This APE Quality Control list is at It lists known non-standard data and metadata in the active APE database at Reading. The corresponding data index is at -------------- AGUforAPE-03a, GT and SH files sw_toar * -1.0 sswr * -1. slwd * -1. SH files tauu * -1. tauv * -1. -------------- CCAM-05a/e, GT and SH files sw_toar * -1.0 sswr * -1. slwd * -1. -------------- NICAM-04, GT and SH files sw_toar * -1.0 sswr * -1. slwd * -1. SH files tauu * -1. tauv * -1. ML files q = 0 -------------- K1JAPAN-03a, SH files tauu * -1. tauv * -1. -------------- LASG-03a, GT and SH files - replaced 10.08.2007 sw_toar,sswr,slwd sign changed dppn corrected tppn added TR files only - replaced 10.08.2007 tppn corrected cppn added -------------- NCAR-03a, TR files only tppn * 1.e3 ----------------- ukmo_03a in the GT, and SH data sets has ssw and sswi instead of sswi and sswr (ssw = sswi + sswr) (sswr = ssw - sswi) and has slw and slwd instead of slwd and slwu (slw = slwd + slwu) (slwu = slw - slwd) but slw * -1. ---------------- ML files rh ukmo_03a * 0.01 metadata indicate fraction (1), but data look like % AGUforAPE-03a * 0.01 metadata indicate fraction (1), but data look like % LASG-03a * 0.01 metadata indicate fraction (1), but data look like % (NSIPP-01 ok although metadata indicate (%), but data look like fraction) (NCAR-03a, K1JAPAN-03a, CCAM-05a all indicate fraction and look like fraction) --------------