East Berkshire temperature time series
Now updated to December/Year 2024.
The images below are plotted values of the East Berkshire Temperature time series.
This series has been determined using reported monthly-mean temperatures from many
of the weather stations that have been open in the Reading-Bracknell-Wokingham-Maidenhead
area at some point in time since 1863.
The weather stations currently used are those for Maidenhead West,
Crowthorne 2, Wokingham
and the University of Reading. Monthly data for all these stations can be found
in the monthly Bulletin of the Climatological Observers Link.
Each graph shows:
- The temperature anomaly with respect to the average for the 30-year period 1991-2020.
Months/years shaded in red were warmer than average, those in blue were colder.
- The mean temperature for the area at mean sea level assuming
a reduction in temperature of 0.6 degC for each 100 m of altitude. Thus for a location in the area that is at
50 metres above sea level the user should subtract 0.3 degC to get a value representation of their
- A 30-year running mean to illustrate any temperature trends in a smooth fashion. Note
that the value for any 30-year period is plotted at the end of the 30-year period.
For monthly, seasonal and annual charts, select an image below and then use the left
mouse button to view a larger version of the image.
January February March April
May June July August
September October November December
Spring(MAM) Summer(JJA) Autumn(SON) Winter(DJF)
(Note that winter data are plotted according to the year of the December
of the winter - thus the winter '2011-12' is shown as '2011'.)
Updated to include 2024. Source: Climate stripes