Scale analysis of the toy model equations

RNB, 4th October 2014
The following scalings are used for the toy equations: u = Uu*, v = Vv*, w = Ww*, x = ℒx*, t = (ℒ ⁄ U)t*, z = ℋz*, ρ̃’ = Pρ̃*, ρ̃ = Pρ̃* and b’ = ℬ’b*. In addition, the following definitions are used: Ro = U ⁄ (fℒ), M = U ⁄ (BC), Au = U ⁄ V, Fr = U ⁄ (g), Aw = W ⁄ U, Ar = ℋ ⁄ ℒ.
RoM2Au(u*)/(t*) + Bu*(u*)/(x*) + BF2rAw(g)/(U2)w*(u*)/(z*) + RoAu(P)/(B)(ρ̃*)/(x*) − v*  =  0,  Ro(v*)/(t*) + Bu*(v*)/(x*) + B(Aw)/(Ar)w*(v*)/(z*) + Auu*  =  0,  Ro(w*)/(t*) + Bu*(w*)/(x*) + (g)/(U2)F2rAww*(w*)/(z*) + (P)/(B)(1)/(AwAr)(1)/(M2)(ρ̃*)/(z*) − (ℬ’)/(fW)b*  =  0,  ( P)/(P)(ρ̃*)/(t*) + B(∂(ρ̃*u*))/(x*) + B(Aw)/(Ar)(∂(ρ̃*w*))/(z*)  =  0,  Ro(b*)/(t*) + Bu*(b*)/(x*) + B(Aw)/(Ar)w*(b*)/(z*) + (A2 W)/(ℬ’f)w*  =  0.
The scalings of each term are reproduced in the table below.
u1 u2 u3 u4 u5
RoM2Au RoM2AuB RoM2AuBF2rAwgℒ ⁄ U2 RoAuP’ ⁄ B 1
v1 v2 v3 v4
Ro RoB RoBAw ⁄ Ar Au
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
Ro RoB RogF2rAw ⁄ U2 RoP’ ⁄ (BAwArM2) ℬ’ ⁄ (fW)
rhop1 rhop2 rhop3
P’ ⁄ P B BAw ⁄ Ar
bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4
Ro RoB RoBAw ⁄ Ar A2 W ⁄ (ℬ’f)
In the above, the labels above each term allow each to be referenced easily.