Rosie Mammatt
30/10/2023, 09:47

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it's the end of October already? "Oh no it isn't", I hear you cry! Well - "oh yes it is"!

And that means it's time to announce the panto! To keep with tradition, the panto will be held on the evening of the 7th of December (the last Thursday of term) in the Madejski Lecture Theatre, so save the date! It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.

This is also an opportunity for the staff to show off their talents! If you would like to perform an interval act, please get in touch with Hette (cc'd) or me. We'd love to see what you guys can do!

But December is ages away, right? Oh no, "it's behind you"We'd best get practising... 

Rosie and Hette

PS - if anyone has any cardboard they want to get rid of (especially big pieces), please let us know or bring it to HP180. Thanks!