Computer Jargon
AccronymWhat is stands forWhat it is
APIApplication Programming Interface Interface for creating data
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Exchange File format
BIOSBasic Input/Output System used for booting a computer
CDFCommon Data FormatData format
CDLnetwork Common Data form Language convenient way of describing files in the header of netCDF
CPANComprehensive Perl Archive Network Site for Perl software
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides network addresses to network client computers at boot time
DTDDocument Type Definitions definitions in XML
dpiDots Per Inch resolution
HDFHierarchical Data FormatData format
HDF-EOSEarth Observing System extension to HDF Data format
LANLocal Area Network a group of computers or devices that share a common communications line or wireless link
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol a directory service
MBRMaster Boot Record 1st 512-bytes of 1st hard disk and determines the boot sequence
MPIMessage Passing InterfaceInterface for passing data between more than one processor
NCLNCAR Command LanguageDesigned specially for the access analysis and visulation of data
netCDFnetwork Common Data FormatData format
NISNetwork Information Service network's yellow pages
PNGPortable Network Graphics filegraphic format
PXEPreboot eXecution EnvironmentMethod of booting a computer
RPMRed hat Package Manager manages software
RSL(Globus) Resource Specification Language arguments that are used in globus commands
SGMLStandardized Generalized Markup Language the HTML 4.01 standard language
TFTPTrivial File Transport Protocal Way of transporting files
UFFUniversal File Format Data format
XDReXternal Data Representation to make data format machine-independent
XHTMLeXtensible HyperText Markup Language uses XML as well as HTML
XMLeXtensible Markup Language a new standard for html
YaSTYet Another Setup Tool installation and management tool in the Linux environment