Radiation group

  • The Radiation and Climate Group concentrates on two general areas:

    1. Understanding radiative processes in the the present day atmosphere. This work is currently focusing on the water vapour continuum (including the CAVIAR project ) and

    2. The impact of climate forcings from human-activity and natural sources. This work includes, or has recently included, (i) the effect of short-lived forcing agents on climate (see e.g. the ECLIPSE project , (ii) the effect of aviation on climate change, and the effect of climate change on aviation, including the European Commission REACT4C and ATM4E projects), the SESAR and our NERC-funded project EXTRA (Extratropical Climate Change in the Upper Troposphere and the Routing of Aircraft) and (iii) the role of radiative forcing on hiatus/surge events in global temperature (as part of the NERC-funded SMURPHS project

    Please contact Keith Shine for more information.

    Email: Professor Keith P Shine © The University of Reading.
    Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Earley Gate, PO Box 243, Reading, RG6 6BB, UK
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