Integer 1 3 First latitude.
y_to Integer 288 3 Last latitude.
SmoothingScale_from Real 0 3 Starting scale for sweep of lengthscales to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
SmoothingScale_to Real 50 3 Ending scale for sweep of lengthscales to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
SmoothingScale_inter Real 0 3 Interval of sweep of lengths to scale ensemble members before calculating balance diagnostics (units of grid lengths).
Bal_CalcMatrix Logical .FALSE. 3 Set to calculate vertical covariance matrices for θ, θH, Π, ΠH.
Bal_CalcTerms Logical .FALSE. 3 Set to calculate terms in balance equations.
Pressure (balanced / unbalanced) diagnostics variables
Pressure_realsp Logical .TRUE. 6 Calculate pressure diagnostics in real-space.
Pressure_specsp Logical .TRUE. 6 Calculate pressure diagnostics in spectral-space.
Pressure_domain_ens Logical .TRUE. 6 Calculate pressure diagnostics averaged over domain and ensemble.
RemoveMeans Logical .TRUE. 6 Remove means from covariance calculations.
RemoveGlobalMean Logical .FALSE. 6 If RemoveMeans is set, this flag specifies whether to remove the global mean (average over ens and level, TRUE) or point-by-point mean (average over ens, FALSE)
degrade_lengthscale Real 0 6 Degrade lengthscale by this amount (km) - convolutes with a Lorentzian.
CutOffScale Real 20 6 Filters spectrum with arctan spectral filter with this lengthscale (km)
TransScale Real 2 6 Transition scale of arctan spectral filter (km)
Theta_realsp Logical .TRUE. 8 Calculate theta diagnostics in real-space.
Theta_specsp Logical .TRUE. 8 Calculate theta diagnostics in spectral-space.
Vertical_regression Integer 0 6 Options to perform vertical regression on the balanced pressure.
0. No VR.
  1. Read VR matrix from file.
  2. Calculate VR matrix from data.
Vertical_regression_file Character StandardRegression_70 6 Filename of VR matrix (in vertical modes directory)
Vertical_regression_write Logical .FALSE. 6 Set to write VR matrix to file (in vertical modes directory)
Vertical_regression_ip Integer 0 6 Inner product to use
0 = Identity.
  1. As φ.
  2. As χ.
  3. As Ap.
  4. As μ.
GlobalMeanBal Logical .FALSE. 6 Consider global mean p as balanced.
FFTbp Logical .FALSE. 6 If set the Fourier method is used to calculate balanced pressure, otherwise GCR is used.
MaxGCRIters Integer 10 6 Maximum number of iterations for the Laplace equation solver.
GCR_Restart_value Integer 8 6 For GCR(k) method.
GCR_precon_option Integer 0 6 GCR preconditioning option (only 0 implemented successfully - no preconditioning).
deltat Real 1 6 For ADI preconditioner (not implemented).
read_bp Logical .FALSE. 6 Set to read-in the balanced pressures instead of using solver.
JustOutputBalp Logical .FALSE. 6 Set to output only the balanced pressure (zero bcs).