Panto 2023!
Hette Houtman <>
24/11/2023, 14:06

Hi all,

For those of you who didn't see the fabulous trailer in WCD today, 


is the title of this year's panto, and we'd love to see you all there! The panto is organised every year by PhD students and this tradition goes back to 1992 (see for more on the history of the panto).

Tickets will be on sale from next Monday (27th) and can be bought off Catherine Toolan, Rosie Mammatt, or Hette Houtman in HP180, or if you'd rather not walk all the way over to Harry Pitt, from Sarah Watson in BH 3L67. You can also send us an email. Tickets are priced at £5 for adults and £2 for children. Payment can be in cash or by bank transfer.

Doors will open at 7pm on Thursday December 7th.

As is tradition, there will be a buffet in the BH coffee room before the panto. Please sign up here if you would like to bring food.

Finally, a request for interval acts. If you would like to perform, please reply to this email - any act is welcome (we would love to see the staff singing again this year)!

Best wishes,
Catherine, Rosie and Hette
Panto 2023 Organisers

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