Mets vs Old Boy Mets on Sat 6 May 2006

Match summary

Both teams had about 15 players (Tom Osborne was a late starter for us) so we played 12-a-side. We played the extra player in central midfield.

Just before half time we scored 2 goals. After half time they got one back before we went 3-1 up. They scored two more goals - including a great lobbed shot from deep into the top right corner of the goal - to leave us tied at 3-3 with less than 5 minutes to go of normal time. But we got the winner in about the 89 minute from a headed goal from a corner.

List of players

  1. Andrew Charlton
  2. Chris Bell
  3. Craig Neale
  4. Dan Partridge
  5. Duncan Ackerly
  6. Ed Hawkins
  7. Ewan O'Connor
  8. Joe Daron
  9. Keith Shine
  10. Marc Stringer
  11. Neil Ellis
  12. Peter Stott
  13. Rich Allan
  14. Will Morgan

Possible Keepers

Duncan, Ewan, Neil, Craig, Marc.

Rough formation for 1st quarter

Joe Peter
AndrewCraig EwanChris
WillMarc RichNeil

Turn off: Dan, Ed, Keith

Rough formation for 2nd quarter

Joe Neil
EdRich WillPeter
AndrewMarc EwanDan

Turn off: Chris, Craig, Keith

Rough formation for 3rd quarter

Ewan Chris
DanCraig JoeAndrew
PeterDuncan MarcEd

Turn off: Keith, Rich, Will

Rough formation for 4th quarter

Neil Will
DanRich CraigEd
ChrisDuncan MarcKeith

Turn off: Andrew, Joe, Peter