This summarises what I know about the IGCM (not a lot). The existing documentation is The table below gives some of the typical examples of the routines used in the radiation code. Some scrappy summarises of the routines have been produced but they are not total reliable.

Example of Routines
BALANC (summ)
BLAYER (summ)
BLSURF (summ)
CALNDR (summ)
CBADJ (summ)
CBCON (summ)
CLDTRAN (summ)
colamt (summ)
CONVEC (summ)
CUBM (summ)
CUDIF (summ)
DANALV (summ)
DEDD (summ)
DGRMLT (summ)
DIFUSE (summ)
DLSGCR (summ)
DRYADJ (summ)
DSTEP (summ)
ENERGY (summ)
end_graphics (summ)
HANAL (summ)
HANAL1 (summ)
HANALV (summ)
HEXP (summ)
HEXP1 (summ)
HEXPV (summ)
ICTRAC (summ)
INIBAL (summ)
INIGAU (summ)
INIPHYS (summ)
INIQS (summ)
INIRES (summ)
INISET (summ)
INISI (summ)
INISP (summ)
INISTR (summ)
INISURF (summ)
INITAL (summ)
interpf (summ)
SMFLUX (summ)
LGNDRE (summ)
LSCRN (summ)
LTD (summ)
LTDDIA (summ)
LTI (summ)
LTIDT (summ)
MASCOR (summ)
MATINV (summ)
MGRMLT (summ)
mltri.f - IGCM3 (summ)
morc.f - RADN (summ)
mynetcdf.f - INI_NETCDF (summ)
NOISE (summ)
O3INTERP (summ)
PQSAT (summ)
PVCR (summ)
RADSW (summ)
SETRES (summ)
SETTEE (summ)
SETZT (summ)
SFCT (summ)
SPDEL2 (summ)
SPOP (summ)
SURFM (summ)
SW (summ)
SWTT (summ)
TBAL (summ)
TSTEP (summ)
VDIFF (summ)
WRSPS (summ)
XSECT (summ)

Variable nameDescription
BEGDAY - only set in INISET either to 0.0 or through namelist INPRN
DELTDiabatic timestep - is only altered in DSTEP, INISET and INISI.
DOYDay Of Year - is only altered in IGCM3 and INISTR
IGC(MG+2)*NHEM - number longitude levels stored in model for however many degrees from equator, e.g. grid points at 10 degrees North and 10 degrees South are clumped together, and so on.
JG Number of grid levels in one hemisphere, i.e. usually 2*JG latitude levels
JH The j-slice model is currently working on
KITS - set in INISI either as 3 or through namelist INPRN
KBAL - set through namelist INPBL in INIBAL (=5 in my example)
KOUNTTimestep count - is only altered in IGCM3 and INISTR. Can equal -KBAL(only if LBALAN is TRUE in INISTR), NINT(RKOUNT) (only in INISTR) or KOUNT+1
MGNumber of longitude levels
NHEMNumber of hemispheres, ie. 2 or 1
NLVertical levels???
NLM, NLP, NLPP, NLA, NLB, NL2=NL -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, *NL
PI22*pi, i.e. 6.28...