From: Rebecca Couchman-Crook 
To: "" 
Thread-Topic: Panto tickets!!!
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 10:41:15 +0000

Hello all,

That time of the year is nearly upon us, for tomorrow is the Met Panto of Oliver Twister!

Tickets are on sale at lunch in Met and from office 2U08 and Simon Lee in Lyle, priced ?35 for adults and ?32 for children. There's a buffet prior to the show (18:15) and drinks and dancing afterwards, with tunes from our very own DJ Shonk.

The cast have been working hard the whole term to make this a reality, so show your support as we delight you with parody songs from Oliver, the 1970s and way into the future, we=92ve got croquet jokes galore and interval acts not to be missed!

See you there!