Parsing CF standard names

Version 14.1


In the CF metadata convention, standard names are used to describe geophysical quantities. They make use of words and phrases from the relevant geophysical disciplines, but although called "names", standard names often answer the question, "What do you mean by that quantity?" rather than, "What do you usually call that quantity?" This is because CF conventions are applied in many fields, and the users of CF metadata have many different scientific backgrounds. Consequently many CF standard names are longer and more self-explanatory than customary terminology, and good deal of effort is invested in making them clear and consistent in their construction and phraseology. In the process of devising new standard names, reference to a comprehensive and systematic description of the existing names would be useful. With that aim, this document presents a grammatical analysis of CF standard names.


The document has the following sections:
GrammarDescription of the grammar, which is composed of the two elements of lexicon (the phrases which compose standard names) and syntax (the rules used to assemble standard names from phrases).
UsesDescription of how the grammar can be used to help with constructing new standard names, including some software for that purpose.
Derivation Description of how the grammar was derived from the existing set of standard names.
Direction Discussion of the advantages of standard names over other approaches to describing geophysical quantities, and how the grammar could be developed.
Lexicon Lexicon of phrases used in CF standard names, in groups having related meanings.
Patterns List of the syntactic patterns used in CF standard names.
Standard names List of CF standard names, each linked to its grammatical analysis.
Analysis A grammatical analysis of each existing standard name.


This analysis in this document is for version 14 of the CF standard name table, which contains 2072 standard names. (For this analysis I have modified seven of the names and will propose these modifications to be adopted as standard.) The standard name table is contained in an xml file. CF standard names are composed of words joined with underscores e.g.

(By convention, the words consist of lower-case letters and numerals only, but that's not important to this analysis.) The grammar analyses each standard name into phrases, each comprising one or more words e.g.
tendency_of atmosphere water_vapor_content due_to_advection 
In this grammar, the 2072 standard names are constructed from 858 phrases.

Each phrase belongs to a set of phrases of a particular phrasetype. (The phrasetypes are loosely analogous to the parts of speech of natural language i.e. nouns, verbs, etc.) In this grammar, there are 36 phrasetypes. For instance, "tendency_of" belongs to the "(function_of)" phrasetype. Owing to the assignment of phrases to phrasetypes, each standard name can be parsed into a sequence of phrasetypes, in this example

(function_of) (layer) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
We can call the sequence of phrasetypes a standard name pattern. Since the standard names have deliberately been constructed in a systematic fashion, there are only 229 distinct patterns in the grammar, an order of magnitude fewer than standard names. There are several other standard names with the above pattern, another one being
These 229 patterns specify the syntax of CF standard names, which is one of the two components of the grammar. For discussion of how the syntax could be represented by a smaller number of patterns, see below.

The other component of the grammar is the lexicon, which lists the phrases and their assignment to phrasetypes. The definitive version of the lexicon is this plain text "flat" file, whose lines have the form

phrase phrasetype
As far as the parsing software is concerned, the lines can be in any order, although actually I have arranged them by phrasetype and alphabetically within phrasetype. Like parts of speech in natural language, the phrasetypes are characterised partly by their syntactic role within patterns, and partly by semantics. For example, "dry_static" and "sunlit" are both classified as "(pre_adjective)", because both of them can prefix the names of geophysical variables, although they don't have related meanings. The phrases "tropopause" and "sea_surface" are both classified as "(surface)", and they obviously do have the same kind of meaning as well as similar syntactic function. There are distinct phrasetypes of "(component)" e.g. "eastward" and "(grid_component)" e.g. "x", because they are positioned differently in standard names, although they have similar kinds of meaning. There is also a set of phrases which are assigned to no phrasetype, or equivalently to a blank phrasetype, because each of them is in a class of its own regarding syntax and semantics i.e. these untyped phrases only have in common the fact that they have nothing in common with other phrases.

Formally this grammar does not analyse phrases into words, but the phrases have themselves been systematically constructed too. For example, there is a semantic link between "sea_water" and "in_sea_water", which have different phrasetypes "(medium)" and "in_(medium)", so we have used the same phrase "sea_water" in both of them. To make these links apparent, the contents of the lexicon are set out below with semantically related phrasetypes grouped together. Because of the reuse of words in different phrases, like "sea" and "water", the 858 distinct phrases are composed of only 625 distinct words.


When a new standard name is proposed which can be constructed from existing phrases and following an existing pattern, this grammar will allow its correct construction to be verified. To help with this, the orderphrases Python script will put a set of phrases from the lexicon in the order they should have according to existing patterns. For instance,

$ orderphrases -n -L lexicon patterns at_sea_water_surface shortwave_flux net_downward
That may save effort in searching the table for template patterns, and detect syntax and spelling mistakes. Sometimes there is more than one possible order e.g. the phrases "integral_of air temperature deficit wrt time" could be rearranged as "integral_of air time deficit wrt temperature". Furthermore there are plenty of possible names which conform to the rules but are nonsense, such as "tropopause omnidirectional photosynthetic eliassen_palm_flux in_soil_pores emerging_from_sea_water". This is a grandiose example of what Roy Lowry has called the "green dog" problem, and it shows why new standard names are approved manually rather than being automatically added to the table.

When a new phrase is needed, comparison with existing phrases of the same phrasetype in the lexicon may help in devising it. When a new pattern is needed, looking at the list of existing patterns should provide a good way to work out how to extend the syntax. Both the lexicon and the list of patterns may change for each successive version of the CF standard name table.

Proposed new standard names can be tested using the parsenames Python script, which requires the cf_standard_names Python module and reads the plain-text lexicon file. This script first splits up names into phrases, then optionally replaces phrases with phrasetypes to produce standard name patterns, which it finally reduces to a distinct list. The list of patterns in the grammar are produced by processing the standard name table xml file with the parsenames script, using the command

parsenames -X cf-standard-name-table.xml lexicon
This command also reports if there are any phrases in the lexicon which are not used in any standard name.


This work was stimulated by Robert Muetzelfeldt's initiative to produce a grammar for CF standard names based on the existing guidelines for construction of CF standard names. As Robert found, there are many standard names which do not follow the guidelines currently stated, because we have adopted many other syntactic patterns in practice, without writing them down. Rather than codifying these rules purely manually by inspection of the table, I thought it would be interesting to see whether the unstated grammar could be inferred automatically from the standard name table.

As a first step, I used a script which deduced likely phrases for the lexicon. This worked by iterating the following algorithm, starting with the list of standard names:

  1. Split all names into phrases of contiguous words of all possible lengths e.g. from "mass_concentration_of_xylene_in_air" we have all these phrases: mass, concentration, of, xylene, in, air, mass_concentration, concentration_of, of_xylene, xylene_in, in_air, mass_concentration_of, concentration_of_xylene, of_xylene_in, xylene_in_air, mass_concentration_of_xylene, concentration_of_xylene_in, of_xylene_in_air, mass_concentration_of_xylene_in, concentration_of_xylene_in_air.
  2. Count how many times each of these phrases occurs in the names.
  3. For each phrase, multiply its count by its length in words.
  4. Find the phrase with the biggest score, which therefore accounts for the largest number of words in the set of names. Record this phrase.
  5. Delete this phrase from all the names.
The iteration ends when only single words remain, and these are added to the list of phrases.

The final list is a set of phrases into which the standard names can be parsed. I tuned this script in various ways; for instance, I forced it to regard some common phrases as indivisible. Even without tuning, however, the phrases it identified were remarkably close to what you would expect. The first three were "in air", "atmosphere mass content of", "tendency of"; "in air" wins, although it's only two words, because it is extremely common. The results of the script were a good basis, but required quite a lot of editing in order to reduce the number of phrases, and make them consistent in construction. For example, I split "atmosphere mass content of" into "atmosphere" and "mass content of", because "atmosphere" is needed as a phrase separately, and "mass content of" might be needed for other layers than atmosphere, (although it is not at present).

In the next step, I used a script to classify phrases into phrasetypes, as follows:

  1. Parse all standard names into phrases (the first part of parsenames).
  2. For each name, find all other names which differ in respect of only a single phrase e.g.
    mass_concentration_of butane in_air
    mass_concentration_of carbon_dioxide in_air
    We take this to mean that "butane" and "carbon_dioxide" are phrases of the same type. This is called a "paradigmatic analysis" in linguistics. The same kind of analysis allows us to deduce from
    drink a pint of milk a day
    drink a pint of water a day
    that "milk" and "water" are grammatically the same kind of word.
  3. If neither of the phrases ("butane" or "carbon_dioxide" in this example) has been seen before, define a new phrasetype and assign both of them to it, or ...
  4. If one of them has been seen before, assign the other one to the same phrasetype, or ...
  5. If both of them have been seen before, and belong to the same phrasetype already, take no action, or ...
  6. If both of them have been seen before, and are currently assigned to different phrasetypes, merge these phrasetypes. This last possibility is crucial, because it reduces the number of phrasetypes by combining information from differently patterned standard names.
The result is a lexicon, in which each phrase has been assigned a phrasetype. Replacing each phrase by its phrasetype in the parsed standard names produces a set of patterns for standard names.

Following this step, I did a lot more manual editing of the lexicon, in order to reduce the number of phrasetypes and patterns. For example, "clay" and "oxygen" were initially assigned different phrasetypes. After they have been manually assigned to the same phrasetype of "(species)", the standard names "volume_fraction_of_clay_in_soil" and "volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water" can be recognised as instances of the same pattern. I also made seven changes to the standard name table itself to improve the analysis, and I will propose these changes to the CF email list.


An important question which has been raised is whether the purpose of CF standard names would be better served by having a set of attributes, one each for the various geophysical properties that standard names cover: component, surface, medium etc. This would have the advantage of not needing syntax, since separate attributes do not have an order, and it would make it easier to inspect the value of any of these separate properties. I think that these advantages are outweighed by several disadvantages:

I think, on the other hand, that maintaining a comprehensive grammar will share a lot of the advantages suggested for separate attributes.

It would be straightforward to include canonical units in the lexicon. The scalar, vector, tensor and some untyped phrases imply particular canonical units e.g. "precipitation_flux" is in "kg m-2 s-1" and "effective_radius_of" is in "m", while the functions and some other untyped phrases imply a change, no change or a transformation of units e.g. "square_of" changes units "u" to "u2" and "product_of" gives units "uv" if the separate quantities have units "u" and "v". Units could then be generated automatically in most cases.

The number of patterns could evidently be greatly reduced if phrases were recognised as optional in patterns. That is the idea of the general syntax given in the existing guidelines viz.

[surface] [component] standard_name [at surface] [in medium] [due to process] [assuming condition]
This formula is not adequate for the present grammar, which distinguishes more phrasetypes and patterns, but the idea could be extended. Since I started off by seeing if the grammar could be deduced from the standard names, the patterns I ended up with are those which actually occur. The present grammar, whose patterns contain no optional elements, follows the usual CF philosophy of not making extensions until they are needed. A generalised pattern with optional elements would imply some combinations of elements that are not attested in the existing standard names. For example, there are no standard names at present which contain all three of
at_(surface) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
It would be a decision of principle whether patterns should be allowed because they are implied by a pattern with optional elements. Certainly, some extra rules would be needed to exclude some patterns; for instance, "(surface)" and "at_(surface)" are not permitted to occur in the same standard name.

Another way forward would be to introduce a hierarchy of parsing. The highest level would contain constructions involving "(function of)", "product_of" and other phrasetypes that are used to produce standard names from other standard names; these operations are already recognised in the existing guidelines as "Transformations" and Robert Muetzelfeldt treated them separately in his grammar. A lower level would deal with the addition of qualifiers such as "at_(surface)" to unqualified standard names. The bottom level would handle the constructions which generate the standard names of scalars, vector and tensors from other phrasetypes, such as "(quantity_of) (species)", and would decompose phrasetypes such as "at_(surface)". A system like this would be more complex to implement but would need a smaller number of patterns. The purpose of the grammar is to make things easier for humans who want to add standard names. How best to do that is an interesting subject for debate.


The first column lists phrasetypes. The second column lists phrases which are assigned to those phrasetypes. The sections of the table group phrasetypes which are related semantically. [Flat file]

untyped These words and phrases all have unique roles and are therefore not assigned a phrasetype.
angle of rotation from east to
angstrom exponent of
at maximum upward derivative
at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile
away from instrument
defined by
derivative of
effective radius of
expressed as
histogram of
integral of
integral wrt
mole ratio of
number content of
partial pressure difference between
product of
ratio of

scalar Names of scalar geophysical variables i.e. those with no spatial direction.
(scalar)absolute vorticity
absorption optical thickness
age of stratospheric air
age since surface contact
alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
altimeter range
altimeter range correction
angle of emergence
angle of incidence
area fraction
area type
atmosphere sleve coordinate
backscattering ratio
barotropic streamfunction
basal melt rate
baseflow amount
beaufort wind force
bedrock altitude
biharmonic diffusivity
binary mask
bioluminescent photon rate
bolus biharmonic diffusivity
bolus laplacian diffusivity
brightness temperature
brunt vaisala frequency
calving rate
canopy throughfall flux
carbon content
carbon flux
cell area
cell thickness
cloud radiative effect
condensed water content
coriolis parameter
dew point depression
dew point temperature
difference of air pressure from model reference
dimensionless exner function
directional variance spectral density
duration of sunshine
electrical conductivity
energy content
enthalpy content
epineutral biharmonic diffusivity
epineutral laplacian diffusivity
equilibrium line altitude
ertel potential vorticity
forecast period
forecast reference time
foundation temperature
freezing temperature
frozen water content
geopotential height
graupel flux
grid latitude
grid longitude
heat content
heat diffusivity
horizontal streamfunction
horizontal velocity potential
humidity mixing ratio
hybrid height coordinate
hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
ice content
kinetic energy content
kinetic energy dissipation
laplacian diffusivity
leaf area index
liquid water content
ln pressure coordinate
longwave emissivity
longwave forcing
mass streamfunction
mean period from variance spectral density
melt amount
melt and sublimation heat flux
melt flux
melt heat flux
meridional overturning mass streamfunction
meridional overturning streamfunction
microwave emissivity
mixing ratio
mixing scheme
model level number
moisture content
momentum diffusivity
net rate of absorption of longwave energy
net rate of absorption of shortwave energy
normalized difference vegetation index
ocean heat x transport
ocean heat y transport
ocean isopycnal layer thickness diffusivity
ocean mass x transport
ocean mass y transport
ocean montgomery potential
ocean rigid lid pressure
ocean s coordinate
ocean salt x transport
ocean salt y transport
ocean volume
optical thickness
ozone content
partial pressure
ph reported on total scale
pitch angle
pitch rate
planetary albedo
platform course
platform orientation
platform speed
potential density
potential energy content
potential temperature
potential vorticity
precipitation amount
precipitation flux
precipitation rate
primary mole productivity of carbon
primary productivity of carbon
projection x coordinate
projection y coordinate
radiation frequency
radiation wavelength
radiative forcing
rainfall amount
rainfall flux
rainfall rate
reference sea water density
reflectivity factor
relative humidity
relative vorticity
richardson number
roll angle
roll rate
root depth
runoff amount
runoff flux
salt diffusivity
saturation deficit
scattering angle
sea area
sea ice x displacement
sea ice y displacement
sea level change
secchi depth
shortwave forcing
sigma coordinate
sigma t
sigma theta
significant height
skin temperature
snow density
snow grain size
snowfall amount
snowfall flux
snowfall rate
soil hydraulic conductivity
soil moisture content
soil porosity
soil suction
soil type
solar azimuth angle
solar elevation angle
solar zenith angle
soot content
sound frequency
sound intensity
sound intensity level
sound pressure
sound pressure level
specific convective available potential energy
specific dry energy
specific gravitational potential energy
specific humidity
specific kinetic energy
speed of sound
sublimation amount
sublimation flux
subskin temperature
sulfate content
surface drag coefficient
surface roughness length
surface snow amount
surface specific mass balance
temperature flux
temperature lapse rate
temperature of sensor
thermal capacity
thermal conductivity
thermal energy content
thunderstorm probability
toa bidirectional reflectance
tracer diffusivity
transpiration amount
transpiration flux
variance spectral density
virtual temperature
volume attenuated backwards scattering function
volume fraction
water amount
water content
water evaporation amount
water evaporation flux
water evaporation rate
water potential evaporation amount
water potential evaporation flux
water sublimation flux
water vapor content
wet bulb temperature
wind mixing energy flux
wind speed
wind speed shear
x coordinate index
y coordinate index
y overturning mass streamfunction
yaw angle
yaw rate
zenith angle
zero upcrossing period

vector Names of vector geophysical variables i.e. those which have a spatial direction.
(vector)convective mass flux
deep convective mass flux
eliassen palm flux
energy flux
energy transport
freshwater transport
geothermal heat flux
heat flux
heat transport
longwave flux
mole flux
ocean mass transport
photon flux
photon radiance
photon spherical irradiance
radar wave
radial vector
radiative flux
salt flux
salt transport
sea ice displacement
sea ice transport
shallow convective mass flux
shortwave flux
spherical irradiance
transformed eulerian mean air velocity
velocity of scatterers
virtual salt flux
water flux
water transport
water vapor flux
water vapor transport
water volume transport
wind shear

tensor Names of tensor geophysical variables i.e. those which have two spatial directions.
(tensor)momentum flux

pre_adjective Qualifying phrases which go before the names of geophysical variables.
(pre adjective)adjusted
correction for model negative
dry static
global average
ocean eddy
pseudo equivalent
swell wave
vertical component of ocean xy
vertical mean
wind wave

post_adjective Qualifying phrases which go after the names of geophysical variables.
(post adjective)across line
at stp
at variance spectral density maximum
excluding baseflow
for boussinesq approximation
for oxygen
of gust

component These phrases specify spatial components of vectors and tensors with respect to directions in physical space.
(component)diffuse downwelling
net downward
net upward

grid_component These phrases specify spatial components of vectors and tensors with respect to directions on a numerical grid.
(grid component)x

dynamic Adjectives for describing the character of motion in a fluid.

property Properties of the medium or its motion which can be transported e.g. by advection or diffusion.
(property)for heat
for (property)for momentum

quantity Extensive measures of the amount of matter.
(quantity of)equivalent pressure of
equivalent thickness at stp of
mass content of
mass of
mole content of
moles of

concentration Intensive measures of the amount of matter.
(concentration of)fractional saturation of
mass concentration of
mass fraction of
mole concentration of
mole fraction of
surface partial pressure of
volume fraction of
volume mixing ratio of

per_unit Qualifiers which convert extensive to intensive measures.
(per unit)across unit distance
per unit area
per unit mass

material_flux_of Flux of matter
(material flux of)mass flux of
mole flux of

species Names of chemical elements, chemical compounds, minerals, aerosols and biological species. Qualifiers which attribute a variable to the presence or activity of a particular species.
(species)acetic acid
by (species)aceto nitrile
due to (species)alkanes
alpha hexachlorocyclohexane
alpha pinene
ambient aerosol
due to ambient aerosol
ammonium dry aerosol
anthropogenic nmvoc
aromatic compounds
atomic bromine
atomic chlorine
atomic nitrogen
beta pinene
biogenic nmvoc
due to black carbon ambient aerosol
black carbon dry aerosol
bromine chloride
bromine monoxide
bromine nitrate
by calcareous phytoplankton
calcareous phytoplankton
carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
carbon tetrachloride
chlorine dioxide
chlorine monoxide
chlorine nitrate
chlorophyll a
condensed water
by diatoms
by diazotrophs
dichlorine peroxide
dimethyl sulfide
dinitrogen pentoxide
dissolved inorganic carbon
dissolved inorganic iron
dissolved inorganic nitrogen
dissolved inorganic phosphate
dissolved inorganic phosphorus
dissolved inorganic silicate
dissolved inorganic silicon
dissolved iron
dissolved molecular oxygen
dissolved organic carbon
due to dissolved organic matter
due to dust ambient aerosol
dust dry aerosol
elemental nitrogen
formic acid
frozen water
gaseous divalent mercury
gaseous elemental mercury
hydrogen bromide
hydrogen chloride
hydrogen cyanide
hydrogen peroxide
hydroperoxyl radical
hydroxyl radical
hypobromous acid
hypochlorous acid
inorganic bromine
inorganic chlorine
inorganic nitrogen
liquid water
mercury dry aerosol
methyl bromide
methyl chloride
methyl hydroperoxide
methyl peroxy radical
by miscellaneous phytoplankton
miscellaneous phytoplankton
miscellaneous zooplankton
molecular hydrogen
molecular oxygen
nitrate and nitrite
nitrate dry aerosol
nitrate radical
nitric acid
nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
nitrogen dioxide
nitrogen monoxide
nitrous acid
nitrous oxide
organic detritus
oxygenated hydrocarbons
particulate iron
particulate matter
particulate organic matter
due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
particulate organic matter dry aerosol
particulate organic nitrogen
particulate organic phosphorus
particulate silicon
peroxy radicals
peroxyacetyl nitrate
peroxynitric acid
by phytoplankton
by picophytoplankton
due to pm10 ambient aerosol
pm10 ambient aerosol
due to pm1 ambient aerosol
pm1 ambient aerosol
due to pm2p5 ambient aerosol
pm2p5 ambient aerosol
primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
due to seasalt ambient aerosol
seasalt dry aerosol
secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
due to sulfate ambient aerosol
sulfate ambient aerosol
sulfate dry aerosol
sulfur dioxide
sulfur dry aerosol
sulfuric acid
suspended matter
unfrozen water
due to water in ambient aerosol
water in ambient aerosol
water vapor

particles Names of particles of condensed matter within a fluid medium.
(particles)aerosol particles
cloud droplets
graupel particle
ice crystals
ice particle
liquid water particle
rain particle
snow particle

phenomenon Names of processes and phenomena. Qualifiers which attribute an effect to a particular process or phenomenon.
(phenomenon)due to accretion to rain
due to (phenomenon)due to accretion to snow
due to advection
due to advection and bolus advection
due to aggregation
due to air pressure and wind at high frequency
due to air pressure at low frequency
due to autoconversion
due to autoconversion to rain
due to autoconversion to snow
due to background
due to bergeron findeisen process from cloud liquid
due to bergeron findeisen process to cloud ice
due to biological processes
due to biological production
biomass burning
due to bolus advection
due to bolus transport
due to boundary layer mixing
due to change in sigma coordinate wrt surface pressure
due to cloud
due to cloud microphysics
due to condensation and evaporation
due to condensation and evaporation from boundary layer mixing
due to condensation and evaporation from convection
due to condensation and evaporation from longwave heating
due to condensation and evaporation from pressure change
due to condensation and evaporation from shortwave heating
due to condensation and evaporation from turbulence
due to convection
due to convective cloud
due to convective detrainment
due to deep convection
due to denitrification and sedimentation
due to deposition and fixation and runoff
due to deposition and runoff and sediment dissolution
due to deposition and sublimation
due to diabatic processes
due to diffusion
due to dissolution
due to dissolution from inorganic particles
due to dry convection
due to dry deposition
due to dry deposition into stomata
due to dry troposphere
due to dynamics
due to earth tide
due to eddy advection
due to eliassen palm flux divergence
due to emission
due to equilibrium ocean tide
due to evaporation
due to evaporation of melting ice
due to fixation
due to form drag
from icebergs
from rivers
from rivers and surface downward water flux
due to geocentric ocean tide
due to gravitational settling
due to gravity wave drag
due to grazing of phytoplankton
due to gyre
due to heterogeneous nucleation
due to heterogeneous nucleation from cloud liquid water
due to heterogeneous nucleation from water vapor
heterotrophic respiration
due to homogeneous nucleation
due to horizontal mixing
due to iceberg thermodynamics
due to icefall
due to ionosphere
due to isostatic adjustment
due to longwave heating
due to melting from cloud ice
due to melting to cloud liquid water
due to melting to rain
due to model physics
due to moist convection
due to net chemical production
due to net chemical production and emission
due to net primary production
due to newtonian relaxation
due to nitrate utilization
due to non equilibrium ocean tide
due to nonorographic eastward gravity waves
due to nonorographic gravity wave drag
due to nonorographic westward gravity waves
due to numerical artefacts
due to orographic gravity wave drag
due to orographic gravity waves
due to overturning
plant respiration
due to pole tide
due to radiative heating
due to rainfall
due to re emission
due to riming
due to riming from cloud liquid water
due to riming from rain
due to runoff
due to runoff and sediment dissolution
due to scavenging by inorganic particles
due to sea ice thermodynamics
due to sea surface roughness
due to sedimentation
due to shallow convection
due to shortwave heating
due to snow thermodynamics
soil respiration
due to stratiform cloud
due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing
due to stratiform precipitation
due to thermodynamics
due to tides
due to turbulence
due to turbulent deposition
due to turbulent depostion
due to vertical friction
due to vertical mixing
due to wet deposition
due to wet troposphere
due to wind mixing
due to xy friction

cloud_type Adjectives which describe cloud and precipitation processes
(cloud type)convective
large scale

medium Names of physical media. Qualifiers which attribute variables to a medium, or which relate the direction of a vector to a medium.
(medium)emerging from sea water
in (medium)from soil
of (medium)into sea water
(preposition) (medium)out of sea ice and sea water
out of sea water
reflected by sea water
in air
of air
in atmosphere boundary layer
in atmosphere layer
in floating ice
in ocean layer
in sea ice
in sea water
of sea water
sea water
in snow
in soil
in soil moisture
in soil pores
in water

frequency_moment Qualifiers which describe measures of wave spectra.
(frequency moment)first frequency moment
inverse frequency moment
second frequency moment

condition Qualifiers which indicate that a variable has been calculated assuming a certain, possibly hypothetical, physical state.
(assuming condition)assuming clear sky
assuming deep snow
assuming no aerosol or cloud
assuming no snow
assuming no tide
assuming sea level for geoid
at critical point
at field capacity
at saturation
at wilting point
without flux correction

status Names of particular circumstances
(status)above threshold
aragonite undersaturation
below threshold
calcite undersaturation

coordinate_or_extent_of Where, when or for how long
(coordinate or extent of)minimum depth of
number of days with
spell length of days with

surface Names of geophysical surfaces. Qualifiers which indicate that a variable applies on a particular surface, or on some level related to a surface, or which relate the direction of a vector to a surface.
(surface)above geoid
at (surface)above reference ellipsoid
(preposition) (surface)above sea floor
above sea level
below geoid
below sea level
below sea surface
below surface
from canopy
onto canopy
at base of ocean mixed layer
canopy and surface
at cloud base
cloud base
at cloud top
cloud top
at convective cloud base
at convective cloud top
dynamic tropopause
at freezing level
freezing level
at ground level
at sea floor
sea floor
at sea ice base
at sea level
sea surface
at sea water surface
at top of atmosphere boundary layer
at top of atmosphere model
at top of dry convection

layer Names of geophysical layers. Qualifiers which attribute a variable to a layer.
of (layer)atmosphere boundary layer
of atmosphere layer
floating ice
land ice
middle atmosphere
of ocean layer
ocean mixed layer
sea ice
of soil layer
of surface snow
surface snow
surface snow and ice

function These phrases are used to derive standard names from other standard names.
(function of)backwards scattering coefficient of
change in
change over time in
depth of isosurface of
direction of
divergence of
lagrangian tendency of
magnitude of
minus one times
square of
tendency of
thickness of
volume absorption coefficient of
volume attenuation coefficient of
volume backwards scattering coefficient of
volume beam attenuation coefficient of
volume scattering coefficient of
volume scattering function of

direction These phrases are used to construct names for the direction of a vector, in cases where the function "direction_of" might be ambiguous.
(direction)from direction
to direction


The first column is the number of and a link to the standard names which follow this pattern. [Flat file]

16(cloud_type) (scalar)
4(cloud_type) (surface) (scalar)
4(cloud_type) cloud (scalar)
2(cloud_type) cloud (scalar) in_(medium)
4(component) (component) (tensor) at_(surface)
2(component) (component) (tensor) in_(medium)
5(component) (component) (tensor) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
2(component) (grid_component) (tensor) at_(surface)
3(component) (layer) (pre_adjective) (vector)
2(component) (layer) (pre_adjective) (vector) (per_unit)
6(component) (layer) (vector)
4(component) (layer) (vector) (per_unit)
12(component) (layer) (vector) due_to_(phenomenon)
3(component) (material_flux_of) (medium)
3(component) (material_flux_of) (species) expressed_as (species) in_(medium)
4(component) (material_flux_of) (species) in_(medium)
4(component) (medium) (vector)
2(component) (medium) (vector) (assuming_condition)
1(component) (medium) (vector) away_from_instrument
2(component) (pre_adjective) (vector) due_to_(phenomenon)
27(component) (pre_adjective) (vector) in_(medium)
2(component) (tensor) (post_adjective)
11(component) (vector)
2(component) (vector) (per_unit) in_(medium)
2(component) (vector) at_(surface)
4(component) (vector) at_(surface) in_(medium)
1(component) (vector) away_from_instrument
23(component) (vector) in_(medium)
8(component) (vector) in_(medium) (assuming_condition)
3(component) (vector) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
5(concentration_of) (cloud_type) cloud (species) in_(medium)
1(concentration_of) (species) (post_adjective) in_(medium)
72(concentration_of) (species) expressed_as (species) in_(medium)
2(concentration_of) (species) expressed_as (species) in_(medium) (assuming_condition)
400(concentration_of) (species) in_(medium)
3(concentration_of) (species) in_(medium) (assuming_condition)
1(concentration_of) (species) in_(medium) at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile
3(concentration_of) cloud (species) in_(medium)
4(coordinate_or_extent_of) (medium) (scalar) (status)
3(coordinate_or_extent_of) (pre_adjective) (function_of) (scalar) (status)
1(coordinate_or_extent_of) (scalar) (status)
2(coordinate_or_extent_of) (status) in_(medium)
7(dynamic) (component) (medium) (vector)
2(dynamic) (component) (vector)
4(dynamic) (medium) (grid_component) (vector)
4(function_of) (cloud_type) (scalar)
2(function_of) (component) (medium) (vector)
1(function_of) (component) (medium) (vector) due_to_(phenomenon)
5(function_of) (component) (vector)
12(function_of) (component) (vector) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (component) (vector) in_(medium)
3(function_of) (concentration_of) (cloud_type) cloud (species) in_(medium)
43(function_of) (concentration_of) (cloud_type) cloud (species) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
6(function_of) (concentration_of) (species) expressed_as (species) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
5(function_of) (concentration_of) (species) expressed_as (species) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon) by_(species)
10(function_of) (concentration_of) (species) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
3(function_of) (concentration_of) cloud (species) in_(medium)
5(function_of) (concentration_of) cloud (species) in_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (function_of) (medium) (scalar)
1(function_of) (layer) (pre_adjective) (scalar)
101(function_of) (layer) (quantity_of) (species)
133(function_of) (layer) (quantity_of) (species) due_to_(phenomenon)
8(function_of) (layer) (quantity_of) (species) expressed_as (species)
7(function_of) (layer) (quantity_of) (species) expressed_as (species) due_to_(phenomenon)
5(function_of) (layer) (scalar)
1(function_of) (layer) (scalar) (per_unit)
1(function_of) (layer) (scalar) (per_unit) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (layer) (scalar) defined_by (scalar)
17(function_of) (layer) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
2(function_of) (layer) (vector)
4(function_of) (layer) number_content_of (particles) due_to_(phenomenon)
8(function_of) (medium) (scalar)
23(function_of) (medium) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
2(function_of) (medium) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon) (assuming_condition)
1(function_of) (medium) (vector)
1(function_of) (pre_adjective) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
2(function_of) (pre_adjective) (scalar) of_(layer)
7(function_of) (scalar)
8(function_of) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (scalar) in_(medium)
1(function_of) (scalar) of_(layer)
10(function_of) (scalar) of_(layer) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (surface) (component) (tensor)
1(function_of) (surface) (component) (vector)
2(function_of) (surface) (component) (vector) in_(medium)
1(function_of) (surface) (medium) (scalar)
1(function_of) (surface) (scalar)
1(function_of) (surface) (scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
3(function_of) (vector)
1(function_of) (vector) (preposition)_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(function_of) (vector) away_from_instrument
5(function_of) (vector) in_(medium)
1(function_of) (vector) in_(medium) due_to_(species)
3(function_of) derivative_of (scalar) wrt (scalar)
2(grid_component) (vector)
2(grid_component) derivative_of (scalar)
2(layer) (cloud_type) cloud (scalar)
2(layer) (component) (tensor) due_to_(phenomenon)
5(layer) (component) (vector)
1(layer) (dynamic) (scalar)
4(layer) (grid_component) (vector)
4(layer) (pre_adjective) (grid_component) (vector)
10(layer) (pre_adjective) (scalar)
8(layer) (pre_adjective) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(layer) (pre_adjective) (vector)
4(layer) (property) (pre_adjective) (scalar)
4(layer) (property) (scalar)
1(layer) (quantity_of) (medium) (per_unit)
182(layer) (quantity_of) (species)
17(layer) (quantity_of) (species) expressed_as (species)
62(layer) (scalar)
1(layer) (scalar) (per_unit)
2(layer) (scalar) (per_unit) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(layer) (scalar) defined_by (pre_adjective) (scalar)
4(layer) (scalar) defined_by (scalar)
5(layer) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
15(layer) (scalar) due_to_(species)
3(layer) cloud (scalar)
1(layer) integral_of (medium) (scalar) wrt (scalar)
3(layer) number_content_of (particles)
2(medium) (grid_component) (vector)
28(medium) (scalar)
1(medium) (scalar) (per_unit)
3(medium) (scalar) (post_adjective)
9(medium) (scalar) at_(surface)
4(phenomenon) (scalar)
4(pre_adjective) (cloud_type) (scalar)
4(pre_adjective) (function_of) (cloud_type) (scalar)
1(pre_adjective) (function_of) (layer) (scalar)
5(pre_adjective) (function_of) (scalar)
2(pre_adjective) (function_of) (scalar) of_(layer)
1(pre_adjective) (function_of) (surface) (scalar)
2(pre_adjective) (pre_adjective) (scalar)
21(pre_adjective) (scalar)
6(pre_adjective) (scalar) by_(species)
1(pre_adjective) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
2(pre_adjective) (scalar) of_(layer)
1(pre_adjective) cloud (scalar)
2(quantity_of) (layer) (scalar)
7(quantity_of) (species) (per_unit) in_(medium)
3(scalar) (assuming_condition)
4(scalar) (post_adjective)
1(scalar) (post_adjective) due_to_(phenomenon)
1(scalar) (post_adjective) in_(medium)
2(scalar) (preposition)_(medium)
6(scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
6(scalar) at_(surface)
1(scalar) at_(surface) defined_by (scalar)
1(scalar) at_maximum_upward_derivative of_(medium) (scalar)
1(scalar) at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile of (concentration_of) (species) in_(medium)
11(scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
3(scalar) due_to_(phenomenon) expressed_as (vector) (preposition)_(medium)
1(scalar) expressed_as (surface) (scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
4(scalar) for_(property) in_(medium)
20(scalar) in_(medium)
1(scalar) in_(medium) (assuming_condition)
13(scalar) of_(layer)
1(scalar) of_(layer) (assuming_condition)
1(scalar) of_(layer) due_to_(species)
5(scalar) of_(medium)
3(scalar) wrt (medium)
2(species) (scalar)
2(surface) (component) (component) (tensor)
2(surface) (component) (grid_component) (tensor)
2(surface) (component) (grid_component) (tensor) (post_adjective)
2(surface) (component) (material_flux_of) (species)
1(surface) (component) (material_flux_of) (species) expressed_as (species)
2(surface) (component) (medium) (vector)
4(surface) (component) (pre_adjective) (vector)
21(surface) (component) (pre_adjective) (vector) in_(medium)
2(surface) (component) (pre_adjective) (vector) in_(medium) (preposition)_(medium)
20(surface) (component) (vector)
7(surface) (component) (vector) (assuming_condition)
16(surface) (component) (vector) in_(medium)
4(surface) (component) (vector) in_(medium) (assuming_condition)
2(surface) (component) (vector) in_(medium) (preposition)_(medium)
2(surface) (dynamic) (component) (medium) (vector)
2(surface) (dynamic) (component) (medium) (vector) (assuming_condition)
2(surface) (dynamic) (medium) (grid_component) (vector)
2(surface) (dynamic) (medium) (grid_component) (vector) (assuming_condition)
1(surface) (function_of) (vector)
3(surface) (medium) (scalar)
4(surface) (pre_adjective) (direction)
24(surface) (pre_adjective) (scalar)
9(surface) (pre_adjective) (scalar) (frequency_moment)
1(surface) (pre_adjective) (scalar) (post_adjective)
30(surface) (scalar)
3(surface) (scalar) (assuming_condition)
1(surface) (scalar) (post_adjective)
8(surface) (scalar) (post_adjective) due_to_(phenomenon)
7(surface) (scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
1(surface) (species) (vector)
3(surface) (species) partial_pressure_difference_between (medium) and (medium)
1(surface) ratio_of (component) (vector) (preposition)_(medium) to (component) (vector) in_(medium)
2(vector) (direction)
4(vector) (post_adjective)
4(vector) (preposition)_(medium)
1(vector) (preposition)_(medium) (assuming_condition)
17(vector) (preposition)_(medium) due_to_(phenomenon)
2angle_of_rotation_from_east_to (grid_component)
1angstrom_exponent_of (species) in_(medium)
2cloud (scalar)
1cloud (scalar) in_(medium)
3cloud (scalar) of_(layer)
2cloud (species) (scalar)
9effective_radius_of (cloud_type) cloud (particles)
1histogram_of (pre_adjective) (scalar) over (scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
1histogram_of (scalar) over (scalar) (preposition)_(surface)
2integral_of (medium) (scalar) (post_adjective) wrt (scalar)
1integral_of (medium) (scalar) wrt (scalar) expressed_as (scalar)
1integral_of (medium) (scalar) wrt (scalar) in_(medium)
2integral_of (surface) (component) (component) (tensor) wrt (scalar)
2integral_of (surface) (component) (pre_adjective) (vector) wrt (scalar)
2integral_of (surface) (component) (vector) in_(medium) wrt (scalar)
4integral_of (surface) (component) (vector) wrt (scalar)
1integral_wrt (scalar) of (function_of) (medium) (scalar)
1integral_wrt (scalar) of (function_of) (medium) (scalar) due_to_(phenomenon)
1mole_ratio_of (species) to (species) in_(medium)
1product_of (component) (medium) (vector) and (medium) (scalar)
5product_of (component) (medium) (vector) and (scalar)
2product_of (component) (vector) and (component) (medium) (vector)
1product_of (component) (vector) and (component) (vector)
2product_of (component) (vector) and (medium) (scalar)
6product_of (component) (vector) and (scalar)
2product_of (medium) (scalar) and (scalar)
1product_of (scalar) and (medium) (scalar)
3product_of (scalar) and (scalar)
2ratio_of (grid_component) derivative_of (scalar) to (surface) (scalar)

Standard names

Each standard name is a link to its analysis into one of the patterns.

age of stratospheric air
air density
air potential temperature
air pressure
air pressure anomaly
air pressure at cloud base
air pressure at cloud top
air pressure at convective cloud base
air pressure at convective cloud top
air pressure at freezing level
air pressure at sea level
air temperature
air temperature anomaly
air temperature at cloud top
air temperature lapse rate
air temperature threshold
altimeter range
altimeter range correction due to dry troposphere
altimeter range correction due to ionosphere
altimeter range correction due to wet troposphere
altitude at top of dry convection
angle of emergence
angle of incidence
angle of rotation from east to x
angle of rotation from east to y
angstrom exponent of ambient aerosol in air
area fraction
area fraction below surface
area type
atmosphere absolute vorticity
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to black carbon ambient aerosol
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to seasalt ambient aerosol
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to sulfate ambient aerosol
atmosphere boundary layer thickness
atmosphere cloud condensed water content
atmosphere cloud ice content
atmosphere cloud liquid water content
atmosphere convective cloud condensed water content
atmosphere convective cloud liquid water content
atmosphere downdraft convective mass flux
atmosphere dry energy content
atmosphere dry static energy content
atmosphere eastward stress due to gravity wave drag
atmosphere energy content
atmosphere enthalpy content
atmosphere heat diffusivity
atmosphere horizontal streamfunction
atmosphere horizontal velocity potential
atmosphere hybrid height coordinate
atmosphere hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
atmosphere kinetic energy content
atmosphere ln pressure coordinate
atmosphere mass content of acetic acid
atmosphere mass content of aceto nitrile
atmosphere mass content of alkanes
atmosphere mass content of alkenes
atmosphere mass content of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane
atmosphere mass content of alpha pinene
atmosphere mass content of ammonia
atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere mass content of aromatic compounds
atmosphere mass content of atomic bromine
atmosphere mass content of atomic chlorine
atmosphere mass content of atomic nitrogen
atmosphere mass content of benzene
atmosphere mass content of beta pinene
atmosphere mass content of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of bromine chloride
atmosphere mass content of bromine monoxide
atmosphere mass content of bromine nitrate
atmosphere mass content of brox expressed as bromine
atmosphere mass content of butane
atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide
atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide
atmosphere mass content of carbon tetrachloride
atmosphere mass content of cfc11
atmosphere mass content of cfc113
atmosphere mass content of cfc113a
atmosphere mass content of cfc114
atmosphere mass content of cfc115
atmosphere mass content of cfc12
atmosphere mass content of chlorine dioxide
atmosphere mass content of chlorine monoxide
atmosphere mass content of chlorine nitrate
atmosphere mass content of clox expressed as chlorine
atmosphere mass content of dichlorine peroxide
atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide
atmosphere mass content of dinitrogen pentoxide
atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of ethane
atmosphere mass content of ethanol
atmosphere mass content of ethene
atmosphere mass content of ethyne
atmosphere mass content of formaldehyde
atmosphere mass content of formic acid
atmosphere mass content of gaseous divalent mercury
atmosphere mass content of gaseous elemental mercury
atmosphere mass content of halon1202
atmosphere mass content of halon1211
atmosphere mass content of halon1301
atmosphere mass content of halon2402
atmosphere mass content of hcc140a
atmosphere mass content of hcfc141b
atmosphere mass content of hcfc142b
atmosphere mass content of hcfc22
atmosphere mass content of hexachlorobiphenyl
atmosphere mass content of hox expressed as hydrogen
atmosphere mass content of hydrogen bromide
atmosphere mass content of hydrogen chloride
atmosphere mass content of hydrogen cyanide
atmosphere mass content of hydrogen peroxide
atmosphere mass content of hydroperoxyl radical
atmosphere mass content of hydroxyl radical
atmosphere mass content of hypobromous acid
atmosphere mass content of hypochlorous acid
atmosphere mass content of inorganic bromine
atmosphere mass content of inorganic chlorine
atmosphere mass content of isoprene
atmosphere mass content of limonene
atmosphere mass content of mercury dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of methane
atmosphere mass content of methanol
atmosphere mass content of methyl bromide
atmosphere mass content of methyl chloride
atmosphere mass content of methyl hydroperoxide
atmosphere mass content of methyl peroxy radical
atmosphere mass content of molecular hydrogen
atmosphere mass content of nitrate dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of nitrate radical
atmosphere mass content of nitric acid
atmosphere mass content of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
atmosphere mass content of nitrogen monoxide
atmosphere mass content of nitrous acid
atmosphere mass content of nitrous oxide
atmosphere mass content of nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere mass content of nox expressed as nitrogen
atmosphere mass content of noy expressed as nitrogen
atmosphere mass content of oxygenated hydrocarbons
atmosphere mass content of ozone
atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of peroxy radicals
atmosphere mass content of peroxyacetyl nitrate
atmosphere mass content of peroxynitric acid
atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of propane
atmosphere mass content of propene
atmosphere mass content of radon
atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of sulfate ambient aerosol
atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol
atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide
atmosphere mass content of terpenes
atmosphere mass content of toluene
atmosphere mass content of water in ambient aerosol
atmosphere mass content of water vapor
atmosphere mass content of xylene
atmosphere mass of air per unit area
atmosphere mass per unit area
atmosphere moles of acetic acid
atmosphere moles of aceto nitrile
atmosphere moles of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane
atmosphere moles of alpha pinene
atmosphere moles of ammonia
atmosphere moles of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere moles of atomic bromine
atmosphere moles of atomic chlorine
atmosphere moles of atomic nitrogen
atmosphere moles of benzene
atmosphere moles of beta pinene
atmosphere moles of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere moles of bromine chloride
atmosphere moles of bromine monoxide
atmosphere moles of bromine nitrate
atmosphere moles of brox expressed as bromine
atmosphere moles of butane
atmosphere moles of carbon dioxide
atmosphere moles of carbon monoxide
atmosphere moles of carbon tetrachloride
atmosphere moles of cfc11
atmosphere moles of cfc113
atmosphere moles of cfc113a
atmosphere moles of cfc114
atmosphere moles of cfc115
atmosphere moles of cfc12
atmosphere moles of chlorine dioxide
atmosphere moles of chlorine monoxide
atmosphere moles of chlorine nitrate
atmosphere moles of clox expressed as chlorine
atmosphere moles of dichlorine peroxide
atmosphere moles of dimethyl sulfide
atmosphere moles of dinitrogen pentoxide
atmosphere moles of ethane
atmosphere moles of ethanol
atmosphere moles of ethene
atmosphere moles of ethyne
atmosphere moles of formaldehyde
atmosphere moles of formic acid
atmosphere moles of gaseous divalent mercury
atmosphere moles of gaseous elemental mercury
atmosphere moles of halon1202
atmosphere moles of halon1211
atmosphere moles of halon1301
atmosphere moles of halon2402
atmosphere moles of hcc140a
atmosphere moles of hcfc141b
atmosphere moles of hcfc142b
atmosphere moles of hcfc22
atmosphere moles of hexachlorobiphenyl
atmosphere moles of hox expressed as hydrogen
atmosphere moles of hydrogen bromide
atmosphere moles of hydrogen chloride
atmosphere moles of hydrogen cyanide
atmosphere moles of hydrogen peroxide
atmosphere moles of hydroperoxyl radical
atmosphere moles of hydroxyl radical
atmosphere moles of hypobromous acid
atmosphere moles of hypochlorous acid
atmosphere moles of inorganic bromine
atmosphere moles of inorganic chlorine
atmosphere moles of isoprene
atmosphere moles of limonene
atmosphere moles of methane
atmosphere moles of methanol
atmosphere moles of methyl bromide
atmosphere moles of methyl chloride
atmosphere moles of methyl hydroperoxide
atmosphere moles of methyl peroxy radical
atmosphere moles of molecular hydrogen
atmosphere moles of nitrate radical
atmosphere moles of nitric acid
atmosphere moles of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
atmosphere moles of nitrogen dioxide
atmosphere moles of nitrogen monoxide
atmosphere moles of nitrous acid
atmosphere moles of nitrous oxide
atmosphere moles of nmvoc expressed as carbon
atmosphere moles of nox expressed as nitrogen
atmosphere moles of noy expressed as nitrogen
atmosphere moles of ozone
atmosphere moles of peroxyacetyl nitrate
atmosphere moles of peroxynitric acid
atmosphere moles of propane
atmosphere moles of propene
atmosphere moles of radon
atmosphere moles of sulfur dioxide
atmosphere moles of toluene
atmosphere moles of water vapor
atmosphere moles of xylene
atmosphere momentum diffusivity
atmosphere net rate of absorption of longwave energy
atmosphere net rate of absorption of shortwave energy
atmosphere net upward convective mass flux
atmosphere net upward deep convective mass flux
atmosphere net upward shallow convective mass flux
atmosphere northward stress due to gravity wave drag
atmosphere number content of aerosol particles
atmosphere number content of cloud droplets
atmosphere number content of ice crystals
atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to black carbon ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to cloud
atmosphere optical thickness due to convective cloud
atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to pm10 ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to pm2p5 ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to seasalt ambient aerosol
atmosphere optical thickness due to stratiform cloud
atmosphere optical thickness due to water in ambient aerosol
atmosphere potential energy content
atmosphere relative vorticity
atmosphere sigma coordinate
atmosphere sleve coordinate
atmosphere specific convective available potential energy
atmosphere sulfate content
atmosphere updraft convective mass flux
atmosphere water content
atmosphere water vapor content
backscattering ratio
baroclinic eastward sea water velocity
baroclinic northward sea water velocity
barotropic eastward sea water velocity
barotropic northward sea water velocity
barotropic sea water x velocity
barotropic sea water y velocity
baseflow amount
beaufort wind force
bedrock altitude
bedrock altitude change due to isostatic adjustment
bioluminescent photon rate in sea water
biomass burning carbon flux
bolus eastward sea water velocity
bolus northward sea water velocity
bolus sea water x velocity
bolus sea water y velocity
bolus upward sea water velocity
brightness temperature
brunt vaisala frequency in air
canopy and surface water amount
canopy height
canopy temperature
canopy throughfall flux
canopy water amount
cell area
cell thickness
change in atmosphere energy content due to change in sigma coordinate wrt surface pressure
change in energy content of atmosphere layer due to change in sigma coordinate wrt surface pressure
change over time in atmosphere water content due to advection
change over time in surface snow amount
cloud albedo
cloud area fraction
cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer
cloud base altitude
cloud condensed water content of atmosphere layer
cloud ice content of atmosphere layer
cloud ice mixing ratio
cloud liquid water content of atmosphere layer
cloud liquid water mixing ratio
cloud top altitude
convective cloud area fraction
convective cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer
convective cloud base altitude
convective cloud base height
convective cloud longwave emissivity
convective cloud top altitude
convective cloud top height
convective precipitation amount
convective precipitation flux
convective precipitation rate
convective rainfall amount
convective rainfall flux
convective rainfall rate
convective snowfall amount
convective snowfall flux
coriolis parameter
correction for model negative specific humidity
depth at maximum upward derivative of sea water potential temperature
depth at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile of mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water
depth of isosurface of sea water potential temperature
dew point depression
dew point temperature
difference of air pressure from model reference
dimensionless exner function
direction of radial vector away from instrument
direction of sea ice displacement
direction of sea ice velocity
direction of sea water velocity
divergence of sea ice velocity
divergence of wind
downward dry static energy flux due to diffusion
downward eastward momentum flux in air
downward eastward momentum flux in air due to diffusion
downward eastward stress at sea ice base
downward heat flux at ground level in snow
downward heat flux at ground level in soil
downward heat flux in air
downward heat flux in floating ice
downward heat flux in sea ice
downward heat flux in soil
downward northward momentum flux in air
downward northward momentum flux in air due to diffusion
downward northward stress at sea ice base
downward sea ice basal salt flux
downward water vapor flux in air due to diffusion
downward x stress at sea ice base
downward y stress at sea ice base
downwelling longwave flux in air
downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
downwelling longwave radiance in air
downwelling photon flux in sea water
downwelling photon radiance in sea water
downwelling photon spherical irradiance in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic photon flux in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic photon radiance in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic photon spherical irradiance in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic radiance in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic radiative flux in sea water
downwelling photosynthetic spherical irradiance in sea water
downwelling radiance in sea water
downwelling radiative flux in sea water
downwelling shortwave flux in air
downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
downwelling shortwave flux in sea water
downwelling shortwave radiance in air
downwelling spectral photon flux in sea water
downwelling spectral photon radiance in sea water
downwelling spectral photon spherical irradiance in sea water
downwelling spectral radiance in air
downwelling spectral radiance in sea water
downwelling spectral radiative flux in air
downwelling spectral radiative flux in sea water
downwelling spectral spherical irradiance in sea water
downwelling spherical irradiance in sea water
dry energy content of atmosphere layer
dry static energy content of atmosphere layer
duration of sunshine
dynamic tropopause potential temperature
eastward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance
eastward atmosphere water transport across unit distance
eastward atmosphere water vapor transport across unit distance
eastward mass flux of air
eastward momentum flux correction
eastward sea ice displacement
eastward sea ice velocity
eastward sea water velocity
eastward sea water velocity assuming no tide
eastward transformed eulerian mean air velocity
eastward water vapor flux
eastward water vapor transport across unit distance in atmosphere layer
eastward wind
eastward wind shear
effective radius of convective cloud ice particle
effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle
effective radius of convective cloud rain particle
effective radius of convective cloud snow particle
effective radius of stratiform cloud graupel particle
effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particle
effective radius of stratiform cloud liquid water particle
effective radius of stratiform cloud rain particle
effective radius of stratiform cloud snow particle
enthalpy content of atmosphere layer
equilibrium line altitude
equivalent potential temperature
equivalent pressure of atmosphere ozone content
equivalent reflectivity factor
equivalent temperature
equivalent thickness at stp of atmosphere ozone content
ertel potential vorticity
floating ice thickness
forecast period
forecast reference time
fractional saturation of oxygen in sea water
freezing level altitude
freezing temperature of sea water
frozen water content of soil layer
geoid height above reference ellipsoid
geopotential height
geopotential height anomaly
geostrophic eastward wind
geostrophic northward wind
global average sea level change
global average steric sea level change
global average thermosteric sea level change
grid latitude
grid longitude
gross primary productivity of carbon
heat flux correction
heat flux into sea water due to iceberg thermodynamics
heat flux into sea water due to newtonian relaxation
heat flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics
heat flux into sea water due to snow thermodynamics
height above reference ellipsoid
height above sea floor
height at cloud top
heterotrophic respiration carbon flux
histogram of backscattering ratio over height above reference ellipsoid
histogram of equivalent reflectivity factor over height above reference ellipsoid
horizontal atmosphere dry energy transport
horizontal dry energy transport in atmosphere layer
humidity mixing ratio
integral of air temperature deficit wrt time
integral of air temperature excess wrt time
integral of sea water potential temperature wrt depth expressed as heat content
integral of sea water temperature wrt depth in ocean layer
integral of surface downward eastward stress wrt time
integral of surface downward latent heat flux wrt time
integral of surface downward northward stress wrt time
integral of surface downward sensible heat flux wrt time
integral of surface downwelling longwave flux in air wrt time
integral of surface downwelling shortwave flux in air wrt time
integral of surface net downward longwave flux wrt time
integral of surface net downward shortwave flux wrt time
integral of toa net downward shortwave flux wrt time
integral of toa outgoing longwave flux wrt time
integral wrt depth of tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
integral wrt depth of tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent due to biological processes
isccp cloud area fraction
isotropic longwave radiance in air
isotropic shortwave radiance in air
isotropic spectral radiance in air
kinetic energy content of atmosphere layer
kinetic energy dissipation in atmosphere boundary layer
lagrangian tendency of air pressure
lagrangian tendency of atmosphere sigma coordinate
land area fraction
land binary mask
land ice area fraction
land ice basal melt rate
land ice basal x velocity
land ice basal y velocity
land ice calving rate
land ice lwe basal melt rate
land ice lwe calving rate
land ice lwe surface specific mass balance
land ice sigma coordinate
land ice surface specific mass balance
land ice temperature
land ice thickness
land ice vertical mean x velocity
land ice vertical mean y velocity
land ice x velocity
land ice y velocity
large scale cloud area fraction
large scale graupel flux
large scale precipitation amount
large scale precipitation flux
large scale rainfall amount
large scale rainfall flux
large scale rainfall rate
large scale snowfall amount
large scale snowfall flux
leaf area index
liquid water content of soil layer
liquid water content of surface snow
litter carbon content
litter carbon flux
lwe convective precipitation rate
lwe convective snowfall rate
lwe large scale precipitation rate
lwe large scale snowfall rate
lwe precipitation rate
lwe snowfall rate
lwe thickness of atmosphere water vapor content
lwe thickness of canopy water amount
lwe thickness of convective precipitation amount
lwe thickness of convective snowfall amount
lwe thickness of frozen water content of soil layer
lwe thickness of large scale precipitation amount
lwe thickness of large scale snowfall amount
lwe thickness of moisture content of soil layer
lwe thickness of precipitation amount
lwe thickness of snowfall amount
lwe thickness of soil moisture content
lwe thickness of surface snow amount
lwe thickness of water evaporation amount
lwe water evaporation rate
magnitude of derivative of position wrt model level number
magnitude of derivative of position wrt x coordinate index
magnitude of derivative of position wrt y coordinate index
magnitude of sea ice displacement
magnitude of surface downward stress
mass concentration of acetic acid in air
mass concentration of aceto nitrile in air
mass concentration of alkanes in air
mass concentration of alkenes in air
mass concentration of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane in air
mass concentration of alpha pinene in air
mass concentration of ammonia in air
mass concentration of ammonium dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass concentration of aromatic compounds in air
mass concentration of atomic bromine in air
mass concentration of atomic chlorine in air
mass concentration of atomic nitrogen in air
mass concentration of benzene in air
mass concentration of beta pinene in air
mass concentration of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass concentration of black carbon dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of bromine chloride in air
mass concentration of bromine monoxide in air
mass concentration of bromine nitrate in air
mass concentration of brox expressed as bromine in air
mass concentration of butane in air
mass concentration of calcareous phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of carbon dioxide in air
mass concentration of carbon monoxide in air
mass concentration of carbon tetrachloride in air
mass concentration of cfc113 in air
mass concentration of cfc113a in air
mass concentration of cfc114 in air
mass concentration of cfc115 in air
mass concentration of cfc11 in air
mass concentration of cfc12 in air
mass concentration of chlorine dioxide in air
mass concentration of chlorine monoxide in air
mass concentration of chlorine nitrate in air
mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water
mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of clox expressed as chlorine in air
mass concentration of condensed water in soil
mass concentration of diatoms expressed as carbon in sea water
mass concentration of diatoms expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of diatoms expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mass concentration of diazotrophs expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of dichlorine peroxide in air
mass concentration of dimethyl sulfide in air
mass concentration of dinitrogen pentoxide in air
mass concentration of dust dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of ethane in air
mass concentration of ethanol in air
mass concentration of ethene in air
mass concentration of ethyne in air
mass concentration of flagellates expressed as carbon in sea water
mass concentration of flagellates expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mass concentration of formaldehyde in air
mass concentration of formic acid in air
mass concentration of gaseous divalent mercury in air
mass concentration of gaseous elemental mercury in air
mass concentration of halon1202 in air
mass concentration of halon1211 in air
mass concentration of halon1301 in air
mass concentration of halon2402 in air
mass concentration of hcc140a in air
mass concentration of hcfc141b in air
mass concentration of hcfc142b in air
mass concentration of hcfc22 in air
mass concentration of hexachlorobiphenyl in air
mass concentration of hox expressed as hydrogen in air
mass concentration of hydrogen bromide in air
mass concentration of hydrogen chloride in air
mass concentration of hydrogen cyanide in air
mass concentration of hydrogen peroxide in air
mass concentration of hydroperoxyl radical in air
mass concentration of hydroxyl radical in air
mass concentration of hypobromous acid in air
mass concentration of hypochlorous acid in air
mass concentration of inorganic bromine in air
mass concentration of inorganic chlorine in air
mass concentration of inorganic nitrogen in sea water
mass concentration of isoprene in air
mass concentration of limonene in air
mass concentration of mercury dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of methane in air
mass concentration of methanol in air
mass concentration of methyl bromide in air
mass concentration of methyl chloride in air
mass concentration of methyl hydroperoxide in air
mass concentration of methyl peroxy radical in air
mass concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of molecular hydrogen in air
mass concentration of nitrate dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of nitrate radical in air
mass concentration of nitric acid in air
mass concentration of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol in air
mass concentration of nitrogen dioxide in air
mass concentration of nitrogen monoxide in air
mass concentration of nitrous acid in air
mass concentration of nitrous oxide in air
mass concentration of nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass concentration of nox expressed as nitrogen in air
mass concentration of noy expressed as nitrogen in air
mass concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water
mass concentration of organic detritus expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mass concentration of oxygen in sea water
mass concentration of oxygenated hydrocarbons in air
mass concentration of ozone in air
mass concentration of particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of peroxy radicals in air
mass concentration of peroxyacetyl nitrate in air
mass concentration of peroxynitric acid in air
mass concentration of phosphate in sea water
mass concentration of phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of picophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water
mass concentration of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of propane in air
mass concentration of propene in air
mass concentration of radon in air
mass concentration of seasalt dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of silicate in sea water
mass concentration of sulfate ambient aerosol in air
mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol in air
mass concentration of sulfur dioxide in air
mass concentration of suspended matter in sea water
mass concentration of terpenes in air
mass concentration of toluene in air
mass concentration of water in ambient aerosol in air
mass concentration of water vapor in air
mass concentration of xylene in air
mass fraction of acetic acid in air
mass fraction of aceto nitrile in air
mass fraction of alkanes in air
mass fraction of alkenes in air
mass fraction of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane in air
mass fraction of alpha pinene in air
mass fraction of ammonia in air
mass fraction of ammonium dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass fraction of aromatic compounds in air
mass fraction of atomic bromine in air
mass fraction of atomic chlorine in air
mass fraction of atomic nitrogen in air
mass fraction of benzene in air
mass fraction of beta pinene in air
mass fraction of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass fraction of black carbon dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of bromine chloride in air
mass fraction of bromine monoxide in air
mass fraction of bromine nitrate in air
mass fraction of brox expressed as bromine in air
mass fraction of butane in air
mass fraction of carbon dioxide in air
mass fraction of carbon monoxide in air
mass fraction of carbon tetrachloride in air
mass fraction of cfc113 in air
mass fraction of cfc113a in air
mass fraction of cfc114 in air
mass fraction of cfc115 in air
mass fraction of cfc11 in air
mass fraction of cfc12 in air
mass fraction of chlorine dioxide in air
mass fraction of chlorine monoxide in air
mass fraction of chlorine nitrate in air
mass fraction of cloud condensed water in air
mass fraction of cloud ice in air
mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air
mass fraction of clox expressed as chlorine in air
mass fraction of convective cloud condensed water in air
mass fraction of convective cloud ice in air
mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water in air
mass fraction of dichlorine peroxide in air
mass fraction of dimethyl sulfide in air
mass fraction of dinitrogen pentoxide in air
mass fraction of dust dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of ethane in air
mass fraction of ethanol in air
mass fraction of ethene in air
mass fraction of ethyne in air
mass fraction of formaldehyde in air
mass fraction of formic acid in air
mass fraction of frozen water in soil moisture
mass fraction of gaseous divalent mercury in air
mass fraction of gaseous elemental mercury in air
mass fraction of graupel in air
mass fraction of halon1202 in air
mass fraction of halon1211 in air
mass fraction of halon1301 in air
mass fraction of halon2402 in air
mass fraction of hcc140a in air
mass fraction of hcfc141b in air
mass fraction of hcfc142b in air
mass fraction of hcfc22 in air
mass fraction of hexachlorobiphenyl in air
mass fraction of hox expressed as hydrogen in air
mass fraction of hydrogen bromide in air
mass fraction of hydrogen chloride in air
mass fraction of hydrogen cyanide in air
mass fraction of hydrogen peroxide in air
mass fraction of hydroperoxyl radical in air
mass fraction of hydroxyl radical in air
mass fraction of hypobromous acid in air
mass fraction of hypochlorous acid in air
mass fraction of inorganic bromine in air
mass fraction of inorganic chlorine in air
mass fraction of isoprene in air
mass fraction of limonene in air
mass fraction of mercury dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of methane in air
mass fraction of methanol in air
mass fraction of methyl bromide in air
mass fraction of methyl chloride in air
mass fraction of methyl hydroperoxide in air
mass fraction of methyl peroxy radical in air
mass fraction of molecular hydrogen in air
mass fraction of nitrate dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of nitrate radical in air
mass fraction of nitric acid in air
mass fraction of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol in air
mass fraction of nitrogen dioxide in air
mass fraction of nitrogen monoxide in air
mass fraction of nitrous acid in air
mass fraction of nitrous oxide in air
mass fraction of nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mass fraction of nox expressed as nitrogen in air
mass fraction of noy expressed as nitrogen in air
mass fraction of oxygenated hydrocarbons in air
mass fraction of ozone in air
mass fraction of particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of peroxy radicals in air
mass fraction of peroxyacetyl nitrate in air
mass fraction of peroxynitric acid in air
mass fraction of pm10 ambient aerosol in air
mass fraction of pm1 ambient aerosol in air
mass fraction of pm2p5 ambient aerosol in air
mass fraction of precipitation in air
mass fraction of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of propane in air
mass fraction of propene in air
mass fraction of radon in air
mass fraction of rain in air
mass fraction of seasalt dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of snow in air
mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air
mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air
mass fraction of sulfate dry aerosol in air
mass fraction of sulfur dioxide in air
mass fraction of sulfuric acid in air
mass fraction of terpenes in air
mass fraction of toluene in air
mass fraction of unfrozen water in soil moisture
mass fraction of water in air
mass fraction of water in ambient aerosol in air
mass fraction of xylene in air
minimum depth of aragonite undersaturation in sea water
minimum depth of calcite undersaturation in sea water
minus one times surface upwelling longwave flux in air
minus one times surface upwelling shortwave flux in air
minus one times toa outgoing shortwave flux
minus one times water flux into sea water from rivers
model level number
model level number at base of ocean mixed layer defined by sigma theta
model level number at convective cloud base
model level number at convective cloud top
model level number at sea floor
model level number at top of atmosphere boundary layer
moisture content of soil layer
moisture content of soil layer at field capacity
mole concentration of acetic acid in air
mole concentration of aceto nitrile in air
mole concentration of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane in air
mole concentration of alpha pinene in air
mole concentration of ammonia in air
mole concentration of ammonium in sea water
mole concentration of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water at saturation
mole concentration of atomic bromine in air
mole concentration of atomic chlorine in air
mole concentration of atomic nitrogen in air
mole concentration of bacteria expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of benzene in air
mole concentration of beta pinene in air
mole concentration of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole concentration of bromine chloride in air
mole concentration of bromine monoxide in air
mole concentration of bromine nitrate in air
mole concentration of brox expressed as bromine in air
mole concentration of butane in air
mole concentration of calcareous phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water at saturation
mole concentration of carbon dioxide in air
mole concentration of carbon monoxide in air
mole concentration of carbon tetrachloride in air
mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of cfc113 in air
mole concentration of cfc113a in air
mole concentration of cfc114 in air
mole concentration of cfc115 in air
mole concentration of cfc11 in air
mole concentration of cfc12 in air
mole concentration of chlorine dioxide in air
mole concentration of chlorine monoxide in air
mole concentration of chlorine nitrate in air
mole concentration of clox expressed as chlorine in air
mole concentration of diatoms expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of diatoms expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of diazotrophs expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of dichlorine peroxide in air
mole concentration of dimethyl sulfide in air
mole concentration of dimethyl sulfide in sea water
mole concentration of dinitrogen pentoxide in air
mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water
mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water
mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water
mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile
mole concentration of dissolved organic carbon in sea water
mole concentration of ethane in air
mole concentration of ethanol in air
mole concentration of ethene in air
mole concentration of ethyne in air
mole concentration of formaldehyde in air
mole concentration of formic acid in air
mole concentration of gaseous divalent mercury in air
mole concentration of gaseous elemental mercury in air
mole concentration of halon1202 in air
mole concentration of halon1211 in air
mole concentration of halon1301 in air
mole concentration of halon2402 in air
mole concentration of hcc140a in air
mole concentration of hcfc141b in air
mole concentration of hcfc142b in air
mole concentration of hcfc22 in air
mole concentration of hexachlorobiphenyl in air
mole concentration of hox expressed as hydrogen in air
mole concentration of hydrogen bromide in air
mole concentration of hydrogen chloride in air
mole concentration of hydrogen cyanide in air
mole concentration of hydrogen peroxide in air
mole concentration of hydroperoxyl radical in air
mole concentration of hydroxyl radical in air
mole concentration of hypobromous acid in air
mole concentration of hypochlorous acid in air
mole concentration of inorganic bromine in air
mole concentration of inorganic chlorine in air
mole concentration of isoprene in air
mole concentration of limonene in air
mole concentration of mesozooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of mesozooplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of methane in air
mole concentration of methanol in air
mole concentration of methyl bromide in air
mole concentration of methyl chloride in air
mole concentration of methyl hydroperoxide in air
mole concentration of methyl peroxy radical in air
mole concentration of microzooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of microzooplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of miscellaneous zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of molecular hydrogen in air
mole concentration of nitrate in sea water
mole concentration of nitrate radical in air
mole concentration of nitric acid in air
mole concentration of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol in air
mole concentration of nitrogen dioxide in air
mole concentration of nitrogen monoxide in air
mole concentration of nitrous acid in air
mole concentration of nitrous oxide in air
mole concentration of nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole concentration of nox expressed as nitrogen in air
mole concentration of noy expressed as nitrogen in air
mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as silicon in sea water
mole concentration of ozone in air
mole concentration of particulate matter expressed as silicon in sea water
mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as iron in sea water
mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as phosphorus in sea water
mole concentration of peroxyacetyl nitrate in air
mole concentration of peroxynitric acid in air
mole concentration of phosphate in sea water
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as iron in sea water
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as phosphorus in sea water
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as silicon in sea water
mole concentration of picophytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole concentration of propane in air
mole concentration of propene in air
mole concentration of radon in air
mole concentration of silicate in sea water
mole concentration of sulfur dioxide in air
mole concentration of toluene in air
mole concentration of water vapor in air
mole concentration of xylene in air
mole concentration of zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water
mole fraction of acetic acid in air
mole fraction of aceto nitrile in air
mole fraction of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane in air
mole fraction of alpha pinene in air
mole fraction of ammonia in air
mole fraction of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole fraction of atomic bromine in air
mole fraction of atomic chlorine in air
mole fraction of atomic nitrogen in air
mole fraction of benzene in air
mole fraction of beta pinene in air
mole fraction of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole fraction of bromine chloride in air
mole fraction of bromine monoxide in air
mole fraction of bromine nitrate in air
mole fraction of brox expressed as bromine in air
mole fraction of butane in air
mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air
mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air
mole fraction of carbon tetrachloride in air
mole fraction of cfc113 in air
mole fraction of cfc113a in air
mole fraction of cfc114 in air
mole fraction of cfc115 in air
mole fraction of cfc11 in air
mole fraction of cfc12 in air
mole fraction of chlorine dioxide in air
mole fraction of chlorine monoxide in air
mole fraction of chlorine nitrate in air
mole fraction of clox expressed as chlorine in air
mole fraction of dichlorine peroxide in air
mole fraction of dimethyl sulfide in air
mole fraction of dinitrogen pentoxide in air
mole fraction of ethane in air
mole fraction of ethanol in air
mole fraction of ethene in air
mole fraction of ethyne in air
mole fraction of formaldehyde in air
mole fraction of formic acid in air
mole fraction of gaseous divalent mercury in air
mole fraction of gaseous elemental mercury in air
mole fraction of halon1202 in air
mole fraction of halon1211 in air
mole fraction of halon1301 in air
mole fraction of halon2402 in air
mole fraction of hcc140a in air
mole fraction of hcfc141b in air
mole fraction of hcfc142b in air
mole fraction of hcfc22 in air
mole fraction of hexachlorobiphenyl in air
mole fraction of hox expressed as hydrogen in air
mole fraction of hydrogen bromide in air
mole fraction of hydrogen chloride in air
mole fraction of hydrogen cyanide in air
mole fraction of hydrogen peroxide in air
mole fraction of hydroperoxyl radical in air
mole fraction of hydroxyl radical in air
mole fraction of hypobromous acid in air
mole fraction of hypochlorous acid in air
mole fraction of inorganic bromine in air
mole fraction of inorganic chlorine in air
mole fraction of isoprene in air
mole fraction of limonene in air
mole fraction of methane in air
mole fraction of methanol in air
mole fraction of methyl bromide in air
mole fraction of methyl chloride in air
mole fraction of methyl hydroperoxide in air
mole fraction of methyl peroxy radical in air
mole fraction of molecular hydrogen in air
mole fraction of nitrate radical in air
mole fraction of nitric acid in air
mole fraction of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol in air
mole fraction of nitrogen dioxide in air
mole fraction of nitrogen monoxide in air
mole fraction of nitrous acid in air
mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air
mole fraction of nmvoc expressed as carbon in air
mole fraction of nox expressed as nitrogen in air
mole fraction of noy expressed as nitrogen in air
mole fraction of ozone in air
mole fraction of peroxyacetyl nitrate in air
mole fraction of peroxynitric acid in air
mole fraction of propane in air
mole fraction of propene in air
mole fraction of radon in air
mole fraction of sulfur dioxide in air
mole fraction of toluene in air
mole fraction of water vapor in air
mole fraction of xylene in air
mole ratio of nitrate to phosphate in sea water
moles of cfc11 per unit mass in sea water
moles of nitrate and nitrite per unit mass in sea water
moles of nitrate per unit mass in sea water
moles of nitrite per unit mass in sea water
moles of oxygen per unit mass in sea water
moles of phosphate per unit mass in sea water
moles of silicate per unit mass in sea water
net downward longwave flux in air
net downward longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model
net downward shortwave flux in air
net downward shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
net primary mole productivity of carbon by calcareous phytoplankton
net primary mole productivity of carbon by diatoms
net primary mole productivity of carbon by diazotrophs
net primary mole productivity of carbon by miscellaneous phytoplankton
net primary mole productivity of carbon by phytoplankton
net primary mole productivity of carbon by picophytoplankton
net primary mole productivity of carbon due to nitrate utilization
net primary productivity of carbon
net rate of absorption of longwave energy in atmosphere layer
net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in atmosphere layer
net upward longwave flux in air
net upward longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
net upward shortwave flux in air
net upward shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
normalized difference vegetation index
northward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance
northward atmosphere heat transport
northward atmosphere water transport across unit distance
northward atmosphere water vapor transport across unit distance
northward eliassen palm flux in air
northward heat flux in air due to eddy advection
northward mass flux of air
northward momentum flux correction
northward ocean freshwater transport
northward ocean freshwater transport due to bolus advection
northward ocean freshwater transport due to diffusion
northward ocean freshwater transport due to gyre
northward ocean freshwater transport due to overturning
northward ocean heat transport
northward ocean heat transport due to bolus advection
northward ocean heat transport due to diffusion
northward ocean heat transport due to gyre
northward ocean heat transport due to overturning
northward ocean salt transport
northward ocean salt transport due to bolus advection
northward ocean salt transport due to diffusion
northward ocean salt transport due to gyre
northward ocean salt transport due to overturning
northward sea ice displacement
northward sea ice velocity
northward sea water velocity
northward sea water velocity assuming no tide
northward transformed eulerian mean air velocity
northward water vapor flux
northward water vapor transport across unit distance in atmosphere layer
northward wind
northward wind shear
number of days with air temperature above threshold
number of days with air temperature below threshold
number of days with lwe thickness of precipitation amount above threshold
number of days with wind speed above threshold
ocean barotropic mass streamfunction
ocean barotropic streamfunction
ocean heat x transport
ocean heat x transport due to bolus advection
ocean heat x transport due to diffusion
ocean heat y transport
ocean heat y transport due to bolus advection
ocean heat y transport due to diffusion
ocean integral of sea water temperature wrt depth
ocean isopycnal layer thickness diffusivity
ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to vertical friction
ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to xy friction
ocean mass content of dissolved inorganic carbon
ocean mass x transport
ocean mass x transport due to advection
ocean mass x transport due to advection and bolus advection
ocean mass y transport
ocean mass y transport due to advection
ocean mass y transport due to advection and bolus advection
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection
ocean meridional overturning streamfunction
ocean mixed layer thickness
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma theta
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by temperature
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by vertical tracer diffusivity
ocean momentum xy biharmonic diffusivity
ocean momentum xy laplacian diffusivity
ocean montgomery potential
ocean rigid lid pressure
ocean rigid lid pressure expressed as sea surface height above geoid
ocean s coordinate
ocean salt x transport
ocean salt y transport
ocean sigma coordinate
ocean tracer bolus biharmonic diffusivity
ocean tracer bolus laplacian diffusivity
ocean tracer epineutral biharmonic diffusivity
ocean tracer epineutral laplacian diffusivity
ocean tracer xy biharmonic diffusivity
ocean tracer xy laplacian diffusivity
ocean vertical diffusivity
ocean vertical heat diffusivity
ocean vertical momentum diffusivity
ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to background
ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to convection
ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to form drag
ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to tides
ocean vertical salt diffusivity
ocean vertical tracer diffusivity
ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to background
ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to convection
ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to tides
ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to wind mixing
ocean volume
ocean volume fraction
ocean y overturning mass streamfunction
ocean y overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection
omnidirectional photosynthetic spherical irradiance in sea water
omnidirectional spectral spherical irradiance in sea water
optical thickness of atmosphere layer due to ambient aerosol
planetary albedo
plant respiration carbon flux
platform course
platform orientation
platform pitch angle
platform pitch rate
platform roll angle
platform roll rate
platform speed wrt air
platform speed wrt ground
platform speed wrt sea water
platform yaw angle
platform yaw rate
potential energy content of atmosphere layer
potential vorticity of atmosphere layer
potential vorticity of ocean layer
precipitation amount
precipitation flux
precipitation flux onto canopy
product of air temperature and omega
product of air temperature and specific humidity
product of eastward sea water velocity and salinity
product of eastward sea water velocity and temperature
product of eastward wind and air temperature
product of eastward wind and geopotential height
product of eastward wind and northward wind
product of eastward wind and omega
product of eastward wind and specific humidity
product of eastward wind and upward air velocity
product of geopotential height and omega
product of northward sea water velocity and salinity
product of northward sea water velocity and temperature
product of northward wind and air temperature
product of northward wind and geopotential height
product of northward wind and omega
product of northward wind and specific humidity
product of northward wind and upward air velocity
product of omega and air temperature
product of omega and specific humidity
product of specific humidity and omega
product of upward air velocity and air temperature
product of upward air velocity and specific humidity
projection x coordinate
projection y coordinate
pseudo equivalent potential temperature
pseudo equivalent temperature
radial sea water velocity away from instrument
radial velocity of scatterers away from instrument
radiation frequency
radiation wavelength
rainfall amount
rainfall flux
rainfall rate
ratio of x derivative of ocean rigid lid pressure to sea surface density
ratio of y derivative of ocean rigid lid pressure to sea surface density
reference sea water density for boussinesq approximation
relative humidity
richardson number in sea water
root depth
runoff amount
runoff amount excluding baseflow
runoff flux
salt flux into sea water from rivers
scattering angle
sea area
sea area fraction
sea floor depth below geoid
sea floor depth below sea level
sea floor depth below sea surface
sea ice albedo
sea ice amount
sea ice area
sea ice area fraction
sea ice draft
sea ice extent
sea ice freeboard
sea ice mass
sea ice speed
sea ice temperature
sea ice thickness
sea ice transport across line
sea ice volume
sea ice x displacement
sea ice x velocity
sea ice y displacement
sea ice y velocity
sea surface density
sea surface foundation temperature
sea surface height above geoid
sea surface height above reference ellipsoid
sea surface height above sea level
sea surface height amplitude due to earth tide
sea surface height amplitude due to equilibrium ocean tide
sea surface height amplitude due to geocentric ocean tide
sea surface height amplitude due to non equilibrium ocean tide
sea surface height amplitude due to pole tide
sea surface height bias due to sea surface roughness
sea surface height correction due to air pressure and wind at high frequency
sea surface height correction due to air pressure at low frequency
sea surface salinity
sea surface skin temperature
sea surface subskin temperature
sea surface swell wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment
sea surface swell wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment
sea surface swell wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment
sea surface swell wave period
sea surface swell wave significant height
sea surface swell wave to direction
sea surface swell wave zero upcrossing period
sea surface temperature
sea surface wave directional variance spectral density
sea surface wave from direction
sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment
sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment
sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment
sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum
sea surface wave significant height
sea surface wave to direction
sea surface wave variance spectral density
sea surface wave zero upcrossing period
sea surface wind wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment
sea surface wind wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment
sea surface wind wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment
sea surface wind wave period
sea surface wind wave significant height
sea surface wind wave to direction
sea surface wind wave zero upcrossing period
sea water age since surface contact
sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
sea water density
sea water electrical conductivity
sea water mass
sea water mass per unit area
sea water ph reported on total scale
sea water potential density
sea water potential temperature
sea water pressure
sea water pressure at sea floor
sea water pressure at sea water surface
sea water salinity
sea water sigma t
sea water sigma theta
sea water speed
sea water temperature
sea water volume
sea water x velocity
sea water y velocity
secchi depth of sea water
sinking mole flux of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water
sinking mole flux of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water
sinking mole flux of particulate iron in sea water
sinking mole flux of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water
sinking mole flux of particulate organic nitrogen in sea water
sinking mole flux of particulate organic phosphorus in sea water
sinking mole flux of particulate silicon in sea water
snow density
snow grain size
snowfall amount
snowfall flux
soil albedo
soil carbon content
soil frozen water content
soil hydraulic conductivity at saturation
soil moisture content
soil moisture content at field capacity
soil porosity
soil respiration carbon flux
soil suction at saturation
soil temperature
soil thermal capacity
soil thermal conductivity
soil type
solar azimuth angle
solar elevation angle
solar zenith angle
soot content of surface snow
sound frequency
sound intensity in air
sound intensity in water
sound intensity level in air
sound intensity level in water
sound pressure in air
sound pressure in water
sound pressure level in air
sound pressure level in water
specific dry energy of air
specific gravitational potential energy
specific humidity
specific kinetic energy of air
specific kinetic energy of sea water
speed of sound in air
speed of sound in sea water
spell length of days with air temperature above threshold
spell length of days with air temperature below threshold
spell length of days with lwe thickness of precipitation amount above threshold
spell length of days with lwe thickness of precipitation amount below threshold
square of air temperature
square of brunt vaisala frequency in air
square of eastward wind
square of geopotential height
square of lagrangian tendency of air pressure
square of northward wind
square of ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t
square of sea surface height above geoid
square of sea surface temperature
square of upward air velocity
square of upward ocean mass transport
stratiform cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer
stratiform cloud longwave emissivity
subsurface runoff amount
subsurface runoff flux
sunlit binary mask
surface air pressure
surface albedo
surface albedo assuming deep snow
surface albedo assuming no snow
surface altitude
surface backwards scattering coefficient of radar wave
surface brightness temperature
surface carbon dioxide mole flux
surface carbon dioxide partial pressure difference between air and sea water
surface carbon dioxide partial pressure difference between sea water and air
surface diffuse downwelling photosynthetic radiative flux in air
surface downward eastward stress
surface downward heat flux in air
surface downward heat flux in sea water
surface downward latent heat flux
surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon
surface downward mole flux of molecular oxygen
surface downward northward stress
surface downward sensible heat flux
surface downward water flux
surface downward x stress
surface downward x stress correction
surface downward y stress
surface downward y stress correction
surface downwelling longwave flux in air
surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
surface downwelling photon flux in sea water
surface downwelling photon radiance in sea water
surface downwelling photon spherical irradiance in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic photon flux in air
surface downwelling photosynthetic photon flux in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic photon radiance in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic photon spherical irradiance in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic radiance in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic radiative flux in air
surface downwelling photosynthetic radiative flux in sea water
surface downwelling photosynthetic spherical irradiance in sea water
surface downwelling radiance in sea water
surface downwelling radiative flux in sea water
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
surface downwelling spectral photon flux in sea water
surface downwelling spectral photon radiance in sea water
surface downwelling spectral photon spherical irradiance in sea water
surface downwelling spectral radiance in sea water
surface downwelling spectral radiative flux in air
surface downwelling spectral radiative flux in sea water
surface downwelling spectral spherical irradiance in sea water
surface downwelling spherical irradiance in sea water
surface drag coefficient for heat in air
surface drag coefficient for momentum in air
surface drag coefficient in air
surface eastward sea water velocity
surface geopotential
surface geostrophic eastward sea water velocity
surface geostrophic eastward sea water velocity assuming sea level for geoid
surface geostrophic northward sea water velocity
surface geostrophic northward sea water velocity assuming sea level for geoid
surface geostrophic sea water x velocity
surface geostrophic sea water x velocity assuming sea level for geoid
surface geostrophic sea water y velocity
surface geostrophic sea water y velocity assuming sea level for geoid
surface longwave emissivity
surface microwave emissivity
surface molecular oxygen partial pressure difference between sea water and air
surface net downward longwave flux
surface net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky
surface net downward radiative flux
surface net downward shortwave flux
surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky
surface net upward longwave flux
surface net upward radiative flux
surface net upward shortwave flux
surface northward sea water velocity
surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air
surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in sea water
surface ratio of upwelling radiance emerging from sea water to downwelling radiative flux in air
surface roughness length
surface roughness length for heat in air
surface roughness length for momentum in air
surface runoff amount
surface runoff flux
surface snow amount
surface snow and ice melt heat flux
surface snow and ice sublimation flux
surface snow area fraction
surface snow melt amount
surface snow melt and sublimation heat flux
surface snow melt flux
surface snow melt heat flux
surface snow sublimation amount
surface snow sublimation heat flux
surface snow thickness
surface specific humidity
surface temperature
surface temperature anomaly
surface upward heat flux in air
surface upward latent heat flux
surface upward mole flux of dimethyl sulfide
surface upward sensible heat flux
surface upward water flux
surface upward water vapor flux in air
surface upwelling longwave flux in air
surface upwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
surface upwelling photosynthetic photon flux in air
surface upwelling radiance in air
surface upwelling radiance in air emerging from sea water
surface upwelling radiance in air reflected by sea water
surface upwelling radiance in sea water
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
surface upwelling spectral radiance in air
surface upwelling spectral radiance in air emerging from sea water
surface upwelling spectral radiance in air reflected by sea water
surface upwelling spectral radiance in sea water
surface upwelling spectral radiative flux in air
surface upwelling spectral radiative flux in sea water
surface water amount
temperature flux due to evaporation expressed as heat flux out of sea water
temperature flux due to rainfall expressed as heat flux into sea water
temperature flux due to runoff expressed as heat flux into sea water
temperature in snow
temperature of sensor for oxygen in sea water
tendency of air density
tendency of air pressure
tendency of air temperature
tendency of air temperature due to advection
tendency of air temperature due to convection
tendency of air temperature due to diabatic processes
tendency of air temperature due to diffusion
tendency of air temperature due to dry convection
tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating
tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating assuming clear sky
tendency of air temperature due to model physics
tendency of air temperature due to moist convection
tendency of air temperature due to radiative heating
tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating
tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating assuming clear sky
tendency of air temperature due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing
tendency of air temperature due to stratiform precipitation
tendency of air temperature due to turbulence
tendency of atmosphere dry energy content
tendency of atmosphere enthalpy content due to advection
tendency of atmosphere kinetic energy content due to advection
tendency of atmosphere mass content of acetic acid due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of acetic acid due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of aceto nitrile due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane due to re emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of alpha pinene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of benzene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of beta pinene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to turbulent deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of butane due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon monoxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon tetrachloride due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc113 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc113a due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc114 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc115 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc11 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of cfc12 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to turbulent deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ethane due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ethanol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ethene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ethyne due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of formaldehyde due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of formaldehyde due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of formic acid due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of formic acid due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous divalent mercury due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous divalent mercury due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous divalent mercury due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous elemental mercury due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous elemental mercury due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of gaseous elemental mercury due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of halon1202 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of halon1211 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of halon1301 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of halon2402 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hcc140a due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hcfc141b due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hcfc142b due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hcfc22 due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hexachlorobiphenyl due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hexachlorobiphenyl due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hexachlorobiphenyl due to re emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hexachlorobiphenyl due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hydrogen cyanide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hydrogen cyanide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of hydrogen peroxide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of isoprene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of limonene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of mercury dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of mercury dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of mercury dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of methane due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of methanol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of methyl bromide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of methyl chloride due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of molecular hydrogen due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of molecular hydrogen due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrate dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitric acid due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitric acid due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen dioxide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen dioxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen monoxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrous acid due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrous acid due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrous oxide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrous oxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of nox expressed as nitrogen due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ozone due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of ozone due to dry deposition into stomata
tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to net chemical production and emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to turbulent deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of peroxyacetyl nitrate due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of peroxynitric acid due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of propane due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of propene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of radon due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to turbulent deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to net chemical production
tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to turbulent deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere mass content of toluene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass content of xylene due to emission
tendency of atmosphere mass per unit area
tendency of atmosphere mass per unit area due to advection
tendency of atmosphere moles of acetic acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of aceto nitrile
tendency of atmosphere moles of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane
tendency of atmosphere moles of alpha pinene
tendency of atmosphere moles of ammonia
tendency of atmosphere moles of anthropogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
tendency of atmosphere moles of atomic bromine
tendency of atmosphere moles of atomic chlorine
tendency of atmosphere moles of atomic nitrogen
tendency of atmosphere moles of benzene
tendency of atmosphere moles of beta pinene
tendency of atmosphere moles of biogenic nmvoc expressed as carbon
tendency of atmosphere moles of bromine chloride
tendency of atmosphere moles of bromine monoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of bromine nitrate
tendency of atmosphere moles of brox expressed as bromine
tendency of atmosphere moles of butane
tendency of atmosphere moles of carbon dioxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of carbon monoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of carbon tetrachloride
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc11
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc113
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc113a
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc114
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc115
tendency of atmosphere moles of cfc12
tendency of atmosphere moles of chlorine dioxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of chlorine monoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of chlorine nitrate
tendency of atmosphere moles of clox expressed as chlorine
tendency of atmosphere moles of dichlorine peroxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of dimethyl sulfide
tendency of atmosphere moles of dinitrogen pentoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of ethane
tendency of atmosphere moles of ethanol
tendency of atmosphere moles of ethene
tendency of atmosphere moles of ethyne
tendency of atmosphere moles of formaldehyde
tendency of atmosphere moles of formic acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of gaseous divalent mercury
tendency of atmosphere moles of gaseous elemental mercury
tendency of atmosphere moles of halon1202
tendency of atmosphere moles of halon1211
tendency of atmosphere moles of halon1301
tendency of atmosphere moles of halon2402
tendency of atmosphere moles of hcc140a
tendency of atmosphere moles of hcfc141b
tendency of atmosphere moles of hcfc142b
tendency of atmosphere moles of hcfc22
tendency of atmosphere moles of hexachlorobiphenyl
tendency of atmosphere moles of hox expressed as hydrogen
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydrogen bromide
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydrogen chloride
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydrogen cyanide
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydrogen peroxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydroperoxyl radical
tendency of atmosphere moles of hydroxyl radical
tendency of atmosphere moles of hypobromous acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of hypochlorous acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of inorganic bromine
tendency of atmosphere moles of inorganic chlorine
tendency of atmosphere moles of isoprene
tendency of atmosphere moles of limonene
tendency of atmosphere moles of methane
tendency of atmosphere moles of methanol
tendency of atmosphere moles of methyl bromide
tendency of atmosphere moles of methyl chloride
tendency of atmosphere moles of methyl hydroperoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of methyl peroxy radical
tendency of atmosphere moles of molecular hydrogen
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitrate radical
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitric acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitrogen dioxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitrogen monoxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitrous acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of nitrous oxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of nmvoc expressed as carbon
tendency of atmosphere moles of nox expressed as nitrogen
tendency of atmosphere moles of noy expressed as nitrogen
tendency of atmosphere moles of ozone
tendency of atmosphere moles of peroxyacetyl nitrate
tendency of atmosphere moles of peroxynitric acid
tendency of atmosphere moles of propane
tendency of atmosphere moles of propene
tendency of atmosphere moles of radon
tendency of atmosphere moles of sulfate dry aerosol
tendency of atmosphere moles of sulfur dioxide
tendency of atmosphere moles of toluene
tendency of atmosphere moles of water vapor
tendency of atmosphere moles of xylene
tendency of atmosphere number content of aerosol particles due to dry deposition
tendency of atmosphere number content of aerosol particles due to gravitational settling
tendency of atmosphere number content of aerosol particles due to turbulent depostion
tendency of atmosphere number content of aerosol particles due to wet deposition
tendency of atmosphere potential energy content due to advection
tendency of atmosphere water content due to advection
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content due to advection
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content due to convection
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content due to deep convection
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content due to shallow convection
tendency of atmosphere water vapor content due to turbulence
tendency of bedrock altitude
tendency of dry energy content of atmosphere layer
tendency of dry static energy content of atmosphere layer
tendency of eastward wind
tendency of eastward wind due to advection
tendency of eastward wind due to convection
tendency of eastward wind due to diffusion
tendency of eastward wind due to eliassen palm flux divergence
tendency of eastward wind due to gravity wave drag
tendency of eastward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag
tendency of eastward wind due to numerical artefacts
tendency of eastward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
tendency of enthalpy content of atmosphere layer due to advection
tendency of kinetic energy content of atmosphere layer due to advection
tendency of land ice thickness
tendency of mass fraction of cloud condensed water in air
tendency of mass fraction of cloud condensed water in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of cloud ice in air
tendency of mass fraction of cloud ice in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of cloud ice in air due to diffusion
tendency of mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air
tendency of mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air due to diffusion
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to autoconversion to rain
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to autoconversion to snow
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to boundary layer mixing
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to cloud microphysics
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to condensation and evaporation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to icefall
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to accretion to snow
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to aggregation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to bergeron findeisen process from cloud liquid
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to boundary layer mixing
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to cloud microphysics
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to convective detrainment
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to deposition and sublimation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to evaporation of melting ice
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to heterogeneous nucleation from cloud liquid water
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to heterogeneous nucleation from water vapor
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to homogeneous nucleation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to icefall
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to melting to cloud liquid water
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to melting to rain
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to riming from cloud liquid water
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to riming from rain
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to accretion to rain
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to accretion to snow
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to advection
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to autoconversion
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to bergeron findeisen process to cloud ice
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to boundary layer mixing
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to cloud microphysics
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from boundary layer mixing
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from convection
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from longwave heating
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from pressure change
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from shortwave heating
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation from turbulence
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to convective detrainment
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to heterogeneous nucleation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to homogeneous nucleation
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to melting from cloud ice
tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to riming
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of carbon monoxide
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of hcc140a
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of methane
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of methyl bromide
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of methyl chloride
tendency of middle atmosphere moles of molecular hydrogen
tendency of mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water due to biological production
tendency of mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water due to dissolution
tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to biological production
tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to dissolution
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water due to biological processes
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic iron in sea water due to biological processes
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in sea water due to biological processes
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphate in sea water due to biological processes
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic silicate in sea water due to biological processes
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to dissolution from inorganic particles
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to grazing of phytoplankton
tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to scavenging by inorganic particles
tendency of mole concentration of iron in sea water due to biological production
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by calcareous phytoplankton
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by diatoms
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by diazotrophs
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by miscellaneous phytoplankton
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by picophytoplankton
tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to nitrate utilization
tendency of mole concentration of silicon in sea water due to biological production
tendency of northward wind
tendency of northward wind due to advection
tendency of northward wind due to convection
tendency of northward wind due to diffusion
tendency of northward wind due to gravity wave drag
tendency of ocean barotropic streamfunction
tendency of ocean eddy kinetic energy content due to bolus transport
tendency of ocean mole content of aragonite expressed as carbon due to biological production
tendency of ocean mole content of calcite expressed as carbon due to biological production
tendency of ocean mole content of carbon due to runoff and sediment dissolution
tendency of ocean mole content of carbon due to sedimentation
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic carbon
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic carbon due to biological processes
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic iron
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic iron due to biological processes
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen due to biological processes
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic phosphorus
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic phosphorus due to biological processes
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic silicon
tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic silicon due to biological processes
tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to denitrification and sedimentation
tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to deposition and fixation and runoff
tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to fixation
tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to biological production
tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to deposition and runoff and sediment dissolution
tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to sedimentation
tendency of ocean mole content of silicon due to biological production
tendency of ocean potential energy content
tendency of ocean potential energy content due to background
tendency of ocean potential energy content due to tides
tendency of potential energy content of atmosphere layer due to advection
tendency of potential energy content of ocean layer due to convection
tendency of potential energy content of ocean layer due to diffusion
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to dynamics
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to thermodynamics
tendency of sea ice thickness due to dynamics
tendency of sea ice thickness due to thermodynamics
tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent due to biological processes
tendency of sea water salinity
tendency of sea water salinity due to advection
tendency of sea water salinity due to bolus advection
tendency of sea water salinity due to horizontal mixing
tendency of sea water salinity due to sea ice thermodynamics
tendency of sea water salinity due to vertical mixing
tendency of sea water temperature
tendency of sea water temperature due to advection
tendency of sea water temperature due to bolus advection
tendency of sea water temperature due to horizontal mixing
tendency of sea water temperature due to vertical mixing
tendency of specific humidity
tendency of specific humidity due to advection
tendency of specific humidity due to convection
tendency of specific humidity due to diffusion
tendency of specific humidity due to model physics
tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing
tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform precipitation
tendency of surface air pressure
tendency of surface snow amount
tendency of troposphere moles of carbon monoxide
tendency of troposphere moles of hcc140a
tendency of troposphere moles of hcfc22
tendency of troposphere moles of methane
tendency of troposphere moles of methyl bromide
tendency of troposphere moles of methyl chloride
tendency of troposphere moles of molecular hydrogen
tendency of upward air velocity
tendency of upward air velocity due to advection
tendency of water vapor content of atmosphere layer
tendency of water vapor content of atmosphere layer due to convection
tendency of water vapor content of atmosphere layer due to deep convection
tendency of water vapor content of atmosphere layer due to shallow convection
tendency of water vapor content of atmosphere layer due to turbulence
tendency of wind speed due to convection
tendency of wind speed due to gravity wave drag
thermal energy content of surface snow
thickness of convective rainfall amount
thickness of convective snowfall amount
thickness of large scale rainfall amount
thickness of large scale snowfall amount
thickness of rainfall amount
thickness of snowfall amount
thunderstorm probability
toa adjusted longwave forcing
toa adjusted radiative forcing
toa adjusted shortwave forcing
toa bidirectional reflectance
toa brightness temperature
toa brightness temperature assuming clear sky
toa cloud radiative effect
toa incoming shortwave flux
toa instantaneous longwave forcing
toa instantaneous radiative forcing
toa instantaneous shortwave forcing
toa longwave cloud radiative effect
toa net downward longwave flux
toa net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky
toa net downward radiative flux
toa net downward shortwave flux
toa net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky
toa net upward longwave flux
toa net upward longwave flux assuming clear sky
toa net upward shortwave flux
toa outgoing longwave flux
toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky
toa outgoing shortwave flux
toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky
toa shortwave cloud radiative effect
transpiration amount
transpiration flux
tropopause adjusted longwave forcing
tropopause adjusted radiative forcing
tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing
tropopause air pressure
tropopause air temperature
tropopause altitude
tropopause downwelling longwave flux
tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing
tropopause instantaneous radiative forcing
tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing
tropopause net downward longwave flux
tropopause net downward shortwave flux
tropopause upwelling shortwave flux
upward air velocity
upward dry static energy flux due to diffusion
upward eastward momentum flux in air due to nonorographic eastward gravity waves
upward eastward momentum flux in air due to nonorographic westward gravity waves
upward eastward momentum flux in air due to orographic gravity waves
upward eastward stress at sea ice base
upward eliassen palm flux in air
upward geothermal heat flux at sea floor
upward heat flux at ground level in snow
upward heat flux at ground level in soil
upward heat flux in air
upward mass flux of air
upward northward stress at sea ice base
upward ocean mass transport
upward sea ice basal heat flux
upward sea water velocity
upward water vapor flux in air
upward water vapor flux in air due to diffusion
upwelling longwave flux in air
upwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky
upwelling longwave radiance in air
upwelling shortwave flux in air
upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky
upwelling shortwave radiance in air
upwelling spectral radiance in air
upwelling spectral radiative flux in air
upwelling spectral radiative flux in sea water
vegetation area fraction
vegetation carbon content
vertical component of ocean xy tracer diffusivity
virtual salt flux correction
virtual salt flux into sea water
virtual salt flux into sea water due to evaporation
virtual salt flux into sea water due to newtonian relaxation
virtual salt flux into sea water due to rainfall
virtual salt flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics
virtual salt flux into sea water from rivers
virtual temperature
visibility in air
volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water
volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter
volume attenuated backwards scattering function in air
volume attenuated backwards scattering function in air assuming no aerosol or cloud
volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water
volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water
volume beam attenuation coefficient of radiative flux in sea water
volume fraction of clay in soil
volume fraction of condensed water in soil
volume fraction of condensed water in soil at critical point
volume fraction of condensed water in soil at field capacity
volume fraction of condensed water in soil at wilting point
volume fraction of condensed water in soil pores
volume fraction of frozen water in soil
volume fraction of oxygen in sea water
volume fraction of sand in soil
volume fraction of silt in soil
volume mixing ratio of oxygen at stp in sea water
volume scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water
volume scattering function of radiative flux in sea water
water content of atmosphere layer
water evaporation amount
water evaporation amount from canopy
water evaporation flux
water evaporation flux from canopy
water evaporation flux from soil
water flux correction
water flux into sea water
water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics
water flux into sea water from icebergs
water flux into sea water from rivers
water flux into sea water from rivers and surface downward water flux
water flux into sea water without flux correction
water flux out of sea ice and sea water
water flux out of sea water
water flux out of sea water due to newtonian relaxation
water flux out of sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics
water potential evaporation amount
water potential evaporation flux
water sublimation flux
water vapor content of atmosphere layer
water vapor partial pressure
water vapor saturation deficit
water volume transport into sea water from rivers
wave frequency
wet bulb temperature
wind from direction
wind mixing energy flux into sea water
wind speed
wind speed of gust
wind speed shear
wind to direction
x derivative of ocean rigid lid pressure
x wind
y derivative of ocean rigid lid pressure
y wind
zenith angle

Standard names analysed into patterns

The first column is the number of standard names for each pattern.

16(cloud type)(scalar)
convectiveprecipitation amount
convectiveprecipitation flux
convectiveprecipitation rate
convectiverainfall amount
convectiverainfall flux
convectiverainfall rate
convectivesnowfall amount
convectivesnowfall flux
large scalegraupel flux
large scaleprecipitation amount
large scaleprecipitation flux
large scalerainfall amount
large scalerainfall flux
large scalerainfall rate
large scalesnowfall amount
large scalesnowfall flux
4(cloud type)(surface)(scalar)
convectivecloud basealtitude
convectivecloud baseheight
convectivecloud topaltitude
convectivecloud topheight
4(cloud type)cloud(scalar)
convectivecloudlongwave emissivity
convectivecloudarea fraction
large scalecloudarea fraction
stratiformcloudlongwave emissivity
2(cloud type)cloud(scalar)in (medium)
convectivecloudarea fractionin atmosphere layer
stratiformcloudarea fractionin atmosphere layer
4(component)(component)(tensor)at (surface)
downwardeastwardstressat sea ice base
downwardnorthwardstressat sea ice base
upwardeastwardstressat sea ice base
upwardnorthwardstressat sea ice base
2(component)(component)(tensor)in (medium)
downwardeastwardmomentum fluxin air
downwardnorthwardmomentum fluxin air
5(component)(component)(tensor)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
downwardeastwardmomentum fluxin airdue to diffusion
downwardnorthwardmomentum fluxin airdue to diffusion
upwardeastwardmomentum fluxin airdue to nonorographic eastward gravity waves
upwardeastwardmomentum fluxin airdue to nonorographic westward gravity waves
upwardeastwardmomentum fluxin airdue to orographic gravity waves
2(component)(grid component)(tensor)at (surface)
downwardxstressat sea ice base
downwardystressat sea ice base
3(component)(layer)(pre adjective)(vector)
downwardsea icebasalsalt flux
horizontalatmospheredryenergy transport
upwardsea icebasalheat flux
2(component)(layer)(pre adjective)(vector)(per unit)
eastwardatmospheredry staticenergy transportacross unit distance
northwardatmospheredry staticenergy transportacross unit distance
eastwardsea icevelocity
northwardatmosphereheat transport
northwardoceanfreshwater transport
northwardoceanheat transport
northwardoceansalt transport
northwardsea icevelocity
4(component)(layer)(vector)(per unit)
eastwardatmospherewater transportacross unit distance
eastwardatmospherewater vapor transportacross unit distance
northwardatmospherewater transportacross unit distance
northwardatmospherewater vapor transportacross unit distance
12(component)(layer)(vector)due to (phenomenon)
northwardoceanfreshwater transportdue to bolus advection
northwardoceanfreshwater transportdue to diffusion
northwardoceanfreshwater transportdue to gyre
northwardoceanfreshwater transportdue to overturning
northwardoceanheat transportdue to bolus advection
northwardoceanheat transportdue to diffusion
northwardoceanheat transportdue to gyre
northwardoceanheat transportdue to overturning
northwardoceansalt transportdue to bolus advection
northwardoceansalt transportdue to diffusion
northwardoceansalt transportdue to gyre
northwardoceansalt transportdue to overturning
3(component)(material flux of)(medium)
eastwardmass flux ofair
northwardmass flux ofair
upwardmass flux ofair
3(component)(material flux of)(species)expressed as(species)in (medium)
sinkingmole flux ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbonin sea water
sinkingmole flux ofcalciteexpressed ascarbonin sea water
sinkingmole flux ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea water
4(component)(material flux of)(species)in (medium)
sinkingmole flux ofparticulate ironin sea water
sinkingmole flux ofparticulate organic nitrogenin sea water
sinkingmole flux ofparticulate organic phosphorusin sea water
sinkingmole flux ofparticulate siliconin sea water
eastwardsea watervelocity
northwardsea watervelocity
upwardsea watervelocity
2(component)(medium)(vector)(assuming condition)
eastwardsea watervelocityassuming no tide
northwardsea watervelocityassuming no tide
1(component)(medium)(vector)away from instrument
radialsea watervelocityaway from instrument
2(component)(pre adjective)(vector)due to (phenomenon)
downwarddry staticenergy fluxdue to diffusion
upwarddry staticenergy fluxdue to diffusion
27(component)(pre adjective)(vector)in (medium)
downwellinglongwaveradiancein air
downwellingphotosyntheticphoton fluxin sea water
downwellingphotosyntheticphoton radiancein sea water
downwellingphotosyntheticphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
downwellingphotosyntheticradiancein sea water
downwellingphotosyntheticradiative fluxin sea water
downwellingphotosyntheticspherical irradiancein sea water
downwellingshortwaveradiancein air
downwellingspectralphoton fluxin sea water
downwellingspectralphoton radiancein sea water
downwellingspectralphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
downwellingspectralradiancein air
downwellingspectralradiancein sea water
downwellingspectralradiative fluxin air
downwellingspectralradiative fluxin sea water
downwellingspectralspherical irradiancein sea water
horizontaldryenergy transportin atmosphere layer
isotropiclongwaveradiancein air
isotropicshortwaveradiancein air
isotropicspectralradiancein air
omnidirectionalphotosyntheticspherical irradiancein sea water
omnidirectionalspectralspherical irradiancein sea water
upwellinglongwaveradiancein air
upwellingshortwaveradiancein air
upwellingspectralradiancein air
upwellingspectralradiative fluxin air
upwellingspectralradiative fluxin sea water
2(component)(tensor)(post adjective)
eastwardmomentum fluxcorrection
northwardmomentum fluxcorrection
eastwardsea ice displacement
eastwardtransformed eulerian mean air velocity
eastwardwater vapor flux
eastwardwind shear
northwardsea ice displacement
northwardtransformed eulerian mean air velocity
northwardwater vapor flux
northwardwind shear
upwardocean mass transport
2(component)(vector)(per unit)in (medium)
eastwardwater vapor transportacross unit distancein atmosphere layer
northwardwater vapor transportacross unit distancein atmosphere layer
2(component)(vector)at (surface)
net downwardradiative fluxat top of atmosphere model
upwardgeothermal heat fluxat sea floor
4(component)(vector)at (surface)in (medium)
downwardheat fluxat ground levelin snow
downwardheat fluxat ground levelin soil
upwardheat fluxat ground levelin snow
upwardheat fluxat ground levelin soil
1(component)(vector)away from instrument
radialvelocity of scatterersaway from instrument
23(component)(vector)in (medium)
downwardheat fluxin air
downwardheat fluxin floating ice
downwardheat fluxin sea ice
downwardheat fluxin soil
downwellinglongwave fluxin air
downwellingphoton fluxin sea water
downwellingphoton radiancein sea water
downwellingphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
downwellingradiancein sea water
downwellingradiative fluxin sea water
downwellingshortwave fluxin air
downwellingshortwave fluxin sea water
downwellingspherical irradiancein sea water
net downwardlongwave fluxin air
net downwardshortwave fluxin air
net upwardlongwave fluxin air
net upwardshortwave fluxin air
northwardeliassen palm fluxin air
upwardeliassen palm fluxin air
upwardheat fluxin air
upwardwater vapor fluxin air
upwellinglongwave fluxin air
upwellingshortwave fluxin air
8(component)(vector)in (medium)(assuming condition)
downwellinglongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
downwellingshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
net downwardlongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
net downwardshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
net upwardlongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
net upwardshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
upwellinglongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
upwellingshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
3(component)(vector)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
downwardwater vapor fluxin airdue to diffusion
northwardheat fluxin airdue to eddy advection
upwardwater vapor fluxin airdue to diffusion
5(concentration of)(cloud type)cloud(species)in (medium)
mass fraction ofconvectivecloudcondensed waterin air
mass fraction ofconvectivecloudicein air
mass fraction ofconvectivecloudliquid waterin air
mass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein air
mass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin air
1(concentration of)(species)(post adjective)in (medium)
volume mixing ratio ofoxygenat stpin sea water
72(concentration of)(species)expressed as(species)in (medium)
mass concentration ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass concentration ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass concentration ofbroxexpressed asbrominein air
mass concentration ofcalcareous phytoplanktonexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration ofcloxexpressed aschlorinein air
mass concentration ofdiatomsexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mass concentration ofdiatomsexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration ofdiatomsexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mass concentration ofdiazotrophsexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration offlagellatesexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mass concentration offlagellatesexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mass concentration ofhoxexpressed ashydrogenin air
mass concentration ofmiscellaneous phytoplanktonexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration ofnmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass concentration ofnoxexpressed asnitrogenin air
mass concentration ofnoyexpressed asnitrogenin air
mass concentration oforganic detritusexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mass concentration oforganic detritusexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mass concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration ofpicophytoplanktonexpressed aschlorophyllin sea water
mass fraction ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass fraction ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass fraction ofbroxexpressed asbrominein air
mass fraction ofcloxexpressed aschlorinein air
mass fraction ofhoxexpressed ashydrogenin air
mass fraction ofnmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mass fraction ofnoxexpressed asnitrogenin air
mass fraction ofnoyexpressed asnitrogenin air
mole concentration ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole concentration ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofbacteriaexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole concentration ofbroxexpressed asbrominein air
mole concentration ofcalcareous phytoplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofcalciteexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofcarbonateexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofcloxexpressed aschlorinein air
mole concentration ofdiatomsexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofdiatomsexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration ofdiazotrophsexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofhoxexpressed ashydrogenin air
mole concentration ofmesozooplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofmesozooplanktonexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration ofmicrozooplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofmicrozooplanktonexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration ofmiscellaneous phytoplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofmiscellaneous zooplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofnmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole concentration ofnoxexpressed asnitrogenin air
mole concentration ofnoyexpressed asnitrogenin air
mole concentration oforganic detritusexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration oforganic detritusexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration oforganic detritusexpressed assiliconin sea water
mole concentration ofparticulate matterexpressed assiliconin sea water
mole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed asironin sea water
mole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed asphosphorusin sea water
mole concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed asironin sea water
mole concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed asnitrogenin sea water
mole concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed asphosphorusin sea water
mole concentration ofphytoplanktonexpressed assiliconin sea water
mole concentration ofpicophytoplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole concentration ofzooplanktonexpressed ascarbonin sea water
mole fraction ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole fraction ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole fraction ofbroxexpressed asbrominein air
mole fraction ofcloxexpressed aschlorinein air
mole fraction ofhoxexpressed ashydrogenin air
mole fraction ofnmvocexpressed ascarbonin air
mole fraction ofnoxexpressed asnitrogenin air
mole fraction ofnoyexpressed asnitrogenin air
2(concentration of)(species)expressed as(species)in (medium)(assuming condition)
mole concentration ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterat saturation
mole concentration ofcalciteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterat saturation
400(concentration of)(species)in (medium)
fractional saturation ofoxygenin sea water
mass concentration ofacetic acidin air
mass concentration ofaceto nitrilein air
mass concentration ofalkanesin air
mass concentration ofalkenesin air
mass concentration ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanein air
mass concentration ofalpha pinenein air
mass concentration ofammoniain air
mass concentration ofammonium dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofaromatic compoundsin air
mass concentration ofatomic brominein air
mass concentration ofatomic chlorinein air
mass concentration ofatomic nitrogenin air
mass concentration ofbenzenein air
mass concentration ofbeta pinenein air
mass concentration ofblack carbon dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofbromine chloridein air
mass concentration ofbromine monoxidein air
mass concentration ofbromine nitratein air
mass concentration ofbutanein air
mass concentration ofcarbon dioxidein air
mass concentration ofcarbon monoxidein air
mass concentration ofcarbon tetrachloridein air
mass concentration ofcfc11in air
mass concentration ofcfc113in air
mass concentration ofcfc113ain air
mass concentration ofcfc114in air
mass concentration ofcfc115in air
mass concentration ofcfc12in air
mass concentration ofchlorine dioxidein air
mass concentration ofchlorine monoxidein air
mass concentration ofchlorine nitratein air
mass concentration ofchlorophyll ain sea water
mass concentration ofchlorophyllin sea water
mass concentration ofcondensed waterin soil
mass concentration ofdichlorine peroxidein air
mass concentration ofdimethyl sulfidein air
mass concentration ofdinitrogen pentoxidein air
mass concentration ofdust dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofethanein air
mass concentration ofethanolin air
mass concentration ofethenein air
mass concentration ofethynein air
mass concentration offormaldehydein air
mass concentration offormic acidin air
mass concentration ofgaseous divalent mercuryin air
mass concentration ofgaseous elemental mercuryin air
mass concentration ofhalon1202in air
mass concentration ofhalon1211in air
mass concentration ofhalon1301in air
mass concentration ofhalon2402in air
mass concentration ofhcc140ain air
mass concentration ofhcfc141bin air
mass concentration ofhcfc142bin air
mass concentration ofhcfc22in air
mass concentration ofhexachlorobiphenylin air
mass concentration ofhydrogen bromidein air
mass concentration ofhydrogen chloridein air
mass concentration ofhydrogen cyanidein air
mass concentration ofhydrogen peroxidein air
mass concentration ofhydroperoxyl radicalin air
mass concentration ofhydroxyl radicalin air
mass concentration ofhypobromous acidin air
mass concentration ofhypochlorous acidin air
mass concentration ofinorganic brominein air
mass concentration ofinorganic chlorinein air
mass concentration ofinorganic nitrogenin sea water
mass concentration ofisoprenein air
mass concentration oflimonenein air
mass concentration ofmercury dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofmethanein air
mass concentration ofmethanolin air
mass concentration ofmethyl bromidein air
mass concentration ofmethyl chloridein air
mass concentration ofmethyl hydroperoxidein air
mass concentration ofmethyl peroxy radicalin air
mass concentration ofmolecular hydrogenin air
mass concentration ofnitrate dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofnitrate radicalin air
mass concentration ofnitric acidin air
mass concentration ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosolin air
mass concentration ofnitrogen dioxidein air
mass concentration ofnitrogen monoxidein air
mass concentration ofnitrous acidin air
mass concentration ofnitrous oxidein air
mass concentration ofoxygenin sea water
mass concentration ofoxygenated hydrocarbonsin air
mass concentration ofozonein air
mass concentration ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofperoxy radicalsin air
mass concentration ofperoxyacetyl nitratein air
mass concentration ofperoxynitric acidin air
mass concentration ofphosphatein sea water
mass concentration ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofpropanein air
mass concentration ofpropenein air
mass concentration ofradonin air
mass concentration ofseasalt dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofsilicatein sea water
mass concentration ofsulfate ambient aerosolin air
mass concentration ofsulfate dry aerosolin air
mass concentration ofsulfur dioxidein air
mass concentration ofsuspended matterin sea water
mass concentration ofterpenesin air
mass concentration oftoluenein air
mass concentration ofwater in ambient aerosolin air
mass concentration ofwater vaporin air
mass concentration ofxylenein air
mass fraction ofacetic acidin air
mass fraction ofaceto nitrilein air
mass fraction ofalkanesin air
mass fraction ofalkenesin air
mass fraction ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanein air
mass fraction ofalpha pinenein air
mass fraction ofammoniain air
mass fraction ofammonium dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofaromatic compoundsin air
mass fraction ofatomic brominein air
mass fraction ofatomic chlorinein air
mass fraction ofatomic nitrogenin air
mass fraction ofbenzenein air
mass fraction ofbeta pinenein air
mass fraction ofblack carbon dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofbromine chloridein air
mass fraction ofbromine monoxidein air
mass fraction ofbromine nitratein air
mass fraction ofbutanein air
mass fraction ofcarbon dioxidein air
mass fraction ofcarbon monoxidein air
mass fraction ofcarbon tetrachloridein air
mass fraction ofcfc11in air
mass fraction ofcfc113in air
mass fraction ofcfc113ain air
mass fraction ofcfc114in air
mass fraction ofcfc115in air
mass fraction ofcfc12in air
mass fraction ofchlorine dioxidein air
mass fraction ofchlorine monoxidein air
mass fraction ofchlorine nitratein air
mass fraction ofdichlorine peroxidein air
mass fraction ofdimethyl sulfidein air
mass fraction ofdinitrogen pentoxidein air
mass fraction ofdust dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofethanein air
mass fraction ofethanolin air
mass fraction ofethenein air
mass fraction ofethynein air
mass fraction offormaldehydein air
mass fraction offormic acidin air
mass fraction offrozen waterin soil moisture
mass fraction ofgaseous divalent mercuryin air
mass fraction ofgaseous elemental mercuryin air
mass fraction ofgraupelin air
mass fraction ofhalon1202in air
mass fraction ofhalon1211in air
mass fraction ofhalon1301in air
mass fraction ofhalon2402in air
mass fraction ofhcc140ain air
mass fraction ofhcfc141bin air
mass fraction ofhcfc142bin air
mass fraction ofhcfc22in air
mass fraction ofhexachlorobiphenylin air
mass fraction ofhydrogen bromidein air
mass fraction ofhydrogen chloridein air
mass fraction ofhydrogen cyanidein air
mass fraction ofhydrogen peroxidein air
mass fraction ofhydroperoxyl radicalin air
mass fraction ofhydroxyl radicalin air
mass fraction ofhypobromous acidin air
mass fraction ofhypochlorous acidin air
mass fraction ofinorganic brominein air
mass fraction ofinorganic chlorinein air
mass fraction ofisoprenein air
mass fraction oflimonenein air
mass fraction ofmercury dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofmethanein air
mass fraction ofmethanolin air
mass fraction ofmethyl bromidein air
mass fraction ofmethyl chloridein air
mass fraction ofmethyl hydroperoxidein air
mass fraction ofmethyl peroxy radicalin air
mass fraction ofmolecular hydrogenin air
mass fraction ofnitrate dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofnitrate radicalin air
mass fraction ofnitric acidin air
mass fraction ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosolin air
mass fraction ofnitrogen dioxidein air
mass fraction ofnitrogen monoxidein air
mass fraction ofnitrous acidin air
mass fraction ofnitrous oxidein air
mass fraction ofoxygenated hydrocarbonsin air
mass fraction ofozonein air
mass fraction ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofperoxy radicalsin air
mass fraction ofperoxyacetyl nitratein air
mass fraction ofperoxynitric acidin air
mass fraction ofpm1 ambient aerosolin air
mass fraction ofpm10 ambient aerosolin air
mass fraction ofpm2p5 ambient aerosolin air
mass fraction ofprecipitationin air
mass fraction ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofpropanein air
mass fraction ofpropenein air
mass fraction ofradonin air
mass fraction ofrainin air
mass fraction ofseasalt dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofsnowin air
mass fraction ofsulfate dry aerosolin air
mass fraction ofsulfuric acidin air
mass fraction ofsulfur dioxidein air
mass fraction ofterpenesin air
mass fraction oftoluenein air
mass fraction ofunfrozen waterin soil moisture
mass fraction ofwaterin air
mass fraction ofwater in ambient aerosolin air
mass fraction ofxylenein air
mole concentration ofacetic acidin air
mole concentration ofaceto nitrilein air
mole concentration ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanein air
mole concentration ofalpha pinenein air
mole concentration ofammoniain air
mole concentration ofammoniumin sea water
mole concentration ofatomic brominein air
mole concentration ofatomic chlorinein air
mole concentration ofatomic nitrogenin air
mole concentration ofbenzenein air
mole concentration ofbeta pinenein air
mole concentration ofbromine chloridein air
mole concentration ofbromine monoxidein air
mole concentration ofbromine nitratein air
mole concentration ofbutanein air
mole concentration ofcarbon dioxidein air
mole concentration ofcarbon monoxidein air
mole concentration ofcarbon tetrachloridein air
mole concentration ofcfc11in air
mole concentration ofcfc113in air
mole concentration ofcfc113ain air
mole concentration ofcfc114in air
mole concentration ofcfc115in air
mole concentration ofcfc12in air
mole concentration ofchlorine dioxidein air
mole concentration ofchlorine monoxidein air
mole concentration ofchlorine nitratein air
mole concentration ofdichlorine peroxidein air
mole concentration ofdimethyl sulfidein air
mole concentration ofdimethyl sulfidein sea water
mole concentration ofdinitrogen pentoxidein air
mole concentration ofdissolved inorganic carbonin sea water
mole concentration ofdissolved ironin sea water
mole concentration ofdissolved molecular oxygenin sea water
mole concentration ofdissolved organic carbonin sea water
mole concentration ofethanein air
mole concentration ofethanolin air
mole concentration ofethenein air
mole concentration ofethynein air
mole concentration offormaldehydein air
mole concentration offormic acidin air
mole concentration ofgaseous divalent mercuryin air
mole concentration ofgaseous elemental mercuryin air
mole concentration ofhalon1202in air
mole concentration ofhalon1211in air
mole concentration ofhalon1301in air
mole concentration ofhalon2402in air
mole concentration ofhcc140ain air
mole concentration ofhcfc141bin air
mole concentration ofhcfc142bin air
mole concentration ofhcfc22in air
mole concentration ofhexachlorobiphenylin air
mole concentration ofhydrogen bromidein air
mole concentration ofhydrogen chloridein air
mole concentration ofhydrogen cyanidein air
mole concentration ofhydrogen peroxidein air
mole concentration ofhydroperoxyl radicalin air
mole concentration ofhydroxyl radicalin air
mole concentration ofhypobromous acidin air
mole concentration ofhypochlorous acidin air
mole concentration ofinorganic brominein air
mole concentration ofinorganic chlorinein air
mole concentration ofisoprenein air
mole concentration oflimonenein air
mole concentration ofmethanein air
mole concentration ofmethanolin air
mole concentration ofmethyl bromidein air
mole concentration ofmethyl chloridein air
mole concentration ofmethyl hydroperoxidein air
mole concentration ofmethyl peroxy radicalin air
mole concentration ofmolecular hydrogenin air
mole concentration ofnitratein sea water
mole concentration ofnitrate radicalin air
mole concentration ofnitric acidin air
mole concentration ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosolin air
mole concentration ofnitrogen dioxidein air
mole concentration ofnitrogen monoxidein air
mole concentration ofnitrous acidin air
mole concentration ofnitrous oxidein air
mole concentration ofozonein air
mole concentration ofperoxyacetyl nitratein air
mole concentration ofperoxynitric acidin air
mole concentration ofphosphatein sea water
mole concentration ofpropanein air
mole concentration ofpropenein air
mole concentration ofradonin air
mole concentration ofsilicatein sea water
mole concentration ofsulfur dioxidein air
mole concentration oftoluenein air
mole concentration ofwater vaporin air
mole concentration ofxylenein air
mole fraction ofacetic acidin air
mole fraction ofaceto nitrilein air
mole fraction ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanein air
mole fraction ofalpha pinenein air
mole fraction ofammoniain air
mole fraction ofatomic brominein air
mole fraction ofatomic chlorinein air
mole fraction ofatomic nitrogenin air
mole fraction ofbenzenein air
mole fraction ofbeta pinenein air
mole fraction ofbromine chloridein air
mole fraction ofbromine monoxidein air
mole fraction ofbromine nitratein air
mole fraction ofbutanein air
mole fraction ofcarbon dioxidein air
mole fraction ofcarbon monoxidein air
mole fraction ofcarbon tetrachloridein air
mole fraction ofcfc11in air
mole fraction ofcfc113in air
mole fraction ofcfc113ain air
mole fraction ofcfc114in air
mole fraction ofcfc115in air
mole fraction ofcfc12in air
mole fraction ofchlorine dioxidein air
mole fraction ofchlorine monoxidein air
mole fraction ofchlorine nitratein air
mole fraction ofdichlorine peroxidein air
mole fraction ofdimethyl sulfidein air
mole fraction ofdinitrogen pentoxidein air
mole fraction ofethanein air
mole fraction ofethanolin air
mole fraction ofethenein air
mole fraction ofethynein air
mole fraction offormaldehydein air
mole fraction offormic acidin air
mole fraction ofgaseous divalent mercuryin air
mole fraction ofgaseous elemental mercuryin air
mole fraction ofhalon1202in air
mole fraction ofhalon1211in air
mole fraction ofhalon1301in air
mole fraction ofhalon2402in air
mole fraction ofhcc140ain air
mole fraction ofhcfc141bin air
mole fraction ofhcfc142bin air
mole fraction ofhcfc22in air
mole fraction ofhexachlorobiphenylin air
mole fraction ofhydrogen bromidein air
mole fraction ofhydrogen chloridein air
mole fraction ofhydrogen cyanidein air
mole fraction ofhydrogen peroxidein air
mole fraction ofhydroperoxyl radicalin air
mole fraction ofhydroxyl radicalin air
mole fraction ofhypobromous acidin air
mole fraction ofhypochlorous acidin air
mole fraction ofinorganic brominein air
mole fraction ofinorganic chlorinein air
mole fraction ofisoprenein air
mole fraction oflimonenein air
mole fraction ofmethanein air
mole fraction ofmethanolin air
mole fraction ofmethyl bromidein air
mole fraction ofmethyl chloridein air
mole fraction ofmethyl hydroperoxidein air
mole fraction ofmethyl peroxy radicalin air
mole fraction ofmolecular hydrogenin air
mole fraction ofnitrate radicalin air
mole fraction ofnitric acidin air
mole fraction ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosolin air
mole fraction ofnitrogen dioxidein air
mole fraction ofnitrogen monoxidein air
mole fraction ofnitrous acidin air
mole fraction ofnitrous oxidein air
mole fraction ofozonein air
mole fraction ofperoxyacetyl nitratein air
mole fraction ofperoxynitric acidin air
mole fraction ofpropanein air
mole fraction ofpropenein air
mole fraction ofradonin air
mole fraction ofsulfur dioxidein air
mole fraction oftoluenein air
mole fraction ofwater vaporin air
mole fraction ofxylenein air
surface partial pressure ofcarbon dioxidein air
surface partial pressure ofcarbon dioxidein sea water
volume fraction ofclayin soil
volume fraction ofcondensed waterin soil pores
volume fraction offrozen waterin soil
volume fraction ofoxygenin sea water
volume fraction ofsandin soil
volume fraction ofsiltin soil
volume fraction ofcondensed waterin soil
3(concentration of)(species)in (medium)(assuming condition)
volume fraction ofcondensed waterin soilat critical point
volume fraction ofcondensed waterin soilat field capacity
volume fraction ofcondensed waterin soilat wilting point
1(concentration of)(species)in (medium)at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile
mole concentration ofdissolved molecular oxygenin sea waterat shallowest local minimum in vertical profile
3(concentration of)cloud(species)in (medium)
mass fraction ofcloudcondensed waterin air
mass fraction ofcloudicein air
mass fraction ofcloudliquid waterin air
4(coordinate or extent of)(medium)(scalar)(status)
number of days withairtemperatureabove threshold
number of days withairtemperaturebelow threshold
spell length of days withairtemperatureabove threshold
spell length of days withairtemperaturebelow threshold
3(coordinate or extent of)(pre adjective)(function of)(scalar)(status)
number of days withlwethickness ofprecipitation amountabove threshold
spell length of days withlwethickness ofprecipitation amountabove threshold
spell length of days withlwethickness ofprecipitation amountbelow threshold
1(coordinate or extent of)(scalar)(status)
number of days withwind speedabove threshold
2(coordinate or extent of)(status)in (medium)
minimum depth ofaragonite undersaturationin sea water
minimum depth ofcalcite undersaturationin sea water
barocliniceastwardsea watervelocity
baroclinicnorthwardsea watervelocity
barotropiceastwardsea watervelocity
barotropicnorthwardsea watervelocity
boluseastwardsea watervelocity
bolusnorthwardsea watervelocity
bolusupwardsea watervelocity
4(dynamic)(medium)(grid component)(vector)
barotropicsea waterxvelocity
barotropicsea wateryvelocity
bolussea waterxvelocity
bolussea wateryvelocity
4(function of)(cloud type)(scalar)
thickness ofconvectiverainfall amount
thickness ofconvectivesnowfall amount
thickness oflarge scalerainfall amount
thickness oflarge scalesnowfall amount
2(function of)(component)(medium)(vector)
square ofupwardairvelocity
tendency ofupwardairvelocity
1(function of)(component)(medium)(vector)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofupwardairvelocitydue to advection
5(function of)(component)(vector)
square ofeastwardwind
square ofnorthwardwind
square ofupwardocean mass transport
tendency ofeastwardwind
tendency ofnorthwardwind
12(function of)(component)(vector)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to advection
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to convection
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to diffusion
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to eliassen palm flux divergence
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to gravity wave drag
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to nonorographic gravity wave drag
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to numerical artefacts
tendency ofeastwardwinddue to orographic gravity wave drag
tendency ofnorthwardwinddue to advection
tendency ofnorthwardwinddue to convection
tendency ofnorthwardwinddue to diffusion
tendency ofnorthwardwinddue to gravity wave drag
1(function of)(component)(vector)in (medium)
volume attenuation coefficient ofdownwellingradiative fluxin sea water
3(function of)(concentration of)(cloud type)cloud(species)in (medium)
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin air
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein air
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin air
43(function of)(concentration of)(cloud type)cloud(species)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to autoconversion to rain
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to autoconversion to snow
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to boundary layer mixing
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to cloud microphysics
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudcondensed waterin airdue to icefall
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to accretion to snow
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to aggregation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to bergeron findeisen process from cloud liquid
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to boundary layer mixing
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to cloud microphysics
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to convective detrainment
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to deposition and sublimation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to evaporation of melting ice
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to heterogeneous nucleation from cloud liquid water
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to heterogeneous nucleation from water vapor
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to homogeneous nucleation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to icefall
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to melting to cloud liquid water
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to melting to rain
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to riming from cloud liquid water
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudicein airdue to riming from rain
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to accretion to rain
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to accretion to snow
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to autoconversion
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to bergeron findeisen process to cloud ice
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to boundary layer mixing
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to cloud microphysics
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from boundary layer mixing
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from convection
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from longwave heating
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from pressure change
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from shortwave heating
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to condensation and evaporation from turbulence
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to convective detrainment
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to heterogeneous nucleation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to homogeneous nucleation
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to melting from cloud ice
tendency ofmass fraction ofstratiformcloudliquid waterin airdue to riming
6(function of)(concentration of)(species)expressed as(species)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofmole concentration ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to biological production
tendency ofmole concentration ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to dissolution
tendency ofmole concentration ofcalciteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to biological production
tendency ofmole concentration ofcalciteexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to dissolution
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary production
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to nitrate utilization
5(function of)(concentration of)(species)expressed as(species)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)by (species)
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary productionby calcareous phytoplankton
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary productionby diatoms
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary productionby diazotrophs
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary productionby miscellaneous phytoplankton
tendency ofmole concentration ofparticulate organic matterexpressed ascarbonin sea waterdue to net primary productionby picophytoplankton
10(function of)(concentration of)(species)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved inorganic carbonin sea waterdue to biological processes
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved inorganic ironin sea waterdue to biological processes
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved inorganic nitrogenin sea waterdue to biological processes
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved inorganic phosphatein sea waterdue to biological processes
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved inorganic silicatein sea waterdue to biological processes
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved ironin sea waterdue to dissolution from inorganic particles
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved ironin sea waterdue to grazing of phytoplankton
tendency ofmole concentration ofdissolved ironin sea waterdue to scavenging by inorganic particles
tendency ofmole concentration ofironin sea waterdue to biological production
tendency ofmole concentration ofsiliconin sea waterdue to biological production
3(function of)(concentration of)cloud(species)in (medium)
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudcondensed waterin air
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudicein air
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudliquid waterin air
5(function of)(concentration of)cloud(species)in (medium)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudcondensed waterin airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudicein airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudicein airdue to diffusion
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudliquid waterin airdue to advection
tendency ofmass fraction ofcloudliquid waterin airdue to diffusion
1(function of)(function of)(medium)(scalar)
square oflagrangian tendency ofairpressure
1(function of)(layer)(pre adjective)(scalar)
tendency ofatmospheredryenergy content
101(function of)(layer)(quantity of)(species)
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofacetic acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofaceto nitrile
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexane
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofalpha pinene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofammonia
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofatomic bromine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofatomic chlorine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofatomic nitrogen
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbenzene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbeta pinene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbromine chloride
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbromine monoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbromine nitrate
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbutane
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcarbon dioxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcarbon monoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcarbon tetrachloride
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc11
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc113
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc113a
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc114
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc115
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcfc12
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofchlorine dioxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofchlorine monoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofchlorine nitrate
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofdichlorine peroxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofdimethyl sulfide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofdinitrogen pentoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofethane
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofethanol
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofethene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofethyne
tendency ofatmospheremoles offormaldehyde
tendency ofatmospheremoles offormic acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofgaseous divalent mercury
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofgaseous elemental mercury
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhalon1202
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhalon1211
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhalon1301
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhalon2402
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhcc140a
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhcfc141b
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhcfc142b
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhcfc22
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhexachlorobiphenyl
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydrogen bromide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydrogen chloride
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydrogen cyanide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydrogen peroxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydroperoxyl radical
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhydroxyl radical
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhypobromous acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhypochlorous acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofinorganic bromine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofinorganic chlorine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofisoprene
tendency ofatmospheremoles oflimonene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethane
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethanol
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethyl bromide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethyl chloride
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethyl hydroperoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmethyl peroxy radical
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofmolecular hydrogen
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitrate radical
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitric acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitrogen dioxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitrogen monoxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitrous acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnitrous oxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofozone
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofperoxyacetyl nitrate
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofperoxynitric acid
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofpropane
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofpropene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofradon
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofsulfate dry aerosol
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofsulfur dioxide
tendency ofatmospheremoles oftoluene
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofwater vapor
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofxylene
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofcarbon monoxide
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofhcc140a
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofmethane
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofmethyl bromide
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofmethyl chloride
tendency ofmiddle atmospheremoles ofmolecular hydrogen
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic carbon
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic iron
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic nitrogen
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic phosphorus
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic silicon
tendency oftropospheremoles ofcarbon monoxide
tendency oftropospheremoles ofhcc140a
tendency oftropospheremoles ofhcfc22
tendency oftropospheremoles ofmethane
tendency oftropospheremoles ofmethyl bromide
tendency oftropospheremoles ofmethyl chloride
tendency oftropospheremoles ofmolecular hydrogen
133(function of)(layer)(quantity of)(species)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofacetic aciddue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofacetic aciddue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofaceto nitriledue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanedue to re emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexanedue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofalpha pinenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofammoniadue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofammoniadue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofammoniadue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofammonium dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofammonium dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofbenzenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofbeta pinenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosoldue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosoldue to turbulent deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofbutanedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcarbon dioxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcarbon monoxidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcarbon monoxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcarbon tetrachloridedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc11due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc113due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc113adue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc114due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc115due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofcfc12due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdimethyl sulfidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdimethyl sulfidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdimethyl sulfidedue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosoldue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosoldue to turbulent deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofethanedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofethanoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofethenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofethynedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content offormaldehydedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content offormaldehydedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content offormic aciddue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content offormic aciddue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous divalent mercurydue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous divalent mercurydue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous divalent mercurydue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous elemental mercurydue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous elemental mercurydue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofgaseous elemental mercurydue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhalon1202due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhalon1211due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhalon1301due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhalon2402due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhcc140adue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhcfc141bdue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhcfc142bdue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhcfc22due to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhexachlorobiphenyldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhexachlorobiphenyldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhexachlorobiphenyldue to re emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhexachlorobiphenyldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhydrogen cyanidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhydrogen cyanidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofhydrogen peroxidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofisoprenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content oflimonenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmercury dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmercury dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmercury dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmethanedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmethanoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmethyl bromidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmethyl chloridedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmolecular hydrogendue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofmolecular hydrogendue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrate dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitric aciddue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitric aciddue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrogen dioxidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrogen dioxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrogen monoxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrous aciddue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrous aciddue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrous oxidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnitrous oxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofozonedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofozonedue to dry deposition into stomata
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to net chemical production and emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to turbulent deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofperoxyacetyl nitratedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofperoxynitric aciddue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofpropanedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofpropenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofradondue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosoldue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosoldue to turbulent deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to net chemical production
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfate dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfate dry aerosoldue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfur dioxidedue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfur dioxidedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfur dioxidedue to wet deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content oftoluenedue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofxylenedue to emission
tendency ofoceanmole content ofcarbondue to runoff and sediment dissolution
tendency ofoceanmole content ofcarbondue to sedimentation
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic carbondue to biological processes
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic irondue to biological processes
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic nitrogendue to biological processes
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic phosphorusdue to biological processes
tendency ofoceanmole content ofdissolved inorganic silicondue to biological processes
tendency ofoceanmole content ofelemental nitrogendue to denitrification and sedimentation
tendency ofoceanmole content ofelemental nitrogendue to deposition and fixation and runoff
tendency ofoceanmole content ofelemental nitrogendue to fixation
tendency ofoceanmole content ofirondue to biological production
tendency ofoceanmole content ofirondue to deposition and runoff and sediment dissolution
tendency ofoceanmole content ofirondue to sedimentation
tendency ofoceanmole content ofsilicondue to biological production
8(function of)(layer)(quantity of)(species)expressed as(species)
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofbroxexpressed asbromine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofcloxexpressed aschlorine
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofhoxexpressed ashydrogen
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnmvocexpressed ascarbon
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnoxexpressed asnitrogen
tendency ofatmospheremoles ofnoyexpressed asnitrogen
7(function of)(layer)(quantity of)(species)expressed as(species)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofnoxexpressed asnitrogendue to emission
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfateexpressed assulfur dry aerosoldue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfateexpressed assulfur dry aerosoldue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfateexpressed assulfur dry aerosoldue to turbulent deposition
tendency ofatmospheremass content ofsulfateexpressed assulfur dry aerosoldue to wet deposition
tendency ofoceanmole content ofaragoniteexpressed ascarbondue to biological production
tendency ofoceanmole content ofcalciteexpressed ascarbondue to biological production
5(function of)(layer)(scalar)
lagrangian tendency ofatmospheresigma coordinate
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor content
tendency ofland icethickness
tendency ofoceanbarotropic streamfunction
tendency ofoceanpotential energy content
1(function of)(layer)(scalar)(per unit)
tendency ofatmospheremassper unit area
1(function of)(layer)(scalar)(per unit)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofatmospheremassper unit areadue to advection
1(function of)(layer)(scalar)defined by(scalar)
square ofocean mixed layerthicknessdefined bysigma t
17(function of)(layer)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
change inatmosphereenergy contentdue to change in sigma coordinate wrt surface pressure
change over time inatmospherewater contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmosphereenthalpy contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmospherekinetic energy contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmospherepotential energy contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmospherewater contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor contentdue to advection
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor contentdue to convection
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor contentdue to deep convection
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor contentdue to shallow convection
tendency ofatmospherewater vapor contentdue to turbulence
tendency ofoceanpotential energy contentdue to background
tendency ofoceanpotential energy contentdue to tides
tendency ofsea icearea fractiondue to dynamics
tendency ofsea icearea fractiondue to thermodynamics
tendency ofsea icethicknessdue to dynamics
tendency ofsea icethicknessdue to thermodynamics
2(function of)(layer)(vector)
direction ofsea icevelocity
divergence ofsea icevelocity
4(function of)(layer)number content of(particles)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofatmospherenumber content ofaerosol particlesdue to dry deposition
tendency ofatmospherenumber content ofaerosol particlesdue to gravitational settling
tendency ofatmospherenumber content ofaerosol particlesdue to turbulent depostion
tendency ofatmospherenumber content ofaerosol particlesdue to wet deposition
8(function of)(medium)(scalar)
depth of isosurface ofsea waterpotential temperature
lagrangian tendency ofairpressure
square ofairtemperature
tendency ofairdensity
tendency ofairpressure
tendency ofairtemperature
tendency ofsea watersalinity
tendency ofsea watertemperature
23(function of)(medium)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to advection
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to convection
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to diabatic processes
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to diffusion
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to dry convection
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to stratiform precipitation
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to longwave heating
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to model physics
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to moist convection
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to radiative heating
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to shortwave heating
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to turbulence
tendency ofsea wateralkalinity expressed as mole equivalentdue to biological processes
tendency ofsea watersalinitydue to advection
tendency ofsea watersalinitydue to bolus advection
tendency ofsea watersalinitydue to horizontal mixing
tendency ofsea watersalinitydue to sea ice thermodynamics
tendency ofsea watersalinitydue to vertical mixing
tendency ofsea watertemperaturedue to advection
tendency ofsea watertemperaturedue to bolus advection
tendency ofsea watertemperaturedue to horizontal mixing
tendency ofsea watertemperaturedue to vertical mixing
2(function of)(medium)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)(assuming condition)
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to longwave heatingassuming clear sky
tendency ofairtemperaturedue to shortwave heatingassuming clear sky
1(function of)(medium)(vector)
direction ofsea watervelocity
1(function of)(pre adjective)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofocean eddykinetic energy contentdue to bolus transport
2(function of)(pre adjective)(scalar)of (layer)
tendency ofdryenergy contentof atmosphere layer
tendency ofdry staticenergy contentof atmosphere layer
7(function of)(scalar)
change over time insurface snow amount
square ofgeopotential height
tendency ofbedrock altitude
tendency ofspecific humidity
tendency ofsurface snow amount
thickness ofrainfall amount
thickness ofsnowfall amount
8(function of)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to advection
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to convection
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to diffusion
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to stratiform precipitation
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to model physics
tendency ofspecific humiditydue to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing
tendency ofwind speeddue to convection
tendency ofwind speeddue to gravity wave drag
1(function of)(scalar)in (medium)
square ofbrunt vaisala frequencyin air
1(function of)(scalar)of (layer)
tendency ofwater vapor contentof atmosphere layer
10(function of)(scalar)of (layer)due to (phenomenon)
change inenergy contentof atmosphere layerdue to change in sigma coordinate wrt surface pressure
tendency ofenthalpy contentof atmosphere layerdue to advection
tendency ofkinetic energy contentof atmosphere layerdue to advection
tendency ofpotential energy contentof atmosphere layerdue to advection
tendency ofpotential energy contentof ocean layerdue to convection
tendency ofpotential energy contentof ocean layerdue to diffusion
tendency ofwater vapor contentof atmosphere layerdue to convection
tendency ofwater vapor contentof atmosphere layerdue to deep convection
tendency ofwater vapor contentof atmosphere layerdue to shallow convection
tendency ofwater vapor contentof atmosphere layerdue to turbulence
1(function of)(surface)(component)(tensor)
magnitude ofsurfacedownwardstress
1(function of)(surface)(component)(vector)
minus one timestoaoutgoingshortwave flux
2(function of)(surface)(component)(vector)in (medium)
minus one timessurfaceupwellinglongwave fluxin air
minus one timessurfaceupwellingshortwave fluxin air
1(function of)(surface)(medium)(scalar)
tendency ofsurfaceairpressure
1(function of)(surface)(scalar)
square ofsea surfacetemperature
1(function of)(surface)(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
square ofsea surfaceheightabove geoid
3(function of)(vector)
direction ofsea ice displacement
divergence ofwind
magnitude ofsea ice displacement
1(function of)(vector)(preposition) (medium)due to (phenomenon)
minus one timeswater fluxinto sea waterfrom rivers
1(function of)(vector)away from instrument
direction ofradial vectoraway from instrument
5(function of)(vector)in (medium)
volume absorption coefficient ofradiative fluxin sea water
volume backwards scattering coefficient ofradiative fluxin sea water
volume beam attenuation coefficient ofradiative fluxin sea water
volume scattering coefficient ofradiative fluxin sea water
volume scattering function ofradiative fluxin sea water
1(function of)(vector)in (medium)due to (species)
volume absorption coefficient ofradiative fluxin sea waterdue to dissolved organic matter
3(function of)derivative of(scalar)wrt(scalar)
magnitude ofderivative ofpositionwrtmodel level number
magnitude ofderivative ofpositionwrtx coordinate index
magnitude ofderivative ofpositionwrty coordinate index
2(grid component)(vector)
2(grid component)derivative of(scalar)
xderivative ofocean rigid lid pressure
yderivative ofocean rigid lid pressure
2(layer)(cloud type)cloud(scalar)
atmosphereconvectivecloudcondensed water content
atmosphereconvectivecloudliquid water content
2(layer)(component)(tensor)due to (phenomenon)
atmosphereeastwardstressdue to gravity wave drag
atmospherenorthwardstressdue to gravity wave drag
atmospherenet upwardconvective mass flux
atmospheredowndraftconvective mass flux
atmospherenet upwarddeep convective mass flux
atmospherenet upwardshallow convective mass flux
atmosphereupdraftconvective mass flux
oceanbarotropicmass streamfunction
4(layer)(grid component)(vector)
land icexvelocity
land iceyvelocity
sea icexvelocity
sea iceyvelocity
4(layer)(pre adjective)(grid component)(vector)
land icebasalxvelocity
land icebasalyvelocity
land icevertical meanxvelocity
land icevertical meanyvelocity
10(layer)(pre adjective)(scalar)
atmospheredryenergy content
atmospheredry staticenergy content
land icelwebasal melt rate
land icelwecalving rate
land icelwesurface specific mass balance
oceanverticalheat diffusivity
oceanverticalmomentum diffusivity
oceanverticalsalt diffusivity
oceanverticaltracer diffusivity
8(layer)(pre adjective)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
oceanverticalmomentum diffusivitydue to background
oceanverticalmomentum diffusivitydue to convection
oceanverticalmomentum diffusivitydue to form drag
oceanverticalmomentum diffusivitydue to tides
oceanverticaltracer diffusivitydue to background
oceanverticaltracer diffusivitydue to convection
oceanverticaltracer diffusivitydue to tides
oceanverticaltracer diffusivitydue to wind mixing
1(layer)(pre adjective)(vector)
surface snowsublimationheat flux
4(layer)(property)(pre adjective)(scalar)
oceanmomentumxybiharmonic diffusivity
oceanmomentumxylaplacian diffusivity
oceantracerxybiharmonic diffusivity
oceantracerxylaplacian diffusivity
oceantracerbolus biharmonic diffusivity
oceantracerbolus laplacian diffusivity
oceantracerepineutral biharmonic diffusivity
oceantracerepineutral laplacian diffusivity
1(layer)(quantity of)(medium)(per unit)
atmospheremass ofairper unit area
182(layer)(quantity of)(species)
atmospheremass content ofacetic acid
atmospheremass content ofaceto nitrile
atmospheremass content ofalkanes
atmospheremass content ofalkenes
atmospheremass content ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexane
atmospheremass content ofalpha pinene
atmospheremass content ofammonia
atmospheremass content ofammonium dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofaromatic compounds
atmospheremass content ofatomic bromine
atmospheremass content ofatomic chlorine
atmospheremass content ofatomic nitrogen
atmospheremass content ofbenzene
atmospheremass content ofbeta pinene
atmospheremass content ofblack carbon dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofbromine chloride
atmospheremass content ofbromine monoxide
atmospheremass content ofbromine nitrate
atmospheremass content ofbutane
atmospheremass content ofcarbon dioxide
atmospheremass content ofcarbon monoxide
atmospheremass content ofcarbon tetrachloride
atmospheremass content ofcfc11
atmospheremass content ofcfc113
atmospheremass content ofcfc113a
atmospheremass content ofcfc114
atmospheremass content ofcfc115
atmospheremass content ofcfc12
atmospheremass content ofchlorine dioxide
atmospheremass content ofchlorine monoxide
atmospheremass content ofchlorine nitrate
atmospheremass content ofdichlorine peroxide
atmospheremass content ofdimethyl sulfide
atmospheremass content ofdinitrogen pentoxide
atmospheremass content ofdust dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofethane
atmospheremass content ofethanol
atmospheremass content ofethene
atmospheremass content ofethyne
atmospheremass content offormaldehyde
atmospheremass content offormic acid
atmospheremass content ofgaseous divalent mercury
atmospheremass content ofgaseous elemental mercury
atmospheremass content ofhalon1202
atmospheremass content ofhalon1211
atmospheremass content ofhalon1301
atmospheremass content ofhalon2402
atmospheremass content ofhcc140a
atmospheremass content ofhcfc141b
atmospheremass content ofhcfc142b
atmospheremass content ofhcfc22
atmospheremass content ofhexachlorobiphenyl
atmospheremass content ofhydrogen bromide
atmospheremass content ofhydrogen chloride
atmospheremass content ofhydrogen cyanide
atmospheremass content ofhydrogen peroxide
atmospheremass content ofhydroperoxyl radical
atmospheremass content ofhydroxyl radical
atmospheremass content ofhypobromous acid
atmospheremass content ofhypochlorous acid
atmospheremass content ofinorganic bromine
atmospheremass content ofinorganic chlorine
atmospheremass content ofisoprene
atmospheremass content oflimonene
atmospheremass content ofmercury dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofmethane
atmospheremass content ofmethanol
atmospheremass content ofmethyl bromide
atmospheremass content ofmethyl chloride
atmospheremass content ofmethyl hydroperoxide
atmospheremass content ofmethyl peroxy radical
atmospheremass content ofmolecular hydrogen
atmospheremass content ofnitrate dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofnitrate radical
atmospheremass content ofnitric acid
atmospheremass content ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
atmospheremass content ofnitrogen monoxide
atmospheremass content ofnitrous acid
atmospheremass content ofnitrous oxide
atmospheremass content ofoxygenated hydrocarbons
atmospheremass content ofozone
atmospheremass content ofparticulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofperoxy radicals
atmospheremass content ofperoxyacetyl nitrate
atmospheremass content ofperoxynitric acid
atmospheremass content ofprimary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofpropane
atmospheremass content ofpropene
atmospheremass content ofradon
atmospheremass content ofseasalt dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofsecondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofsulfate ambient aerosol
atmospheremass content ofsulfate dry aerosol
atmospheremass content ofsulfur dioxide
atmospheremass content ofterpenes
atmospheremass content oftoluene
atmospheremass content ofwater in ambient aerosol
atmospheremass content ofwater vapor
atmospheremass content ofxylene
atmospheremoles ofacetic acid
atmospheremoles ofaceto nitrile
atmospheremoles ofalpha hexachlorocyclohexane
atmospheremoles ofalpha pinene
atmospheremoles ofammonia
atmospheremoles ofatomic bromine
atmospheremoles ofatomic chlorine
atmospheremoles ofatomic nitrogen
atmospheremoles ofbenzene
atmospheremoles ofbeta pinene
atmospheremoles ofbromine chloride
atmospheremoles ofbromine monoxide
atmospheremoles ofbromine nitrate
atmospheremoles ofbutane
atmospheremoles ofcarbon dioxide
atmospheremoles ofcarbon monoxide
atmospheremoles ofcarbon tetrachloride
atmospheremoles ofcfc11
atmospheremoles ofcfc113
atmospheremoles ofcfc113a
atmospheremoles ofcfc114
atmospheremoles ofcfc115
atmospheremoles ofcfc12
atmospheremoles ofchlorine dioxide
atmospheremoles ofchlorine monoxide
atmospheremoles ofchlorine nitrate
atmospheremoles ofdichlorine peroxide
atmospheremoles ofdimethyl sulfide
atmospheremoles ofdinitrogen pentoxide
atmospheremoles ofethane
atmospheremoles ofethanol
atmospheremoles ofethene
atmospheremoles ofethyne
atmospheremoles offormaldehyde
atmospheremoles offormic acid
atmospheremoles ofgaseous divalent mercury
atmospheremoles ofgaseous elemental mercury
atmospheremoles ofhalon1202
atmospheremoles ofhalon1211
atmospheremoles ofhalon1301
atmospheremoles ofhalon2402
atmospheremoles ofhcc140a
atmospheremoles ofhcfc141b
atmospheremoles ofhcfc142b
atmospheremoles ofhcfc22
atmospheremoles ofhexachlorobiphenyl
atmospheremoles ofhydrogen bromide
atmospheremoles ofhydrogen chloride
atmospheremoles ofhydrogen cyanide
atmospheremoles ofhydrogen peroxide
atmospheremoles ofhydroperoxyl radical
atmospheremoles ofhydroxyl radical
atmospheremoles ofhypobromous acid
atmospheremoles ofhypochlorous acid
atmospheremoles ofinorganic bromine
atmospheremoles ofinorganic chlorine
atmospheremoles ofisoprene
atmospheremoles oflimonene
atmospheremoles ofmethane
atmospheremoles ofmethanol
atmospheremoles ofmethyl bromide
atmospheremoles ofmethyl chloride
atmospheremoles ofmethyl hydroperoxide
atmospheremoles ofmethyl peroxy radical
atmospheremoles ofmolecular hydrogen
atmospheremoles ofnitrate radical
atmospheremoles ofnitric acid
atmospheremoles ofnitric acid trihydrate ambient aerosol
atmospheremoles ofnitrogen dioxide
atmospheremoles ofnitrogen monoxide
atmospheremoles ofnitrous acid
atmospheremoles ofnitrous oxide
atmospheremoles ofozone
atmospheremoles ofperoxyacetyl nitrate
atmospheremoles ofperoxynitric acid
atmospheremoles ofpropane
atmospheremoles ofpropene
atmospheremoles ofradon
atmospheremoles ofsulfur dioxide
atmospheremoles oftoluene
atmospheremoles ofwater vapor
atmospheremoles ofxylene
oceanmass content ofdissolved inorganic carbon
17(layer)(quantity of)(species)expressed as(species)
atmospheremass content ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremass content ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremass content ofbroxexpressed asbromine
atmospheremass content ofcloxexpressed aschlorine
atmospheremass content ofhoxexpressed ashydrogen
atmospheremass content ofnmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremass content ofnoxexpressed asnitrogen
atmospheremass content ofnoyexpressed asnitrogen
atmospheremass content ofsulfateexpressed assulfur dry aerosol
atmospheremoles ofanthropogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremoles ofbiogenic nmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremoles ofbroxexpressed asbromine
atmospheremoles ofcloxexpressed aschlorine
atmospheremoles ofhoxexpressed ashydrogen
atmospheremoles ofnmvocexpressed ascarbon
atmospheremoles ofnoxexpressed asnitrogen
atmospheremoles ofnoyexpressed asnitrogen
atmosphereabsolute vorticity
atmosphere boundary layerthickness
atmosphereenergy content
atmosphereenthalpy content
atmosphereheat diffusivity
atmospherehorizontal streamfunction
atmospherehorizontal velocity potential
atmospherehybrid height coordinate
atmospherehybrid sigma pressure coordinate
atmospherekinetic energy content
atmosphereln pressure coordinate
atmospheremomentum diffusivity
atmospherenet rate of absorption of longwave energy
atmospherenet rate of absorption of shortwave energy
atmospherepotential energy content
atmosphererelative vorticity
atmospheresigma coordinate
atmospherespecific convective available potential energy
atmospheresulfate content
atmospherewater content
atmospherewater vapor content
floating icethickness
landarea fraction
landbinary mask
land icearea fraction
land icebasal melt rate
land icecalving rate
land icesigma coordinate
land icesurface specific mass balance
land icetemperature
land icethickness
oceanbarotropic streamfunction
oceanmeridional overturning mass streamfunction
oceanmeridional overturning streamfunction
ocean mixed layerthickness
oceansigma coordinate
oceanvolume fraction
oceany overturning mass streamfunction
seaarea fraction
sea icealbedo
sea iceamount
sea icearea
sea icearea fraction
sea icedraft
sea iceextent
sea icefreeboard
sea icemass
sea icespeed
sea icetemperature
sea icethickness
sea icevolume
surface snow and icemelt heat flux
surface snow and icesublimation flux
surface snowarea fraction
surface snowmelt amount
surface snowmelt and sublimation heat flux
surface snowmelt flux
surface snowmelt heat flux
surface snowsublimation amount
surface snowthickness
vegetationarea fraction
vegetationcarbon content
1(layer)(scalar)(per unit)
atmospheremassper unit area
2(layer)(scalar)(per unit)due to (phenomenon)
oceankinetic energy dissipationper unit areadue to vertical friction
oceankinetic energy dissipationper unit areadue to xy friction
1(layer)(scalar)defined by(pre adjective)(scalar)
ocean mixed layerthicknessdefined byverticaltracer diffusivity
4(layer)(scalar)defined by(scalar)
ocean mixed layerthicknessdefined bymixing scheme
ocean mixed layerthicknessdefined bysigma t
ocean mixed layerthicknessdefined bysigma theta
ocean mixed layerthicknessdefined bytemperature
5(layer)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to cloud
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to convective cloud
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to stratiform cloud
oceanmeridional overturning mass streamfunctiondue to bolus advection
oceany overturning mass streamfunctiondue to bolus advection
15(layer)(scalar)due to (species)
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to ambient aerosol
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to black carbon ambient aerosol
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to dust ambient aerosol
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to seasalt ambient aerosol
atmosphereabsorption optical thicknessdue to sulfate ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to black carbon ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to dust ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to pm10 ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to pm1 ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to pm2p5 ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to seasalt ambient aerosol
atmosphereoptical thicknessdue to water in ambient aerosol
atmospherecloudcondensed water content
atmospherecloudice content
atmospherecloudliquid water content
1(layer)integral of(medium)(scalar)wrt(scalar)
oceanintegral ofsea watertemperaturewrtdepth
3(layer)number content of(particles)
atmospherenumber content ofaerosol particles
atmospherenumber content ofcloud droplets
atmospherenumber content ofice crystals
2(medium)(grid component)(vector)
sea waterxvelocity
sea wateryvelocity
airpotential temperature
airtemperature lapse rate
littercarbon content
littercarbon flux
sea waterage since surface contact
sea wateralkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
sea waterdensity
sea waterelectrical conductivity
sea watermass
sea waterph reported on total scale
sea waterpotential density
sea waterpotential temperature
sea waterpressure
sea watersalinity
sea watersigma t
sea watersigma theta
sea waterspeed
sea watertemperature
sea watervolume
soilcarbon content
soilfrozen water content
soilthermal capacity
soilthermal conductivity
1(medium)(scalar)(per unit)
sea watermassper unit area
3(medium)(scalar)(post adjective)
9(medium)(scalar)at (surface)
airpressureat cloud base
airpressureat cloud top
airpressureat convective cloud base
airpressureat convective cloud top
airpressureat freezing level
airpressureat sea level
airtemperatureat cloud top
sea waterpressureat sea floor
sea waterpressureat sea water surface
biomass burningcarbon flux
heterotrophic respirationcarbon flux
plant respirationcarbon flux
soil respirationcarbon flux
4(pre adjective)(cloud type)(scalar)
lweconvectiveprecipitation rate
lweconvectivesnowfall rate
lwelarge scaleprecipitation rate
lwelarge scalesnowfall rate
4(pre adjective)(function of)(cloud type)(scalar)
lwethickness ofconvectiveprecipitation amount
lwethickness ofconvectivesnowfall amount
lwethickness oflarge scaleprecipitation amount
lwethickness oflarge scalesnowfall amount
1(pre adjective)(function of)(layer)(scalar)
lwethickness ofatmospherewater vapor content
5(pre adjective)(function of)(scalar)
lwethickness ofprecipitation amount
lwethickness ofsnowfall amount
lwethickness ofsoil moisture content
lwethickness ofsurface snow amount
lwethickness ofwater evaporation amount
2(pre adjective)(function of)(scalar)of (layer)
lwethickness offrozen water contentof soil layer
lwethickness ofmoisture contentof soil layer
1(pre adjective)(function of)(surface)(scalar)
lwethickness ofcanopywater amount
2(pre adjective)(pre adjective)(scalar)
global averagestericsea level change
global averagethermostericsea level change
21(pre adjective)(scalar)
correction for model negativespecific humidity
equivalentpotential temperature
equivalentreflectivity factor
global averagesea level change
grossprimary productivity of carbon
lweprecipitation rate
lwesnowfall rate
lwewater evaporation rate
netprimary productivity of carbon
platformpitch angle
platformpitch rate
platformroll angle
platformroll rate
platformyaw angle
platformyaw rate
pseudo equivalentpotential temperature
pseudo equivalenttemperature
sunlitbinary mask
vertical component of ocean xytracer diffusivity
6(pre adjective)(scalar)by (species)
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby calcareous phytoplankton
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby diatoms
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby diazotrophs
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby miscellaneous phytoplankton
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby phytoplankton
netprimary mole productivity of carbonby picophytoplankton
1(pre adjective)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
netprimary mole productivity of carbondue to nitrate utilization
2(pre adjective)(scalar)of (layer)
dryenergy contentof atmosphere layer
dry staticenergy contentof atmosphere layer
1(pre adjective)cloud(scalar)
isccpcloudarea fraction
2(quantity of)(layer)(scalar)
equivalent pressure ofatmosphereozone content
equivalent thickness at stp ofatmosphereozone content
7(quantity of)(species)(per unit)in (medium)
moles ofnitrate and nitriteper unit massin sea water
moles ofnitrateper unit massin sea water
moles ofnitriteper unit massin sea water
moles ofoxygenper unit massin sea water
moles ofphosphateper unit massin sea water
moles ofsilicateper unit massin sea water
moles ofcfc11per unit massin sea water
age of stratospheric air
altimeter range
angle of emergence
angle of incidence
area fraction
area type
atmosphere sleve coordinate
backscattering ratio
baseflow amount
beaufort wind force
bedrock altitude
brightness temperature
canopy throughfall flux
cell area
cell thickness
coriolis parameter
dew point depression
dew point temperature
difference of air pressure from model reference
dimensionless exner function
duration of sunshine
equilibrium line altitude
ertel potential vorticity
forecast period
forecast reference time
geopotential height
grid latitude
grid longitude
humidity mixing ratio
leaf area index
model level number
normalized difference vegetation index
ocean heat x transport
ocean heat y transport
ocean isopycnal layer thickness diffusivity
ocean mass x transport
ocean mass y transport
ocean montgomery potential
ocean rigid lid pressure
ocean salt x transport
ocean salt y transport
ocean s coordinate
ocean volume
planetary albedo
platform course
platform orientation
precipitation amount
precipitation flux
projection x coordinate
projection y coordinate
radiation frequency
radiation wavelength
rainfall amount
rainfall flux
rainfall rate
relative humidity
root depth
runoff amount
runoff flux
scattering angle
sea area
sea ice x displacement
sea ice y displacement
snow density
snow grain size
snowfall amount
snowfall flux
soil moisture content
soil porosity
soil type
solar azimuth angle
solar elevation angle
solar zenith angle
sound frequency
specific gravitational potential energy
specific humidity
surface roughness length
surface snow amount
thunderstorm probability
toa bidirectional reflectance
transpiration amount
transpiration flux
virtual temperature
water evaporation amount
water evaporation flux
water potential evaporation amount
water potential evaporation flux
water sublimation flux
wet bulb temperature
wind speed
wind speed shear
zenith angle
3(scalar)(assuming condition)
soil hydraulic conductivityat saturation
soil moisture contentat field capacity
soil suctionat saturation
4(scalar)(post adjective)
geopotential heightanomaly
reference sea water densityfor boussinesq approximation
runoff amountexcluding baseflow
wind speedof gust
1(scalar)(post adjective)due to (phenomenon)
bedrock altitudechangedue to isostatic adjustment
1(scalar)(post adjective)in (medium)
temperature of sensorfor oxygenin sea water
2(scalar)(preposition) (medium)
water evaporation fluxfrom soil
wind mixing energy fluxinto sea water
6(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
area fractionbelow surface
heightabove reference ellipsoid
heightabove sea floor
precipitation fluxonto canopy
water evaporation amountfrom canopy
water evaporation fluxfrom canopy
6(scalar)at (surface)
altitudeat top of dry convection
heightat cloud top
model level numberat convective cloud base
model level numberat convective cloud top
model level numberat sea floor
model level numberat top of atmosphere boundary layer
1(scalar)at (surface)defined by(scalar)
model level numberat base of ocean mixed layerdefined bysigma theta
1(scalar)at maximum upward derivativeof (medium)(scalar)
depthat maximum upward derivativeof sea waterpotential temperature
1(scalar)at shallowest local minimum in vertical profileof(concentration of)(species)in (medium)
depthat shallowest local minimum in vertical profileofmole concentration ofdissolved molecular oxygenin sea water
11(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
altimeter range correctiondue to dry troposphere
altimeter range correctiondue to ionosphere
altimeter range correctiondue to wet troposphere
ocean heat x transportdue to bolus advection
ocean heat x transportdue to diffusion
ocean heat y transportdue to bolus advection
ocean heat y transportdue to diffusion
ocean mass x transportdue to advection
ocean mass x transportdue to advection and bolus advection
ocean mass y transportdue to advection
ocean mass y transportdue to advection and bolus advection
3(scalar)due to (phenomenon)expressed as(vector)(preposition) (medium)
temperature fluxdue to evaporationexpressed asheat fluxout of sea water
temperature fluxdue to rainfallexpressed asheat fluxinto sea water
temperature fluxdue to runoffexpressed asheat fluxinto sea water
1(scalar)expressed as(surface)(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
ocean rigid lid pressureexpressed assea surfaceheightabove geoid
4(scalar)for (property)in (medium)
surface drag coefficientfor heatin air
surface drag coefficientfor momentumin air
surface roughness lengthfor heatin air
surface roughness lengthfor momentumin air
20(scalar)in (medium)
bioluminescent photon ratein sea water
brunt vaisala frequencyin air
kinetic energy dissipationin atmosphere boundary layer
net rate of absorption of longwave energyin atmosphere layer
net rate of absorption of shortwave energyin atmosphere layer
richardson numberin sea water
temperaturein snow
sound intensityin air
sound intensityin water
sound intensity levelin air
sound intensity levelin water
sound pressurein air
sound pressurein water
sound pressure levelin air
sound pressure levelin water
speed of soundin air
speed of soundin sea water
surface drag coefficientin air
visibilityin air
volume attenuated backwards scattering functionin air
1(scalar)in (medium)(assuming condition)
volume attenuated backwards scattering functionin airassuming no aerosol or cloud
13(scalar)of (layer)
enthalpy contentof atmosphere layer
frozen water contentof soil layer
kinetic energy contentof atmosphere layer
liquid water contentof surface snow
liquid water contentof soil layer
moisture contentof soil layer
potential energy contentof atmosphere layer
potential vorticityof atmosphere layer
potential vorticityof ocean layer
soot contentof surface snow
thermal energy contentof surface snow
water contentof atmosphere layer
water vapor contentof atmosphere layer
1(scalar)of (layer)(assuming condition)
moisture contentof soil layerat field capacity
1(scalar)of (layer)due to (species)
optical thicknessof atmosphere layerdue to ambient aerosol
5(scalar)of (medium)
freezing temperatureof sea water
secchi depthof sea water
specific dry energyof air
specific kinetic energyof air
specific kinetic energyof sea water
platform speedwrtair
platform speedwrtground
platform speedwrtsea water
water vaporpartial pressure
water vaporsaturation deficit
2(surface)(component)(grid component)(tensor)
2(surface)(component)(grid component)(tensor)(post adjective)
2(surface)(component)(material flux of)(species)
surfacedownwardmole flux ofmolecular oxygen
surfaceupwardmole flux ofdimethyl sulfide
1(surface)(component)(material flux of)(species)expressed as(species)
surfacedownwardmass flux ofcarbon dioxideexpressed ascarbon
surfaceeastwardsea watervelocity
surfacenorthwardsea watervelocity
4(surface)(component)(pre adjective)(vector)
surfacedownwardlatentheat flux
surfacedownwardsensibleheat flux
surfaceupwardlatentheat flux
surfaceupwardsensibleheat flux
21(surface)(component)(pre adjective)(vector)in (medium)
surfacediffuse downwellingphotosyntheticradiative fluxin air
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticphoton fluxin air
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticphoton fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticphoton radiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticradiative fluxin air
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticradiative fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingphotosyntheticspherical irradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralphoton fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralphoton radiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralradiative fluxin air
surfacedownwellingspectralradiative fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingspectralspherical irradiancein sea water
surfaceupwellingphotosyntheticphoton fluxin air
surfaceupwellingspectralradiancein air
surfaceupwellingspectralradiancein sea water
surfaceupwellingspectralradiative fluxin air
surfaceupwellingspectralradiative fluxin sea water
2(surface)(component)(pre adjective)(vector)in (medium)(preposition) (medium)
surfaceupwellingspectralradiancein airemerging from sea water
surfaceupwellingspectralradiancein airreflected by sea water
surfacedownwardwater flux
surfacenet downwardlongwave flux
surfacenet downwardradiative flux
surfacenet downwardshortwave flux
surfacenet upwardlongwave flux
surfacenet upwardradiative flux
surfacenet upwardshortwave flux
surfaceupwardwater flux
toaincomingshortwave flux
toanet downwardlongwave flux
toanet downwardradiative flux
toanet downwardshortwave flux
toanet upwardlongwave flux
toanet upwardshortwave flux
toaoutgoinglongwave flux
toaoutgoingshortwave flux
tropopausedownwellinglongwave flux
tropopausenet downwardlongwave flux
tropopausenet downwardshortwave flux
tropopauseupwellingshortwave flux
7(surface)(component)(vector)(assuming condition)
surfacenet downwardlongwave fluxassuming clear sky
surfacenet downwardshortwave fluxassuming clear sky
toanet downwardlongwave fluxassuming clear sky
toanet downwardshortwave fluxassuming clear sky
toanet upwardlongwave fluxassuming clear sky
toaoutgoinglongwave fluxassuming clear sky
toaoutgoingshortwave fluxassuming clear sky
16(surface)(component)(vector)in (medium)
surfacedownwardheat fluxin air
surfacedownwardheat fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellinglongwave fluxin air
surfacedownwellingphoton fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingphoton radiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingphoton spherical irradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingradiancein sea water
surfacedownwellingradiative fluxin sea water
surfacedownwellingshortwave fluxin air
surfacedownwellingspherical irradiancein sea water
surfaceupwardheat fluxin air
surfaceupwardwater vapor fluxin air
surfaceupwellinglongwave fluxin air
surfaceupwellingradiancein air
surfaceupwellingradiancein sea water
surfaceupwellingshortwave fluxin air
4(surface)(component)(vector)in (medium)(assuming condition)
surfacedownwellinglongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
surfacedownwellingshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
surfaceupwellinglongwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
surfaceupwellingshortwave fluxin airassuming clear sky
2(surface)(component)(vector)in (medium)(preposition) (medium)
surfaceupwellingradiancein airemerging from sea water
surfaceupwellingradiancein airreflected by sea water
surfacegeostrophiceastwardsea watervelocity
surfacegeostrophicnorthwardsea watervelocity
2(surface)(dynamic)(component)(medium)(vector)(assuming condition)
surfacegeostrophiceastwardsea watervelocityassuming sea level for geoid
surfacegeostrophicnorthwardsea watervelocityassuming sea level for geoid
2(surface)(dynamic)(medium)(grid component)(vector)
surfacegeostrophicsea waterxvelocity
surfacegeostrophicsea wateryvelocity
2(surface)(dynamic)(medium)(grid component)(vector)(assuming condition)
surfacegeostrophicsea waterxvelocityassuming sea level for geoid
surfacegeostrophicsea wateryvelocityassuming sea level for geoid
1(surface)(function of)(vector)
surfacebackwards scattering coefficient ofradar wave
4(surface)(pre adjective)(direction)
sea surfaceswell waveto direction
sea surfacewavefrom direction
sea surfacewaveto direction
sea surfacewind waveto direction
24(surface)(pre adjective)(scalar)
sea surfaceswell waveperiod
sea surfaceswell wavesignificant height
sea surfaceswell wavezero upcrossing period
sea surfacewavedirectional variance spectral density
sea surfacewavesignificant height
sea surfacewavevariance spectral density
sea surfacewavezero upcrossing period
sea surfacewind waveperiod
sea surfacewind wavesignificant height
sea surfacewind wavezero upcrossing period
toaadjustedlongwave forcing
toaadjustedradiative forcing
toaadjustedshortwave forcing
toainstantaneouslongwave forcing
toainstantaneousradiative forcing
toainstantaneousshortwave forcing
toalongwavecloud radiative effect
toashortwavecloud radiative effect
tropopauseadjustedlongwave forcing
tropopauseadjustedradiative forcing
tropopauseadjustedshortwave forcing
tropopauseinstantaneouslongwave forcing
tropopauseinstantaneousradiative forcing
tropopauseinstantaneousshortwave forcing
9(surface)(pre adjective)(scalar)(frequency moment)
sea surfaceswell wavemean period from variance spectral densityfirst frequency moment
sea surfaceswell wavemean period from variance spectral densityinverse frequency moment
sea surfaceswell wavemean period from variance spectral densitysecond frequency moment
sea surfacewavemean period from variance spectral densityfirst frequency moment
sea surfacewavemean period from variance spectral densityinverse frequency moment
sea surfacewavemean period from variance spectral densitysecond frequency moment
sea surfacewind wavemean period from variance spectral densityfirst frequency moment
sea surfacewind wavemean period from variance spectral densityinverse frequency moment
sea surfacewind wavemean period from variance spectral densitysecond frequency moment
1(surface)(pre adjective)(scalar)(post adjective)
sea surfacewaveperiodat variance spectral density maximum
canopy and surfacewater amount
canopywater amount
cloud basealtitude
cloud topaltitude
dynamic tropopausepotential temperature
freezing levelaltitude
sea surfacedensity
sea surfacefoundation temperature
sea surfacesalinity
sea surfaceskin temperature
sea surfacesubskin temperature
sea surfacetemperature
subsurfacerunoff amount
subsurfacerunoff flux
surfacebrightness temperature
surfacelongwave emissivity
surfacemicrowave emissivity
surfacerunoff amount
surfacerunoff flux
surfacespecific humidity
surfacewater amount
toabrightness temperature
toacloud radiative effect
3(surface)(scalar)(assuming condition)
surfacealbedoassuming deep snow
surfacealbedoassuming no snow
toabrightness temperatureassuming clear sky
1(surface)(scalar)(post adjective)
8(surface)(scalar)(post adjective)due to (phenomenon)
sea surfaceheightamplitudedue to earth tide
sea surfaceheightamplitudedue to equilibrium ocean tide
sea surfaceheightamplitudedue to geocentric ocean tide
sea surfaceheightamplitudedue to non equilibrium ocean tide
sea surfaceheightamplitudedue to pole tide
sea surfaceheightbiasdue to sea surface roughness
sea surfaceheightcorrectiondue to air pressure at low frequency
sea surfaceheightcorrectiondue to air pressure and wind at high frequency
7(surface)(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
geoidheightabove reference ellipsoid
sea floordepthbelow geoid
sea floordepthbelow sea level
sea floordepthbelow sea surface
sea surfaceheightabove geoid
sea surfaceheightabove reference ellipsoid
sea surfaceheightabove sea level
surfacecarbon dioxidemole flux
3(surface)(species)partial pressure difference between(medium)and(medium)
surfacecarbon dioxidepartial pressure difference betweenairandsea water
surfacecarbon dioxidepartial pressure difference betweensea waterandair
surfacemolecular oxygenpartial pressure difference betweensea waterandair
1(surface)ratio of(component)(vector)(preposition) (medium)to(component)(vector)in (medium)
surfaceratio ofupwellingradianceemerging from sea watertodownwellingradiative fluxin air
windfrom direction
windto direction
4(vector)(post adjective)
heat fluxcorrection
sea ice transportacross line
virtual salt fluxcorrection
water fluxcorrection
4(vector)(preposition) (medium)
virtual salt fluxinto sea water
water fluxinto sea water
water fluxout of sea ice and sea water
water fluxout of sea water
1(vector)(preposition) (medium)(assuming condition)
water fluxinto sea waterwithout flux correction
17(vector)(preposition) (medium)due to (phenomenon)
heat fluxinto sea waterdue to iceberg thermodynamics
heat fluxinto sea waterdue to newtonian relaxation
heat fluxinto sea waterdue to sea ice thermodynamics
heat fluxinto sea waterdue to snow thermodynamics
salt fluxinto sea waterfrom rivers
virtual salt fluxinto sea waterdue to evaporation
virtual salt fluxinto sea waterdue to newtonian relaxation
virtual salt fluxinto sea waterdue to rainfall
virtual salt fluxinto sea waterdue to sea ice thermodynamics
virtual salt fluxinto sea waterfrom rivers
water fluxinto sea waterdue to sea ice thermodynamics
water fluxinto sea waterfrom icebergs
water fluxinto sea waterfrom rivers
water fluxinto sea waterfrom rivers and surface downward water flux
water fluxout of sea waterdue to newtonian relaxation
water fluxout of sea waterdue to sea ice thermodynamics
water volume transportinto sea waterfrom rivers
2angle of rotation from east to(grid component)
angle of rotation from east tox
angle of rotation from east toy
1angstrom exponent of(species)in (medium)
angstrom exponent ofambient aerosolin air
cloudarea fraction
1cloud(scalar)in (medium)
cloudarea fractionin atmosphere layer
3cloud(scalar)of (layer)
cloudcondensed water contentof atmosphere layer
cloudice contentof atmosphere layer
cloudliquid water contentof atmosphere layer
cloudicemixing ratio
cloudliquid watermixing ratio
9effective radius of(cloud type)cloud(particles)
effective radius ofconvectivecloudice particle
effective radius ofconvectivecloudliquid water particle
effective radius ofconvectivecloudrain particle
effective radius ofconvectivecloudsnow particle
effective radius ofstratiformcloudgraupel particle
effective radius ofstratiformcloudice particle
effective radius ofstratiformcloudliquid water particle
effective radius ofstratiformcloudrain particle
effective radius ofstratiformcloudsnow particle
1histogram of(pre adjective)(scalar)over(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
histogram ofequivalentreflectivity factoroverheightabove reference ellipsoid
1histogram of(scalar)over(scalar)(preposition) (surface)
histogram ofbackscattering ratiooverheightabove reference ellipsoid
2integral of(medium)(scalar)(post adjective)wrt(scalar)
integral ofairtemperaturedeficitwrttime
integral ofairtemperatureexcesswrttime
1integral of(medium)(scalar)wrt(scalar)expressed as(scalar)
integral ofsea waterpotential temperaturewrtdepthexpressed asheat content
1integral of(medium)(scalar)wrt(scalar)in (medium)
integral ofsea watertemperaturewrtdepthin ocean layer
2integral of(surface)(component)(component)(tensor)wrt(scalar)
integral ofsurfacedownwardeastwardstresswrttime
integral ofsurfacedownwardnorthwardstresswrttime
2integral of(surface)(component)(pre adjective)(vector)wrt(scalar)
integral ofsurfacedownwardlatentheat fluxwrttime
integral ofsurfacedownwardsensibleheat fluxwrttime
2integral of(surface)(component)(vector)in (medium)wrt(scalar)
integral ofsurfacedownwellinglongwave fluxin airwrttime
integral ofsurfacedownwellingshortwave fluxin airwrttime
4integral of(surface)(component)(vector)wrt(scalar)
integral ofsurfacenet downwardlongwave fluxwrttime
integral ofsurfacenet downwardshortwave fluxwrttime
integral oftoanet downwardshortwave fluxwrttime
integral oftoaoutgoinglongwave fluxwrttime
1integral wrt(scalar)of(function of)(medium)(scalar)
integral wrtdepthoftendency ofsea wateralkalinity expressed as mole equivalent
1integral wrt(scalar)of(function of)(medium)(scalar)due to (phenomenon)
integral wrtdepthoftendency ofsea wateralkalinity expressed as mole equivalentdue to biological processes
1mole ratio of(species)to(species)in (medium)
mole ratio ofnitratetophosphatein sea water
1product of(component)(medium)(vector)and(medium)(scalar)
product ofupwardairvelocityandairtemperature
5product of(component)(medium)(vector)and(scalar)
product ofeastwardsea watervelocityandsalinity
product ofeastwardsea watervelocityandtemperature
product ofnorthwardsea watervelocityandsalinity
product ofnorthwardsea watervelocityandtemperature
product ofupwardairvelocityandspecific humidity
2product of(component)(vector)and(component)(medium)(vector)
product ofeastwardwindandupwardairvelocity
product ofnorthwardwindandupwardairvelocity
1product of(component)(vector)and(component)(vector)
product ofeastwardwindandnorthwardwind
2product of(component)(vector)and(medium)(scalar)
product ofeastwardwindandairtemperature
product ofnorthwardwindandairtemperature
6product of(component)(vector)and(scalar)
product ofeastwardwindandgeopotential height
product ofeastwardwindandomega
product ofeastwardwindandspecific humidity
product ofnorthwardwindandgeopotential height
product ofnorthwardwindandomega
product ofnorthwardwindandspecific humidity
2product of(medium)(scalar)and(scalar)
product ofairtemperatureandomega
product ofairtemperatureandspecific humidity
1product of(scalar)and(medium)(scalar)
product ofomegaandairtemperature
3product of(scalar)and(scalar)
product ofgeopotential heightandomega
product ofomegaandspecific humidity
product ofspecific humidityandomega
2ratio of(grid component)derivative of(scalar)to(surface)(scalar)
ratio ofxderivative ofocean rigid lid pressuretosea surfacedensity
ratio ofyderivative ofocean rigid lid pressuretosea surfacedensity

12th May 2010

Previous version: 2nd May 2010, for version 13 of the standard name table

Jonathan Gregory